Gao Han narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Mianxin lightly: "Have you been a zombie for too long, and your brain is stiff?" I wonder if that stupid person came up with a restoration plan? I really wanted to break open his brain and see if there was pus inside. ”

Although Gao Han has never seen those Sejong and Holy Ancestors, he still has taboos about Maoshan Mountain, and that is at most the Flying Zombie realm. It has only been thousands of years since a few droughts appeared, and each one of them needs to exhaust the power of the world to be destroyed. How powerful is that? If it really reaches the dryad, do you need to be so secretive?

As for the so-called zombies invulnerable, steel and iron bones, that is only relatively speaking, Gao Han can be sure that even if they fly zombies, if they encounter the most advanced thermal weapons of this era, if they do not dodge, they will be blasted into a pile of minced meat, and the so-called restoration is just a joke.

Gao Han said it very clearly word by word, and Mianxin also heard Gao Han's words clearly, his face froze for a moment, and then his hair stood up angrily, and he smoked and laughed angrily: "Good!" Good! Good! I have decided, I will not kill you, I will use the cruelest punishment on you. ”

"A lot of nonsense!"

Listening to Mianxin's threat, Gao Han's eyelids did not jump a little, and the thunder sword flying in the air passed silently in the air, slashing a purple arc in the air, "slashing" towards the zombie.

That zombie is just a jumping zombie, even if it is stronger than the zombie that Ren Hong has become, but it is also limited in strength, and it is not like a music zombie immune to Maoshan spells, so it was only a moment before it was "chopped" by Gao Han's skin and flesh, although it was not dead, but it also lost most of its combat effectiveness, and at this time it was "chopped" by the thunder sword controlled by Gao Han, and there were many more burnt wounds on the body in an instant.

Mianxin saw that the zombie was about to die in the hands of Lei Jian, his eyes turned, aimed at Uncle Jiu, opened his mouth and spit out, a large piece of black gas erupted from his mouth, and the cold aura of the sky spread with the black qi, filling a radius of tens of meters, turning this place into a ghost, gloomy and fierce.

"Senior brother, this zombie is about to turn into a flying zombie, don't let him form a ghost, your strength will be suppressed at that time."

Qianhe's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted.

Even if Qianhe does not shout, Uncle Nine knows that the purpose of this zombie is to turn this place into a ghost, and among the ghosts, the strength of the zombies should be increased by three layers, and their strength must be suppressed by three layers, and the difference between the front and rear can be great.

"Call you a ghost!" Gao Han opened his mouth and spat out, like a sword fairy, and spat out a mouthful of thunder sword, instantly burst out, purple qi mighty, the bright breath of thunder and lightning sounded, the black energy in the ghost was dispersed when touched, and it fused when encountered, as if meeting a nemesis, two thunder swords each performed their duties, a thunder sword flew up and down around the zombie, and a thunder sword shuttled like electricity, instantly approaching Mianxin.

Originally, he had not faced the thunder sword directly, and he did not perceive the power of the thunder sword, but at this moment, the thunder sword came directly, Mianxin was shocked in his heart, and with a roar, the ghost black qi was condensed violently, and the black qi within a radius of tens of meters condensed into the space of three meters in front of Mianxin, and the speed of the thunder sword shuttling was also a little slower.

"Division... Senior brother, this is not your manipulation? ”

Qian He on the side was dumbfounded, at first saw the thunder sword flying up and down, and thought that Uncle Nine was controlling, but at this time Uncle Nine stood leisurely on the side, and immediately understood that this was not Uncle Nine.

Uncle Jiu smiled: "It's also the first time I've seen Gao Han control the thunder sword, and I didn't expect Gao Han to control the Five Thunder Spells so subtly, conceal it, and even turn it into a thunder sword, which proves that his control ability is far stronger than me." ”

Uncle Jiu was also emotionally moved in his heart, and he had been taking Gao Han as an apprentice for less than three months, but Gao Han's improvement was faster than he imagined, and he couldn't help but wonder if Gao Han was the reincarnation of a heavenly master.

"Senior brother, for the sake of insurance, you better make a move." After the shock, Chizuru was still a little worried.

"I'm not going to make a move, just use this time as Gao Han's mission, he can already be a teacher." Uncle Nine said lightly.

Ho ho ho!

There was no intact place where the zombie's body was "chopped", it just resisted in vain, but it had no effect, and at this time it had been almost split into a pile of wriggling stinky meat by Gao Han.

"This is the first zombie to be hacked to death by me with the Five Thunder Curse."

Finally slashing that zombie, Gao Han sighed in his heart, still standing in place, his mind moved, a thunder sword disappeared, and the thunder sword that flew around the sky changed and turned into a big knife.

"Big knife to the devil... Slash at the zombie's head. ”

Cracking sound!

Electric's hair stood on end, and the big knife changed again, turning into a gun.

"Spears like dragons! There is death and no life! ”

The big gun changed again, turning into a square sky painting halberd.

"Look at my might, indestructible!"


Gao Han weaponized all over the eighteen, feeling that his control was becoming more and more refined, but he still regretted in his heart, eighteen weapons are essentially five thunder curses after all, they are thunder and lightning, not real weapons, even if they turn into knives and slash at the enemy, the real damage is the power of thunder and lightning.

Uncle Nine and Qianhe were dumbfounded, they had never thought that the Five Thunder Curse could be controlled like this.


Mianxin went crazy for a long time, and he was always competing with a thunderbolt, roaring in his mouth, falling into a fierce rage, the roar in his throat became more and more low, the clothes around him burst with a bang, and the thick black hair grew frantically.

"Dare to tease me like this, I will let you die today without a place to die!"

Mianxin's body was even more victorious and let out a violent roar.

Gao Han shook his head, looking bored, controlling the Five Thunder Spell was still too exhausting mana, and it only took long for the mana to be almost consumed.

This zombie called Mianxin is actually similar in strength to music zombies, between flying zombies and jumping zombies, although it is not immune to spells, but it is much stronger than music zombies in wisdom, and will exert its own abilities, unlike music zombies that can only act instinctively, so in fact, Mianxin is more difficult to deal with than music zombies. *

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