The moment he got close to the horse thief, Gao Han smelled a strange smell, coming from the horse thief, the smell, as if exposing the manure in the manure pit for half a day, and then covering it for half a day, the smell emitted at once was simply the first smell Gao Han smelled in his life.

And this horse thief is extremely ugly, with a crooked nose and squinting eyes, his face is full of pockmarks and sores, the sores are left with pus, and there are maggots crawling in and out.


Gao Han was furious, and roared in his heart, why did such a smelly, ugly thing come to disgust me.

When the next knife slashed down and at the same time slashed down, the huge power and unparalleled explosive power simply split the air.

This knife slashed at the horse thief's head, Gao Han was full of confidence, these thousands of pounds of power chopped, a knife can split him in half.


Gao Han was dumbfounded, the steel knife on the horse thief's head was no different from slashing at his axe, the steel knife was curled, and the horse thief's hair was not injured.

"Lao Tzu doesn't believe it!"

Gao Han did not believe in evil, and continued to cut down with a knife with a roar.

"Death to Lao Tzu!"

The horse thief was shocked and did not dare to take another stab from Gao Han.

In the past robbery, only they chased people to cut, and when they were chased and cut by others, a sense of humiliation rose in their hearts but they did not dare to take it hard.

Although they were invulnerable to the sword and gun transformed by the boss of the horse thief, their strength was infinite, but just now he found that not only was the strength inferior to Gao Han, but even the invulnerable body was cut by Gao Han, which was a feeling that had not been felt for a long time.

"Don't run!"

A large tree with a thick waist was directly stabbed by Gao Han in two, and in the sound of the tree falling, mixed with Gao Han's deafening roar, the horse thief chased closely.

It's a pity that although he cut the horse thief several times in succession, he still couldn't kill the horse thief, and he could only chase him all over the ground.

"MD, give me death!"

Gao Han roared continuously, like a vicious tiger shaking the mountains and forests, the steel knife has been cut into a twist by Gao Han, he dropped the steel knife, picked up the battle axe that the horse thief dropped on the ground, the momentum was in vain, raised his head, suddenly pulled out his body, the whole body muscles and bones clicked, one by one blue-black big tendons bulged, the body expanded, the body of more than one meter and eight suddenly expanded to more than two meters, turning into a small giant, a muscle like steel casting, at a glance, it was full of explosive power.

"Gao Han, wipe some blood on the axe!"

Uncle Jiu, who was entangled with the leader of the horse thieves, saw Gao Han and hurriedly shouted.



The tomahawk fell, splitting the air, and the air surged rapidly, emitting a violent whistling sound.


The tomahawk slashed directly at the horse thief's head, cutting the horse thief in half from head to toe.


The horse thief is directly penetrated through the internal organs.

"Bah! I thought it really couldn't be hacked to death! ”

Gao Han spat out a mouthful of blood, turned back and asked strangely: "Master, what did you just say?" ”


Jiu Uncle instantly made a handprint, a rune paper shot out, attached to the leader of the horse thief and burned, and then looked back at the horse thief who was cut in half by Gao Han, dumbfounded, there was an incredulous look in his eyes, and then groaned helplessly: "It's okay, you go and help them." ”

Gao Han turned his head inexplicably, feeling that the corners of his mouth were a little sweet, this horse thief was too hard, although he hacked the horse thief to death, but his hands and feet were numb, and his gums felt a little loose.

"Kill one horse thief and get 5 skill points."

Gao Han smiled, looking at the rest of the horse thieves have a sense of cordiality, these are all skill points.

"Master! Autumn birth! Gao Han, come and save me... Ahh..."

Wen Cai took seven or eight villagers to entangle with a horse thief, and in a short period of time, four villagers died in the hands of this horse thief.

All lying not far from them, lying on the horizon and vertical of silk corpses, none of them complete, the woods were filled with a strong smell of blood.

And Wen Cai is also insisting on it with the half-hanging Mao Mountain spell.

Just as Wen Cai called for help, the war hammer in the horse thief's hand fell.


The villager tried to block it with a knife, but it was like a praying arm, the steel knife was broken, the head was broken like a watermelon, and the red and white brain pulp splashed.

"Find death!"

Gao Han roared wildly, only to feel a vicious tiger hovering in his chest, and a fierce and tyrannical aura was constantly stirring in his heart, making his blood almost break through his chest.

A distance of more than ten meters flickered, and the huge axe also looked a little small in front of Gao Han's giant-like body.

"Death to Lao Tzu!"


There seems to be a fierce tiger roaring on the tomahawk, the vicious wind blows on the face, and the tomahawk thunder falls on the horse thief like a thunderbolt.


The horse thief seemed to be hit by a car running at full speed, like an arrow flying out of the string, crashing into a big tree, knocking the tree down, the next moment, the horse thief stood up as if nothing happened, but let out a roar, his eyes were full of ferocity, staring at Gao Han deadly.

Gao Han clearly saw that his shoulder had collapsed with an axe from Gao Han, as if he could not feel pain.

Gao Han swallowed his saliva and asked, "Wen Cai, this ghost thing is so hard, how to kill?" ”

Killing one will shock the hands and feet numb, and killing another one is afraid that the hands and feet will not be broken.

No wonder Uncle Zhang walked the world, and the warning given to him was that learning boxing to face ghosts and monsters could not be solved at all.

His current boxing strength is already much higher than Uncle Zhang, Rao is so, it is also all his strength to be able to hack a horse thief, if Uncle Zhang is in person, I am afraid that even the defense of this ghost thing cannot be broken.

"This ghost thing is no longer human, ordinary knives and guns can't break their defenses at all, they need to wipe a layer of human blood on the sword, and it won't work if the sword and gun can't penetrate." Wen Cai gasped and said.

Gao Han immediately broke the axe blade and separated his fingers, smearing a layer of blood on the axe blade.

The next moment, Gao Han lifted the axe, and a fierce tiger roared towards the horse thief like thunder. *

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