Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1134: Reverse kill

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The body of the poisonous howl, without any obstruction at all, was directly bombarded and killed into dregs. Without the work of the poisonous king, he was just like an ant in Ning Tianlin's eyes.

Blood splattered and wet the Miyayama-gun main clothes on the side.


At the same time, he stretched out his hand and took the opponent's space ring in his hand. The divine sense was swept away, and now it is a joy, because in this space ring, not only found a lot of resources, but also saw the **** Dan he wanted!

In quantity, it has reached 36 pieces!

Although the number of gods needed to resurrect the wild beast is still quite a lot, but it can be considered an improvement.

"It's a pity that I'm too impatient."

Ning Tianlin shook her head in her heart. She was a little irritable just now. Just to resolve the matter at hand as soon as possible, she did not read the memory of the poisonous howling. How did the Poisonous Spirit King get by him, and how the **** Dan appeared, he doesn't know it now.

"do not care."

"You just do it, and the days are long."

However, it was only an instant. Ning Tianlin left this idea behind. There was a combat system. He could not get anything, it was just a matter of time.

"Lord Miyayama, look at me!"

But when the Miyayama-gun master was terrified, Ning Tianlin drank coldly, and then shot two rays of light into his eyes, which directly fell into the other party's mind. For a moment, thoughts fluttered!

And the figure of the Miyayama-gun master has become more and more dazed, and his expression is no different from the walking dead.

After a while.


"You know the Lord of the Galaxy exists!"

"I know what happened to the forbidden area!"

"And your boss, the owner of Tangling Mansion, is also involved!"

This is where Ning Tianlin is more concerned. He has long been speculating that the incumbent master of the galaxy made such small and small movements, how can it leave people indifferent, and there is no report on the Internet of this death penalty.

Sure enough, the owner of this Miyayama county, as well as his higher boss, Tangling Mansion, were involved.

In particular, the Tangling Mansion Lord was originally a loyal defender of the former Lord of the Galaxy, but after he took office, he did not change him and did not replace the four Mansion Lords.

I didn't expect him to do so much in secret!

"If I change to another lord of the galaxy, I won't bother to care, but the lord of the galaxy is my earth man, and it seems that Qin Shihuang is very likely. I must clean up this kind of thing."

Ning Tianlin still remembers King Yan Luo's account of him, and if possible, helped him in some ways.

Although the opponent's combat effectiveness is high, King Yan Luo's approach to Ning Tianlin is very clear. He knows that his apprentice is not inferior to Ning Tianlin in terms of resource treasures.

"Lord of Tanglin, we will meet soon."

At this time, he Ning Tianlin set off, ready to go to the center of the galaxy to participate in the battle of galactic martial arts genius, where he will definitely meet the master of Tangling House, and even the master of the galaxy!

Everything, by that time there was a break.

"As for you ..."

After reading the memory of the master of Miyayama Prefecture, Ning Tianlin did not set up a killer and smashed his body, but directly used the divine mind to destroy the other person ’s spiritual knowledge of the sea. Then, with a stroke, a black bug Appeared in the palm.


Swallow memories, manipulate your body and become the next Miyayama-gun master!

The reason for this is because he wants to go to the galaxy as quickly as possible, and there is only one way to go, which is to take the teleportation array! First arrive at Tanglin, then take a teleportation array from Tanglin to the Galaxy Center!

Miyayama-gun, like Jiumu-gun, has such a teleportation array only in the house of Miyayama-gun!

In particular, if you want to activate the teleportation team, you must also rely on the gods of Miyayama-gun!

The magic of the tapeworm is that it can imitate the sense of any creature, which is why it is difficult to find the people he controls.


With a wave of Ning Tianlin's hand, Ascaris' body flew directly to the face of the Miyayama Shijo's master, and drilled into his nostril. After a while, the other person suddenly opened his eyes and worshiped Ning Tianlin, "See the master!"


Ning Tianlin nodded his head, and with one stroke, he called the space ring worn by the Miyayama-gun master into his hand, sweeping his mind, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, he is the master of a county!

In particular, the owner of Tangling Mansion paid a lot of appreciation to him as the Lord of the Galaxy. The resources in this space ring are much richer than those of Panlan County, who was beheaded in Jiumufu that day.


After doing all this, Ning Tianlin threw out two dark green pills, and flew to the two lying on the ground, Dongsha Shen, who was moaning in pain, and said coldly, "I ate them!"

"Then how far and how far."

"Leave this!"

The two men followed him, and they really helped him a lot. He was not the kind of man who really took the stone, especially Dongsha Shen, but at the last moment, he blocked himself.

In any case, these two are what he wants to save.

It's just that now this place, he is going to block it right away, and can't let any breath here spread out, that is, he will stay here by himself, these two people are no longer in this place.


Dongsha Shen, who was struggling in pain, took the elixir into his mouth without thinking about it after receiving it. At this time, there was no intention of Master Ning to harm them.


The entrance is melted, and the black gas surrounding them is constantly disintegrating, and their spirits are constantly recovering. In less than ten seconds, they have just felt anguish, and they feel a refreshing refreshment. .

They even felt that their combat effectiveness had improved a lot.

"Master Xie!"

"Master Xie!"

The two who came back to life immediately kneeled on the ground and raised their heads towards Ning Tianlin. The life-saving grace was memorable. However, Dongsha wandered for a long time, struggling, and gathered courage to Ning Tianlin. My lord, can you let me take away the flesh of the poisonous howling behind you? "

"I want to feed him the dog!"

Although the extermination of the genocide has been reported, he feels that feeding the dog all over the poisonous howling can be more relieving his hatred.

Although I do n’t know what has happened in the air at this moment, why there are such huge and majestic dark clouds, even gold light flashes, but I also know that they are not suitable to stay here at this moment.

"it is good."

Ning Tianlin nodded, and with a wave of his hand, all the flesh and blood of the poisonous howling gathered together, flew to Dongsha Shen, and was taken over by him.

"Master Xie!"

The two scratched their heads again, then shot violently and left here.

Ning Tianlin also activated a rune at this time and completely blocked it.

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