Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1112: Do n’t you know your apprentice?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"If you can blame you for saving your life, then my heart will be eaten by Ning Tianlin."

Ning Tianlin answered seriously.

Indeed, if there were no events of the day, he is now estimated to have been controlled by the other party and made into bones. Where is the talk now? He's not the kind of person who doesn't know the height of the earth.

"Ha ha."

King Yan Luo smiled and nodded, but his eyes were full of admiration, "Say, what else to ask?"

"Master Yan Luo, is this your true body? Or is it your spirit?"

Ning Tianlin stared at each other's body and asked curiously. This body is solid and thick, making him feel like no other. But it came from his mind, so he wasn't sure.


"real body."

King Yan Luo replied with a smile, and joked, "For you, I moved my old bones well, and you might not believe it, I haven't left Yin Cao Difu for a long time."

"is it?"

"That kid is really flattered, thank you so much."

Ning Tianlin bowed again. Although he knew the other party was joking, but he was absolutely telling the truth, it must have been true that he hadn't left Yin Cao Difu for many years.

After all, in addition to the Yin Cao Di Mansion, there is a huge nether space. He even guessed that Lord Yan Luo said for a long time, it could reach hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years!

Otherwise, the other party will not use this long tone.

"Master Yan Luo, do you know who this old man who was just killed by me?"

When Ning Tianlin raised his body, he continued to ask King Yan Luo.


"who is it?"

Although King Yan Luo easily restrained him, he really didn't know who the other party was. He only came in an instant, and did not read the memory of the opponent, and he did not even consider how much combat power the opponent has.

In his case, what is the difference between 10 million, 15 million, and 20 million.

It's just a matter of fart.

However, hearing Ning Tianlin asked like this, she was also curious.

"The Lord of the Galaxy!"

"Last Lord of the Galaxy!"

Ning Tianlin answered.


Yan Luo Wang was stunned and looked at Ning Tianlin with some curiosity, and at the same time, he looked at Ning Tianlin in shock.

He was not shocked by the identity of the Lord of the Galaxy, but was shocked by Ning Tianlin's approach. How many years have it taken? It has not been five years since he left the earth!

How did the Lord of the Galaxy come across!

It even became the opposite of each other!

Are you too troublesome? Did you provoke him so soon?

Unconsciously, Ning Tianlin has risen to the level of troublemaker here with King Yan Luo.

"What made me mess with ..."

Ning Tianlin was a little speechless. "If I knew it was him, I would have turned around and turned around early. I just saw that there was no one here, all dead and skeletons. I was curious for a moment."

Of course Ning Tianlin would not say that he was still attracted by the endless skeleton spirit here!

Here, after the skeleton is killed, you can also collect essence points.

"Ha ha."

King Yan Luo smiled, he just made a joke, how could he really care.

"Master Yan Luo, the point I want to say is not this. I want to ask, do you know who is doing the Lord of the Galaxy today?"

Ning Tianlin continued to question. That was his real purpose. Because he really wanted to know, was it really the same as he had guessed, Qin Shihuang is now the lord of the galaxy?


Yan Luo Wang was stunned, and was curious by Ning Tianlin. Because Ning Tianlin's current attitude is obviously to tell him that the current Lord of the Galaxy, but his acquaintance!

He knows!

"Don't you know?"

Ning Tianlin is stunned in the next round. This should not be the case. If Qin Shihuang really became the master of the galaxy, do you know how to be a master? Will he not tell you the first time?

However, he also saw that Lord Yan Luo was not joking, he really didn't know.

Did you guess wrong?

"Should I know?" King Yan Luo shook his lips. "Did you just say that, I haven't walked out of Yin Cao Difu for many, many years."

"Okay." Ning Tianlin was defeated, and said earnestly, "I think that the Lord of the Galaxy is your apprentice, Qin Shihuang's dedication!"


"Yi Zheng?"

Yan Luo Wang Yiyi, "How do you know?"

"Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

"No." Ning Tianlin shook his head. "I just said it wasn't guessing. Because no matter the time, place, or character, your apprentice is the best match."

Yan Luo Wang chuckled with a smile, "Return time and place characters, you are the three elements of writing short stories."

However, his face was also a serious expression. He continued to listen to Ning Tianlin's one and one hundred and fifty, and explained the exchange he had just made with the old man.

After that, he nodded. "If you say that, it might really be him."

There wasn't much surprise on his face, it was flat and bland, and it seemed that this was not such a big and shocking news. In his case, the one master is nothing, even the higher level he doesn't care.

"Would you like to meet him?"

Ning Tianlin asked again.

"See what he does."

King Yan Luo shook his head directly, "It's just the Lord of the Galaxy. When will he wait until he becomes the Lord of the Star Cluster?"

"Besides, it is only possible, and it is not necessarily true. If not, I'll see him. Is it necessary to kill the Lord of the Galaxy and find him to do it?"

King Yan Luo joked again.

Seriously, he really didn't care about the result. He even thought about his apprentice, why he could be the Lord of the Galaxy at such a young age.

Zu Wu Bloodline!

If you really awaken this, let alone the Lord of the Galaxy. In the near future, the entire universe will have its own foothold.


Ning Tianlin was a little speechless, and didn't speak again to continue to mention the matter, but also, wait to see the Lord of the Galaxy in the future before making a decision.

. . . . . .

"Well, Tianlin Xiaoyou, here is the matter, I should go back."

"I still have work to do there."

After talking for more than ten minutes, King Yan Luo began to say goodbye to Ning Tianlin.

"it is good."

Ning Tianlin nodded. I wanted to say that since you are so long, you are not here, but when Lord Yan Luo said that he still has something to do, he knew that he would not stay.

He even speculated whether something in the Nether Space stumbled him.

"Thank you very much for this time."

Ning Tianlin thanks again.

"Ha ha."

King Yan Luo waved his hand, "But Tianlin Xiaoyou, would you give me one more of your hair?"

"The original root has just been destroyed."

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