Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1150: This guy is so fierce

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Blood splatter.

When Gazier's hand was pulled out of Ning Tianlin's abdomen, Ning Tianlin's belly had only a large hole left, and even half of his intestines were lost. However, Ning Tianlin just endured the pain, and used Fangtian's halberd to chop on the opponent's body.


A crisp sound.

But except for the crisp sound, it just made the other person's body shake and took a half step back.

Khazir also wore combat equipment.

The huge combat power gap made Ning Tianlin's blow just useless. Especially when Ning Tianlin was penetrated through the abdomen, he had already removed most of his strength.


When Gazier pulled out his palm, he threw it hard and smashed Ning Tianlin's body into the distance. After sliding for many meters on the ground, he smashed into the cage next to him.


The strength was great, and the whole cage was dangling.


Ning Tianlin opened his mouth wide and couldn't help spitting blood.


"Not an opponent at all."

Almost all the onlookers, seeing here, there is only such a thought at this moment, this young man is completely a fool, a fool who seeks death by himself!

How else can I fight?

The two are not a level at all.

Even the two accompanying Kazil were sneering. From the beginning, I knew that this young man was not an opponent, but he did not expect that he was so stupid that he was so dead.

If you tell your grown-ups, this may not be the result.

However, only one person felt that Ning Tianlin was not a fool, and he was not crazy enough to know that it was not the opponent who had come forward to die, and this person was just behind him. He knows Ning Tianlin's methods, and he is even more fierce and stubborn.

It can even be said to be brave and motivated.

How could you do such a useless adventure?

Moreover, the abdomen was broken, it was broken, and it was not a big deal. At that time, only his soul could be born again. He did not believe that Ning Tianlin would let himself die in vain.

But no one noticed that he had long lost his cold heart, and there was some looseness.

Anyway, what Ning Tianlin is doing now is to take him out of here!

Get out of this cage!

No matter what grievances they had before, but now, he is helping himself!


"Just like a clown."

Watching Ning Tianlin's body recede, fell to the cage, fell on the ground and lay on his back, Gaqier did not chase, but his face was filled with endless sneer, and his eyes even despised.

Although he also felt that there seemed to be a limit to his fighting power, he was sure that even with one hand, he could beat the other side down!

He and this young man are not a level at all!

There's a big hole in your belly, see how you come!


The only thing that frowned on him was that Ning Tianlin, who was lying on the ground, just shook his lower body, regardless of whether there was a big hole in his stomach, and flew towards Gazir's body again.

With one stroke, Fang Tianhua's halberd dropped on the ground, and he was moved back into his hands.


Ning Tianlin's eyes stared sharply at Gazil, entwined with energy and swollen blood, it was not like the stomach was broken and his intestines were pulled in the air.

"This young man is really fierce!"

The onlookers who saw this scene were excited with their eyes open and infinite emotion.

My stomach is like this, and it's just like a okay person. How much patience it takes!

But this one, they like it!

Once they care about winning or losing, but this time they do not gamble, what they care about is the process!

The process is so hot-eyed and passionate, they certainly like it!


"Really come to death!"

Gazir had sneered, and this time he even sentenced Ning Tianlin to death, because this time, he was attacking the opponent's head!

The abdomen is broken, and the strong man with life is hard to die. But since you are so fierce, I'll take a look. Your head is broken, can you stand up!

Give you the opportunity again and again, you do not cherish, then this time, you are welcome!


Seeing Ning Tianlin approaching, seeing the monstrous halberd cut off towards his body, he did not hide, waiting so quietly, waiting for a fatal blow to Ning Tianlin!

He wants to end the battle!


At the last moment, he moved, his body flickered, and he moved gently three meters to the left, and easily avoided Ning Tianlin's attack. Then he sneered, and his claws caught directly at Ning Tianlin's head. .


Ning Tianlin wanted to hide, but the speed of the opponent was too fast. Just after he avoided the small half of his head, the entire forehead was penetrated by the opponent's claws, just like breaking through tofu, and wearing it directly.


This skull, like a watermelon burst, burst into a place. But his last clenched fist also hit the opponent. Similarly, the power is too small, and there is a lot of difference in combat effectiveness, which does not play much role.


Most of the rest of Ning Tianlin's body fell to the ground at this time.


"Haha, this fool is dead!"

"Don't look at this place, who the other party is, the eighth-ranked master in the galaxy, dare to challenge so freely!"

Some people laughed wildly, some people despised madly, and some people were silent. Various expressions reflected various hearts.

"Let's kill yourself, who can't complain!"

Gazier looked at the corpse not far from his feet and sneered. This is the result you want?

I have given you a chance, and you do not cherish it.

Ask your family history, you do n’t say, now you are completely asking for it!

Besides, do you really think I'm afraid of the family behind you? I just don't want to trouble the Colosseum. If you do n’t say it, you know it in vain, no.

Even he didn't know how he could find out based on the strength of the Colosseum! If it is really powerful, then all are useless! Because behind him, standing in the Colosseum!


"Just so dead?"

Su Luoman, the woman beside Bai Qi, was not convinced. Why is this person so stupid and has a chance to survive? Just now the other person asked about your family history, you just do n’t have it. Anyway, the last one may not be the result.

unfortunately. . . . . .

"He will never hang so easily!"

And the only big Colosseum, the only one who still had this idea, was Bai Qi.

He understands Ning Tianlin's methods. He is unpredictable. How can a person who can reshape his body die because his body is broken?


And just as he looked at Ning Tianlin's body, that is, less than a second from lying down, Ning Tianlin's broken body stood up from the ground.

There was no head, no stomach, and bloody, so he stood up with one hand, and Fang Tian painted the halberd on his side, and returned to his hand again.

Fighting and flying towards the extremely shocked Cazir!

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