Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1092: Ning Tianlin's body crumbled!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"A lot of resources."

A quick look at the consciousness revealed a lot of good things in these space rings. Although these people are all just bodyguards, the fighting power is there, and the Pan Lanjun Lord who was killed by him is just the same.

However, the resources cannot be compared with those of Panlan County. Anyway, the other party is the head of a county. I don't know how many humans are under his control, but these bodyguards can only rely on the employer to release resources.

There must be a certain degree of phase difference.


"Your bodyguards are dead. Who do you think will save you?"

After countless killings, Ning Tianlin also knew early that the biggest punishment for a person is not to give him a good one directly, but to make him afraid, and then

Slowly subject it to physical torture.

He has never been softhearted towards those who want to kill himself.



Hao Gong said two "I" words in a row, but he never dared to say anything ruthless, but the other party really killed someone! He is arrogant, but he is not a fool. Just now he was so presumptuous because he believed in the strength of himself and the bodyguards!

But now it seems that the other party is the strongest!

Now let ’s talk ruthlessly, either stupid or fool!

"I what I am."



Ning Tianlin directly slaps two slaps in the backhand and hits Hao Gongzi's face. For a moment, the other party has some handsome faces, which are directly swollen. With the sound of two pops, Hu Meiji on the side was awkward, her hands were scared.


They really caused a madman today!

"I ... I'm the third son of the Hao family owner in the central area of ​​the galaxy, you ... you can't kill me ..."

Although his face was swollen like a pig's head, but his teeth were not lost, Hao Gongzi said more clearly. He chose to use family threats. Looks like what he can do now, this is the only thing.

"The Hao family?"

"Good vacation?"

"What the hell?"

Ning Tianlin directly threw backhand and slap again, and then directly turned the opponent's stunned head at the same time, without waiting for the other side to mourn, it was a vigorous split, chopping Hao Gongzi's other arm.


"Is he stupid or fake?"

"Not even the Hao family?"

The person who said this was the Huai Fairy with wide eyes and an incredible face. She didn't expect that the young man with the name Lin was so fierce that the blink of an eye controlled the situation.

He even killed a dozen bodyguards!

But now, the other party even broke the name of Hao's family. How can you fight?

Don't you really know the Hao family?

This is one of the three families of the Galaxy! I do n’t know how many thousands of planets you have! The position and fighting power of the homeowner is higher than the homeowner!

Moreover, if you really do n’t know the Hao family, you should also check it on the Internet with the information device. It ’s easy to find. It ’s just the tip of the other side ’s iceberg, but this one is scary enough. .

You, it ’s really reckless to do things. You can really take care of things that offend people!

Although standing in her position, she just wanted to watch a good show and let Ning Tianlin fight with Hao Gongzi. She would rather her spacecraft land on Ning Tianlin's hands than be snatched by this Hao Gongzi!

But now, it has evolved into a life-and-death fight, which really exceeds her expectations.

She was really worried that the reckless Ning Tianlin had clicked Hao Gong, and by then, everything really could not be alleviated.

This young man will live with the Hao family forever!

"The Hao family is one of the three big families of the Galaxy!"

"When the owner is the Lord of the Galaxy, he will stop greetings!"

At this time, Hu Meiji on the side really thought that Ning Tianlin didn't know the power of Hao's family, and quickly said, "Hao Gongzi in front of you is the third son of the patriarch!"

"The family of the Hao family!"

"You let us go now, let's just take it that it hasn't happened, and we will never embarrass you in the future.

After that, he looked into Ning Tianlin's eyes and waited for him to let go. As for whether she will get revenge in the future, it really doesn't matter to her. That's the Hao family's business!



"You let us go now, and we will never pursue it in the future! You will come to the center of the galaxy to come and play with me. We will be friends in the future."

Hao Gong quickly agreed.

Just after his words were finished, he was in pain all over again, and saw his entire right leg was chopped down by a howling wind, and the blood didn't rush into money.

At the same time, Ning Tianlin's voice sounded, "Do you really think I'm a fool? Still friends?"

"Do you think we two will still be friends?"

"Or, do you think I am willing to be friends with a dead person?"

Ning Tianlin threatened again.


Hao Gong's face suddenly turned paler, and he really wanted to kill himself! Ruined. . . . . .

However, when his desperate eyes fell on Hu Meiji's body next to him, something slammed loudly, "Don't kill me!"

"I really want to be friends with you!"

"If you don't believe me, take her away now! I won't care! You can do whatever you want."

He only remembered at this time that it seemed that all the causes were that this horrible young man had to spend spring evening with Hu Meiji and was blocked by himself. At the same time, he said quickly to Hu Meiji, "You say quickly, you agree to sleep with Ninggongzi, you Say it!"

"You tonight, no, you'll be with him now!"

"Hurry up!"

In front of real life, he Hao Hao, of course, can give up anything, not to mention just a woman riding a thousand people, across 10,000 people. He now really regrets why he got this kind of horror for such a woman.

"I promise."

"Ningzi, I promise to accompany you."

"Actually, I like you too, and I would love to spend a good night with you."

Hu Meiji just frowned, and quickly nodded in agreement. Although she was a little disappointed in Hao Gongzi, she also knew that she was treated like this.

What's more, if you don't go to sleep, who is not with you?

Even if the other party is a pig, she is willing as long as she has the money, but she has only one leg.

"Ha ha."

"it's OK now?"

Ning Tianlin sneered, "You are fine, but I killed you, is she still mine?"

Ning Tianlin seems to really want to play this lecherous person, and said coldly, "Well, I won't play with you, it's really boring, I will take you on the road now."

Seeing the ugliness of human nature, Ning Tianlin didn't torture the opponent's thoughts too much. With a bang, a rush of energy rushed to Hao Gongzi, ready to kill him.


Just violently,

The sky collapsed, a powerful force of terror, came from the depths of the void. It looked like a long distance ago, but in the blink of an eye, it came to the sight of the sky and directly crushed Ning Tianlin's force.

At the same time, this horrible palm force was over, and it burst into Ning Tianlin's body. Before he had any response, he had already broken his body into pieces.

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