Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1144: Bai Qi's strength

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"it is good!"


"Be sure to test!"

"If it's not true, this bet will not count!"

Many people shouted waving their tickets.

Their money was not brought by the gale. Although they knew that the bet had won or lost, if the Colosseum cheated in private, it would be another matter.


With the screams of these people, the host did not reply again. With a wave of his hand, a huge green light curtain suspended in the air, and at the same time, the next red light was scattered somewhere.

No sign, fell on Bai Qi in the cage.

Bai Qi wanted to hide, which made him very uncomfortable, and he didn't like having something on him that was not his own, but unfortunately, how he moved, this red light also moved with him.

And his hands and feet were tied by iron chains at the moment, and he could only make small movements.



Even as he moved and disobedient, the iron chains on these hands and feet released a strong current to punish his disobedience.



At the same time, various physiological structures of Bai Qi also appeared on the green light curtain in front of everyone. Layers of analysis and analysis, dozens of graphs, were maintained for thirty seconds, and the conclusion was reached.

Seven years and more than five months!

The age of Bai Qi is really only seven!

"I said!"


"It's really only seven!"

Many people who voted for Suluoman made a swear word. It really was only seven years old. This tama was too mature. At this time, he had a beard and a throat, and he was so tall!

Are you **** taking hormones?

This also made their hearts feel a little bit uncomfortable. It was so different in appearance alone, and his combat effectiveness and means must also be very different.

It's dangerous now!

On the contrary, those who bet on Bai Qi's victory were all smiling and showing joy. Although they haven't tested yet, they also let them see hope.

They just bet Bai Qi, they just changed their minds and were not sure.

Nowadays, chances are they are betting right!

Especially this time the odds are not small, if Bai Qi really wins, each of them can earn ten times!


"Ha ha."

Ning Tianlin, who has been paying attention to this place, sneered in his heart, now he finally knows why these people believe that Bai Qi is only seven years old! Because at this time, it was he who was on the 100,000 mountains of the earth at that time, and reshaped the body for Bai Qi!

At that time, Bai Qi was just a soul!

In other words, they cannot detect human souls at all by this means!

Also, in the Universe, only the souls living in several places have souls, and the earth is one of them. These people, I am afraid, do not know what the soul is.

Simply, Bai Qi, who has lived for thousands of years, was only seven years old!

"It's just like that, Bai Qi will be this little girl's opponent?"

Ning Tianlin knew, however, that Bai Qi had ordered him to leave the earth, and only gave him three days. It was five or six years ago. At that time, his combat effectiveness was only 80,000!

Or he banned Dan himself and let him restore his peak fighting power when he was at 100,000 Mountains!

At that time, there were only 80,000, but now there are more than 400,000?

Just this little girl, but killed a beast of 3,400,000 fighting power!

Although there are some coincidences, they will never differ too much.

Bai Qi, after only five years, will he be his opponent?

"All right."

"Since everyone has no objections, the fight now begins!"

Seeing that the lobby was still noisy, the host no longer wanted to say anything more, and the explanation had been explained, so he ordered the fight to begin. As his words fell, the iron chains on the white wrists and ankles that were swallowed into the cages fell off automatically and fell to the ground.

"Kill! Come on! Come on for nothing! Kill her! Kill this Suroman! Kill her for Lao Tzu!"

"Su Luoman, what are you doing there, up, up! Poke him with your sword! Poke!"

Soon, there was a thundering shout around.

Some had Su Luoman rush to kill Bai Qi, some had Bai Qi rushed to kill the little girl. There was an excitement of bloodthirsty in each eye, as if not two lives, but two beasts, lying in the cage at this moment.

"I can't think of me in vain, and there is today! It has also fallen to the point where people are treated as beasts!"

"If I go out, I will kill you all!"

Bai Qi didn't start immediately, but looked around, his eyes were full of fierceness. This scene was no stranger to him. He wanted to have this kind of colosseum in Qin Dynasty.

However, he was an outsider at the time, but now he is a guest in prison.

Everyone who was swept by his eyes was shocked in his heart. Who is this, why is it so hot? How could it be so murderous? Is this really only seven years old?

Although the physical body is new, the soul is still the original one. In the 2,000-year war, hundreds of thousands of people were ordered to be slaughtered. It is not a kind-hearted person at all, especially in the five years when the galaxy fluttered. As a tiger, all disputes encountered are resolved by killing!

The killing of the bandits killed many people.

Even some planets have been slaughtered by him.

Knowing that killing the gods, killing is heavy on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is that he finds that the more he goes through the mad killing, the faster his combat power improves. Especially in the anger, after a planetary creature managed by a consul was completely slaughtered, his combat effectiveness has increased significantly!

Therefore, most of the people glanced at by his eyes bowed his head involuntarily. Unfortunately, Ning Tianlin has been standing at the end of the crowd. When he turned his head, he did not see Ning Tianlin behind.


at the same time.

Su Luoman, the little girl covered in blood, moved, and the sword in her hand was shaken by her energy, stretched straight, and even tweeted like a phoenix. She didn't want to wait for you, nor did she want to delay, because she knew that she could only continue to live today if she killed the person in front of her.

Here, either you die or I die!

No second choice!


The body flickered and stabbed towards the white ahead.

It's just that everyone can't believe it, and what she can't believe is that her sword, such as light, is already extremely fast, but I saw that this white just lifted her hands easily, using two fingers, very easy Grabbed the blade of this sword.


With **** pressed hard, the long sword fell into two parts directly in the eyes of everyone.

One part was still in Suluoman's hand, while the other part was directly inserted into the ground.

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