Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1195: More stars than stars

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Ning Tianlin!"

"We want to see Ning Tianlin!"

Ning Tianlin, sitting in a VIP room, listened to the sound of a tsunami outside, looked at the people on the side, and was a little speechless. He really didn't expect that he was so popular.

He even called out his own name.

He thought that he would hide there quietly.

Even the owner of Nanzhan House was stunned. He didn't expect that these audiences were so crazy, they even called out Ning Tianlin's name collectively in such a place!

But just think about it.

Most of the people sitting here are temple stars. The residents of the temple star like the star, but worship the stronger!

Everyone learns martial arts here.

Stars are just entertainment, and the strong are truly eternal!

Ning Tianlin is a strong man, but also a genius strong man. If you are not a hundred years old, you will be able to defeat the top five superpowers in the battle in the galaxy. This does not mean that his fighting power has exceeded six or seven million!

They didn't know that Ning Tianlin actually robbed eight of the top ten.

Undercover, without fanfare.

Otherwise, they will know that Ning Tianlin's combat effectiveness has reached the top three!

Even his energy points in the combat system now have more than 300 billion yuan remaining!

Those strong, almost mastered most of the resources of the temple star.

"Master, why don't you go."

"Everyone is looking forward to your appearance."

At this time, when he saw Ning Tianlin hesitant, the apprentice Su Luoman on the side began to suggest.

Although she hasn't been with Ning Tianlin for a long time, she still knows her master somewhat. He hesitated, which means some heartbeat, some want to go. Otherwise, he would not hesitate, but disdain.

Moreover, she was somewhat selfish.

I hope my master can play. In the eyes of many people, debut!

In this way, she is also honored as an apprentice.

After all, this is his own master, he is full of light, and her apprentice is also glorious.

"Master Ning, go out and show your face."

"Let the temple star feel your majesty."

Seeing that Ning Tianlin did not reject his apprentice's proposal, the master of Nanzhanfu didn't understand anything, and suggested with a smile.

Even Bai Qi, who has been singing against him all the time, has no cold water at this moment. After all, this is the glory of the earth people.

He Ning Tianlin represents the earth people at this moment.

This scene reminded him of the days when he was in Daqin, and the thousands of soldiers and soldiers also welcomed him so freely.

"it is good."

"That being the case, I can't accompany everyone."

Ning Tianlin smiled and nodded.

Since everyone is kind and inviting, it is really disrespectful.

Moreover, when the Lord of the Galaxy comes, he will appear.

Go out now, just sooner or later.

Then stood up and said goodbye to everyone. His body flickered, and in a blink of an eye, he emerged from the door and appeared in the top of the square.

"Look, Ning Tianlin is out!"

"He's out."

When the figure of Ning Tianlin appeared at the highest point in the sky, someone with sharp eyes shouted excitedly. At the same time, the screen on the square captured his figure and presented him on the big screen.

"Ning Tianlin!"

"Ning Tianlin!"

"Ning Tianlin!"

For a moment, the voice was full of people, all shouting Ning Tianlin's name. Countless people even got up from their seats and clapped their hands.

At first there was no organization, it was chaotic, but slowly, the applause became unified, and if there was some rhythm, it rang through the world.

"Thank you!"

Long speechless.

Ning Tianlin was in the air, bending slightly to show a bow.

Even himself was a little excited and surging.

It can be said that this scene is the first time in his life that he has experienced it like this, being worshipped and shouted like an idol star. When I was on Earth, I didn't have this experience.

At that time, he was hiding in the dark unless necessary.

This also made him realize for the first time that Galaxy is actually his home and his roots.

The people here and the things here are not far and strange.

This is why these years, he did not directly consume the planet in the galaxy, but used money to buy resources. Occasionally, I met some unpleasant people, and then I tried to kill them.




And with Ning Tianlin's bow, thunderous applause increased even more.

"Ning Tianlin, I love you!"

Some women even shouted excitedly.

If it weren't for the people around him, she would have rushed at this moment.

"Is he Ning Tianlin ..."

All the contestants, at this moment, looked up and looked up at Ning Tianlin in the sky.

Complicated feelings.

Is this the recognized number one in their profession?

But they are here to play, not to see first!

You're all set, what else are they fighting for?

In particular, those seed players who were originally recognized as the most advantageous to compete for the first place were even more dissatisfied.

On what grounds?

Why are you the default?

They are!

Even they were originally the target of high odds for the casino, but after Ning Tianlin appeared, they were pulled down from the first, but started from the second and third.

But they also know that this is indeed a reality.

The lowest combat effectiveness is six or seven million.

They just use the energy of milking, more than a million are just barely!

Can't compare.

"Is it first?"

And everyone did not notice that a young woman with a light green skin and a hot body of about one meter six five or five, with purple eyes, looked at Ning Tianlin's figure and smiled.

Even deep in his eyes, greedy light was emitted.

Around her, there were also five members of the same family as her.

Purple pupil.

It's named because the eyes are purple.

In the universe, it is not very close to the human race, it should be considered neutral.


"People like **** have such great charm!"

But at this time, a very dissonant sound sounded in a certain room.

Not others, but everyone in Dongling Prefecture who has a great feud with Ning Tianlin.

They all looked so iron that they never expected that Ning Tianlin would have such great charm in the temple star.

So many people worship and applaud him.

He was the owner of Tangling Mansion, and there was not such a big battle when he appeared!


"Genius, a genius who has not yet grown up, will fall!"

"Real genius, that's the strong!"

There was murder in the eyes of the owner of Tangling House.

Strive to contact his old master as soon as possible, and ask him to take a shot to solve this problem.

Otherwise, when he really grows up, I am afraid that the master will not be his opponent.

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