Invincible Cheating Device Of Xianwu

Chapter 94: The Man Behind the Scenes

"It's finally here!" In an instant, Gao Han grabbed Duan Yu and retreated, flicking it hard, throwing Duan Yu more than a dozen feet away.

In the apricot forest, he felt that someone was spying on him, but no matter how alert he was, he couldn't find out who was spying on him, and the martial arts of those who wanted to spy on him were unfathomable.

Almost at the moment when Gao Han threw out Duan Yu, a strange and violent figure shot out, carrying an overwhelming roar, and a hand stretched out under the shadowy black robe and grabbed towards Gao Han.

At this moment, the peeping person finally showed his traces, the terrifying screaming sound was deafening, grabbing several inches of green mang, swallowing, at a glance in the eyes, it gave people the feeling of shattering everything, Gao Han has no doubt that even if it is a real "four or eighty" hundred refining, thousands of refining steel is as fragile as tofu in front of this swallowing green mang.

Seeing that Gao Han is about to be grabbed on the head by this terrifying hand, as long as he grabs it, Gao Han's head will definitely have five more holes.


Gao Han snorted haha, the sound shocked the world, the true qi in the body surged, the violent power instantly erupted, the surrounding body sounded like a burst of explosions, the arm suddenly expanded, if someone lifted his sleeves, they would definitely find that his arms were twisted together one by one thick muscles, as if there were countless evil Jiao coiled on it, the sleeves were suddenly supported, a punch from the bottom up, like a fierce tiger viciously pounced, the vicious wind gusts, the fist wind stirred, and a hurricane suddenly set off in the woods, violently sweeping.

"I underestimated him!"

In the face of such a domineering punch, the black-robed man stood up one by one with sweat and hair, feeling a hint of threat.

This young man who popped out of nowhere was actually one of the few masters he had ever met, and the most important thing was that he was so young.


The claws and fists intersected, and the air was like a calm water, waving in circles of ripples visible to the naked eye, and the air violently vibrated and shot away in all directions.

With the earth-shattering hurricane roar, Gao Han's calves sank deep into the dirt, and the black-robed man also slammed down and "pedaled" a few steps back before standing firm.

Gao Han slowly pulled out his two legs, the trouser legs on his calves had turned into flying ash, looking at the black-robed man more than ten meters away, his eyes froze, and said in a deep voice: "Who are you." ”

"Who I am, you don't need to know, you just need to know that you will die today, and when you come to the hall of the Hades, the Hades will master who you die in." The man was shrouded in black robes, his hands were hanging down, even a pair of hands were shrouded, he wore a hood on his head, his face was covered with a black cloth, and only a pair of eyes were exposed, revealing extremely cruel, tyrannical and funny colors.

"In that case, then I will kill you and see for myself!"

Gao Han did not speculate more than half a sentence, Gao Han did not talk nonsense, stepped out with an expressionless face, instantly stepped out of a distance of more than ten meters, his body squeezed the air fiercely, and erupted into a rolling sound wave explosion.

Gao Han's punch was like a real cannon blasting, erupting into an extremely strong, domineering fist, and the explosion boomed.

"What kind of boxing method is this, how can it be so domineering? I have dabbled in or heard of all the world's famous martial arts..."

Facing Gao Han's attack, the black-robed man only felt as if a sacred mountain had poured over, and the pressure was like a mountain, and he was like a boat in the storm of Wang Yang's sea, which was in danger of sinking at any time.

I thought so in my heart, but the movement in the black-robed man's hand did not stop, and he burst out, turning his claws into palms, and his five fingers were slightly bent and extended, as if he was grasping the situation.

As soon as the black-robed man made a move, a vast and solemn aura rose up, and there seemed to be bursts of Sanskrit sounds, and the black-robed man was like turning into a Vajra angry Buddha, meeting a demon, pressing down with a palm cover, and extinguishing the demon.

"Shaolin seventy-two unique skills, Herculean Vajra palm!"

Although Duan Yu was lost far away by Gao Han, he was not injured at all, rolled on the spot, stood up and saw the martial arts performed by the black-robed man, his face was full of horror0 ...

"Could it be that the experts of the Shaolin Temple are attacking the senior brother?"

The layman looks at the liveliness, the insider looks at the doorway, although Gao Han does not have a strong Vajra palm, but he feels that the palm technique used by the black-robed man is not rounded at all, although it is strong, it cannot be perfected.


The air within a radius of tens of meters seemed to be shaken by the beating of the two, and the big tree shook in a magnitude visible to the naked eye, as if it would break and collapse at any time, and the ground within a radius of more than ten meters was suddenly turned over.

The two people in the storm did not retreat, and Gao Han slammed his palm and punched back.

The next moment, the black-robed man's hand was in the shape of a flower, and Gao Han seemed to see a Buddha with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his hand was a flower, Pudu sentient beings.

The black-robed man seems to be universal to all sentient beings, but his fingers contain incomparable danger.

In an instant, the two collided more than a dozen times, both of them were like steel casting, each collision burst out a huge golden sound, and the explosive energy of each collision tore and shattered the surrounding flowers and plants.

Gao Han was also shocked in his heart, in just a dozen moves, the black-robed man used at least six or seven different martial arts skills, but Gao Han could see that he was perfect in each martial arts skill, obviously it was not that he did not make 3.9 use the kung fu at the bottom of the box, that is, his martial arts were easy to recognize, and he was hiding his identity!

The black-robed man's moves are endlessly changeable, unpredictable, and Gao Han back and forth is a hand of dragon and tiger fist to deal with, to not change to respond to all changes, walking away, bringing up the endless thunderstorm surrounded by water, every blow, can bring air storm, air flow explosion, every time the two collide, you can see obvious collision air ripples.

The two are like two giant beasts, the two are extremely fast, the rabbit rises and falls, flashes and moves, and the radius of tens of meters is their battlefield, raging arbitrarily in the jungle, mud and flowers splashing, and big trees collapse in the unintentional collision of the two.

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