Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1122: Tell me where is this

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But at this moment, a black figure, in their attention, rushed out from the gray breath of death. Then suspended in emptiness, sandwiched in the center of them.


And everyone who saw this scene, whether it was a fierce young man or a polite and poisonous Mamba, was extremely shocked, because this person came out of the forbidden area of ​​death!

Come out alive!

how can that be!

For more than two thousand years, no one has been able to come out alive under the erosion of this breath of death!

Otherwise, this place cannot be called the forbidden land of death!

"Hi, everybody."

It was not others but Ning Tianlin who came out of the forbidden area. The sea of ​​skulls in his eyes is a veritable death forbidden area in the eyes of others, especially in the area of ​​Tangling House.

Moreover, when Ning Tianlin came up, he did not kill the killer, nor did he forcefully read the memory of these people, but greeted everyone with a smile. Nothing else, because happy!

Glad to walk out of that area and meet people!

As long as someone is there, they will know where they are today.

"who are you?"

"Why did you come out of the death base?"

And the answer to him was not the homage of "you are good", but a very serious question, which caused Ning Tianlin to frown, squinting, and looking at the polite and poisonous Mamba.

His least favorite was being questioned.

In addition, he didn't even reveal his face. He just used technology to virtually create an image in the starry sky, and he was still hiding in the spaceship.

"Why did I come out and need to report to you?"

Ning Tianlin stretched his palm forward, and with a bang, didn't see how he moved, he directly opened the spaceship in front of him, and then just opened his face seriously, and then asked Ning Tianlin's poisonous Mamba , Ning Tianlin has been wrapped around his neck and raised in the air.

The whole face was full of panic.

Not only him, but the guarding companions on the edge, as well as the fierce young men of the other side.

"Too ... too terrible!"

The fierce young man swallowed a spit in his throat involuntarily, which was too powerful. As a combat force with more than 400,000 people, he didn't even see how the other party acted.

As soon as I reached out my hand, I surpassed him, even more than one hundred thousand more poisonous Mamba than he was, firmly in my hands!

too. . . . . . so amazing!

It seems that as long as he is willing to twist his hand, he can twist the poison Mamba's neck away.

"Let's ... let go of me ..."

"You ... who are you?"

"I am a child of the poison king, you let me go!"

Poisonous Mamba, who was a little uncomfortable, spoke hard.

But this is not to ask for mercy, but to threaten Ning Tianlin. Although he is not a fool, he has always been quiet, especially from childhood to age, no one dared to disobey his words.

He is a genius and a genius in the genus. He has always been proud and confident, and never asks for forgiveness.


"Releasing our son!"

"If not, our Lord Poison King will not let you go!"

The guard friend on the side also shouted.

"Poison King?"

Ning Tianlin hesitated, he was sure he had never heard the name. Just as he was about to ask a few words, a thick black gas had quietly poured into his nostril and entered his lungs.

Even the whole body came with a burning sensation in an instant.

But it was just a burning sensation. After entering the body, this black gas was directly swiped by Wanzu and swallowed it.

Any toxin here is just food.


"All right?"

The poisonous Mamba, the creator of the figurine, saw the black gas and had entered Ning Tianlin's nostrils. He was very happy. This was a life-saving thing passed on to him by the clan, extremely poisonous!

It is one million fighting forces. Under this speed of toxins, they will explode and die. Even those with higher fighting forces will be extremely weak, and they will not recover for a long time.

And this young man, why is it just a matter of a moment's pause?

how can that be!

This is what his ancestor passed on to him!

"court death!"

Ning Tianlin's face changed, knowing that she was in the Tao. If it was not enough, I am afraid that there would be a short absence just now.


Without thinking too much, he squeezed the opponent's neck and crushed it as soon as he pressed hard.

It was only intended to teach you how to speak, and then let it go, but since you dare to use your hands, you must have the consciousness of being killed!


What horrified everyone in the spacecraft was that Ning Tianlin's right hand directly turned into a full-footed figure, opened his mouth, and instantly swallowed the body of the poisonous Mamba.


After a while, a space ring was vomited by Wanzuan and put into Ning Tianlin's hands.

"Dead ... dead ..."

"Poison boy is dead."

Regardless of the surrounding guards or his friends, even the fierce young man who had not said the last sentence on the Lingyi spacecraft, he groaned involuntarily in his throat.


So-called genius poison boy Mumba died!

This is the genius that Tangling can rank in the top ten!

In particular, he was so devoted in poisonous power that he might be in his way. Even some people with a slightly higher combat effectiveness are hard to please in his hands.

And this young legend of Tangling is dead?

Died in the hands of a young man they didn't understand.


"Run away!"

Seeing this scene, the man on the drug boy's side immediately made a decision and was ready to escape madly. The other party even dared to kill the drug boy, maybe they would stay here, they didn't know how to die!

"Cutting grass does not take root, spring breeze springs again."

Ning Tianlin sneered and waved his hand, and Wan Xie's huge body appeared in Xinghe, and then rushed towards the escaped group of people. In an instant, there was wailing and screaming everywhere.

"tell me."

"Where is this?"

Ignoring everything that happened around him, Ning Tianlin stared directly at the huge virtual shadow in front of him, facing the fierce young man.


The fierce young man stared at by Ning Tianlin involuntarily swallowed again. He knew that if he answered that he was not satisfied with the other party, he might be the end of those who poisoned Mamba.

He confessed that he was doing something very hot, but compared with the young man in front of him, he was far behind.

Say kill and kill without hesitation.


The ship's warehouse door opened, and he quickly flew out of the spaceship. He suddenly felt a little rude to talk to the other person with the illusion of technology. Don't cry if the other party finds it!

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