Invincible Cheating Device Of Xianwu

Chapter 80: Dugu Nine Swords


Gao Han laughed dumbly, Ling Fox Chong or Ling Fox Chong, really has a chivalrous heart, his own life is about to die, but he still cares about the life of the person who met Pingshui.

Laugh at!

Although Ling Huchong's martial arts skills were not weak at this time, he was still inferior to famous evildoers such as Yun Zhonghe and Tian Boguang after all, not to mention that he was besieged by the two before and injured, and at this time, he was only struggling to support, and was just rubbed by the iron claws of Yun Zhonghe, and a big hole was broken in his waist.

"Senior Brother Ling Fox, don't do it, if you do it again, you will die, you stop, I'll go with them."

Seeing that Ling Huchong had another wound on his body, the little aunt Yilin was on the side, her face was pale, teary-eyed, and anxious, but she didn't have to wait for what to do.

"Yilin! You back off, I won't let them hurt you!" Ling Fox snorted coldly, the sword momentum changed, and the long sword dragged out a series of fleeting sword shadows.

Bursting air!

Bursting air!

A style of sword technique in Ling Fox Chong's hands, one move is faster than another, just like an antelope hanging horns, his sword shadow appears within a few meters of the traceless 06 can be found, the sword qi stirs and shakes, the ground snorts, and is cut out of traces.

For a while, the crane in the cloud was actually suppressed, and there was only the power to dodge.

Dugu Nine Swords? Gao Han's eyes flashed, and he could see at a glance that Ling Fox Chong did not have a move or a move was arbitrary, there was no specific move, but he always pierced the weakness of the crane in the clouds, it was when the crane in the cloud did not hit a move, the old force did not go, and the new force was not born.

Although Gao Han does not use a sword, Dugu Jiujian is not a sword method in his understanding, but a kind of thinking of breaking moves, and understanding that this sword method, if he can dabble, is not indispensable.

"Tian Boguang! This kid is desperate! You're not on yet! "The crane in the cloud is difficult to support, and not long ago, there are many more fine wounds around the body, but I saw Tian Boguang standing leisurely behind, his face was very ugly.

Tian Boguang slowly pulled out his knife and stepped forward step by step, seeing that Ling Huchong was about to be besieged back and forth.

The little nun's eyes couldn't stop dripping, and she stood up behind Ling Fox Chong, crying with tears: "Lord Tian, I'll go with you, don't embarrass Senior Brother Ling Fox." ”

Ling Huchong was too seriously injured after all, although he suppressed the crane in the cloud for a while, but it was not long-lasting, and his heart was anxious, and suddenly a flower appeared in front of him, and a tall figure inserted into the battle range between himself and the crane in the clouds.

Gao Han just stepped forward, leaving only a phantom in place, and at the same time as the phantom disappeared, in the midst of the sword shadow and the battle, a palm stretched out without the slightest fireworks.

The sword shadows of the two were strong enough to shatter the steel, but they couldn't hurt this hand, causing Fox Chong and Yun Zhonghe to show horror on their faces at the same time.

But in the next moment, a look of horror appeared on the face of the crane in the clouds, and I saw this light fluttering palm slapped in his steel battle, and in the incredible eyes of everyone, the steel battle broke!


The steel battle broke into two segments.

No one can describe the fear of the crane in the cloud at this time, you must know that his steel battle was forged by a master, and after thousands of refinements, although it was not a peerless divine weapon, it was still unimaginable to him destroyed on a flesh palm.

The steel battle is nearly 100 kilograms, under the power of the crane in the clouds, as long as it is touched, it will destroy the muscles and broken bones, and with the blessing of the true qi of the crane in the clouds, it is easy to break the steel, but it is broken by Gao Han's meat palm.

It's incredible!



Gao Han slapped a palm on the chest of the crane in the clouds, and the crane in the cloud still had a shocked expression on his face, and the whole person flew out lightly, and the person was still in mid-air, vomiting blood in his mouth, which was also mixed with broken dark red internal organs.


The crane in the cloud fluttered lightly for more than ten meters, landed on the ground with his eyes wide open, silent, he died, his internal organs were broken, his bones were broken, and his chest was deeply sunken.

One of the four evil men, the obscene thief Cloud in the Cloud, died at the hands of Gao Han, dying blindly,

Ling Foxhong was also shocked in his heart, he was just a flower in front of his eyes, and then the crane in the cloud flew out, put a hand on his shoulder, and returned to Yi Lin, it was like divine help.

"Thank you brother Tai for saving your life."

"Thank you Lord for saving Senior Brother Ling Fox."

Although Ling Huchong was shaky, he still gritted his teeth and bent down with his fists, his mind turned frantically, a young expert who conforms to this skill, such a skill, killing the villain Yun Zhonghe in one move, is certainly not a nameless person, but no matter how he remembers, there is no image of a young expert how this person is.

"Thank yourselves.470 Thank you for your own high temperament, if you have the intention of dragging me into the water today, then you will surely die." And at this time, it is also a trivial matter for me, and I myself hate lewdness very much. Gao Han waved his hand and said without any concern, his senses for Ling Foxhong are very complicated, on the one hand, he admires his bohemian, hearty and open-minded, heroic and dashing personality, and on the other hand, he is not happy with his lack of right and wrong.

Killing the crane in the clouds, Gao Han also did not forget to look at the information on the interface, indicating that he had obtained 50 skill points.

"Tian Boguang, aren't you trying to kill me? Don't roll over yet? ”

Gao Han turned his head to look at Tian Boguang, who was standing in place like a great enemy, looking at him with a smile, the flat voice entered Tian Boguang's ears, Lin made him startled, he just wanted to say: How dare I extinguish your mouth, if you don't extinguish my mouth, you will be Amitabha Buddha...

Tian Boguang sweated coldly, almost sweaty eyes, but did not dare to reach out to wipe it, and a smile was barely squeezed out on his face: "It's my mouth, I Tian Boguang don't have a few good words in his mouth, you adults have a lot, just let me be a fart." ”.

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