Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1138: Galaxy Center

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Ten thousand points of essence, one hundred thousand, is 1.8 billion!

Ning Tianlin has no reason to be unhappy, no wonder that plunder is a quicker method than killing and accumulating energy.

Counting the guard leaders and others just killed, he estimated that this trip to the host of the Tangling Mansion will get no less than 5 billion points of energy!

This is still the case without hitting the big head!

If the owner of Tangling Mansion is still there, he estimates that this energy point will soar!

He has never plundered the Lord of a house.

"Since we went to the Galaxy Center, we will meet eventually."

"Not urgent."

Ning Tianlin directly exchanged everything for Jingqi points, 5.8 billion points, much higher than he imagined.

"Now, it's time for me to leave here and enter the center of the galaxy."

Ning Tianlin looked around. There was almost no living person, and the rest of his life was too big. Moreover, his current appearance has also changed a lot from the original one. Even if the owner of Tangling Mansion knew it, he would not contact him.

When they meet, he will surprise each other.

He carefully calculated that in another 58 days, it will be time for the Galactic Genius Martial Arts Tournament to officially start. Today, the center of the galaxy is estimated to be crowded with geniuses.


The body flickered and appeared directly in the center of the teleportation array.

"Unfortunately, I still have to waste some of my energy."

Ning Tianlin unfolded his right hand, and a silver-white crystal appeared in his hand.

Teleport stone.

Get out of here, what you need.

Originally, he was going to ask for something from the owner of Tangling Mansion, but now he can only redeem it from the exchange system with his energy points. If three years ago, he had not been so wealthy.

Because the teleportation stone is only inside the galaxy, the price of this teleportation stone is worth 100 million points of energy!

He used to be unwilling.

But now, although it is not drizzle, it is still affordable.

Moreover, he also decided that after the Galactic Genius Martial Arts Tournament participated, he would choose a secret place or a place under his own control, and then return to the earth to arrange a teleportation array.

Connect the two places.

At that time, he will know the earth, as long as he passes the teleportation array!


With a flick of the hand, the white crystal has been firmly embedded in a hole in the middle position, and slowly falls, and it disappears after a while.


"what happened?"

It just made him frown that with the setting of this teleportation stone, the teleportation array was not activated, it was still thunder and lightning, but it didn't break the space in front of him.

It's as if all you just did are useless work.

"You do not have permission to activate the teleportation array, please authorize it! Please resolve it in ten seconds or less, otherwise it will be killed!"

"You do not have permission to activate the teleportation array, please authorize it! Please resolve it in ten seconds or less, otherwise it will be killed!"

"You do not have permission to activate the teleportation array, please authorize it! Please resolve it in ten seconds or less, otherwise it will be killed!"

When Ning Tianlin frowned, the sound of electronic synthesis sounded in his ear.

"Activate permissions?"


Ning Tianlin froze, then immediately understood what was going on. This teleportation array should only be used by the owner of Tangling Mansion and requires his permission to activate it. Just like the Miyayama-gun teleporter, they need to be activated by the Miyayama-gun master.

It's just that Ning Tianlin didn't care about the other party's ten-second resolution, or he would be killed.

He is now the strongest person here. If there is any extremely powerful attack method, how can he stand here?

It is estimated that this killing is for some ordinary people or the weak.

"Just this permission, what is needed?"

How could Ning Tianlin know what kind of permissions he needed, and after thinking about it for seven or eight seconds, there was no result.


Just ten seconds later, the surroundings suddenly began to riot. Lightning erupted from the hexagonal prism of the teleportation array and banged directly at Ning Tianlin.

Ning Tianlin ignored the killing to such an extent. If it is really powerful, Tangling Prefecture still has this method, and he would not be able to stand here.

"You can only try it."

In the thunder and lightning, Ning Tianlin's body remained motionless, and after nearly the method, a wave and a rune flew out of his space ring.

At the moment of appearance, his body continued to grow larger. For a moment, he covered the huge teleportation array in front of him, and even in order to prevent this falcon from being attacked by lightning and thunder, Ning Tianlin shot hard and stiffly. Blocked all attacks.


At this moment of Fuyu's complete coverage, Fuyu, which was originally composed of countless secrets, turned into a mysterious ripple, which was completely integrated into the surrounding energy.


If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, no one would have believed that the rune constructed by the secret text would have just appeared!


At this moment, Ning Tianlin also felt that the invisible energy in front of him disappeared, like a secret text and a rule, so he disappeared completely.

"Ha ha!"

"It's done!"

Ning Tianlin laughed!

Because he made the right bet!

This activates the transmitted thought, which is the **** of the Tangling Mansion! This is also a common trick for general teleporters! Like him Ning Tianlin, if he personally arranged a teleporter, he would also cover his divine thoughts on it.

Only use it for yourself, or for those you allow!

If others use it indiscriminately, they will suffer relentless attacks!

And the amulet he just used in Ning Tianlin is "Mixed Talisman!"

A magic charm that can imitate people's deities!

He did n’t know the **** of the Tangling Mansion. The two had never seen it before, let alone imitation, but he had never seen it, and the owner of the Tangling Mansion, which had just been read by him. The favored concubine has seen it.

He also learned from her memory the tone of the master of the Tangling Mansion and even the fluctuations in his mind!

Then imitate it by blending symbols!

Unexpected success!

"Well, you can finally leave here."

Ning Tianlin breathed a sigh of relief. He just had a cold sweat. You know, if he hasn't tried it just now, he will also face a lot of trouble. Now the entire Tangling Mansion goes to the galaxy's teleportation array.

If the teleportation array cannot be activated, then he will most likely not be able to reach the Galaxy Center in a short time!

If you take a spaceship from here, it won't be possible in just one or two months. At that time, he will not be able to participate in the Galactic Genius Martial Arts Tournament. These years of hard work are likely to be wasted!


"Okay, everything went well!"

Taking a deep breath, Ning Tianlin's body slowly disappeared into a bright silver light.

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