Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1216: The top three wins!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Master Ning, then I will leave."

Gu Yang stooped and bent down again. After seeing Ning Tianlin nodded, he straightened and said to the intelligent machine referee, "I give in."

After that, he left the ring.

"Ning Tianlin, win!"

The smart machine referee's voice also sounded at the right time.


"I won!"

"take money!"

"Get your money!"

"A total of eighteen seconds, almost doubled! I won!"

When Gu Yang's figure left, the lean young man immediately shouted excitedly to the strong man beside him.

"Five thousand, this ten thousand. The total is fifteen thousand!"

"Get your money!"

The lean man couldn't help but be excited. He thought he would lose even the Jedi counterattack won, how could he not be excited. Moreover, fifteen thousand galactic coins are equivalent to his five-month salary.

I sent it this time.

It's just different from his excited expression, but the strong man said extremely coldly, "What's the matter."

"carry on."

"Three more times."

"Ning Tianlin has a total of ten times today, and there are three times later. I will give them to you after these three times are over. Similarly, I will bet one player to abstain this time.

The brawny hummed.

"I bet 20,000 this time!"

Before the lean man spoke, the strong man continued.

The next player is not an acquaintance of Ning Tianlin. This time it was just a mistake.

In the end, he didn't want to figure out these fifteen thousand.

He now has the suspicion of speaking vernacular, because he doesn't have so much money at all, and he has made up his mind early, that is, if he loses this time, he will not give it.

Three chances, as long as he wins once, he can make a copy.

"You lie!"

"Hurry up and give the money."

"I'm not gambling!"

How could a lean young man see no idea what he was fighting, and argued, even his face became extremely ugly, this brave man wants to play it hard.

"If you want to gamble, just gamble, and stop if you don't want to gamble. How can there be such a good thing in this world."

As a result, the strong man didn't give him a face at all, and retorted coldly.



The lean young man turned red, took the long knife directly from the space ring, and pointed at the other side, "Do you want to cheat?"

"What is jiaolai? It's not over yet. How can it be called jiaolai?" The strong man also snorted, took out the gloves from the space ring, and put them on his hands. Not afraid.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The lean young man connected to two good words, "Today I was blind, and I found such an opponent as you are!"

With that said, he lifted his big sword and hacked at the other side.

"Bang!" The strong man responded with his fist.


But at this time, the sky dropped two beams of light and hit them directly. The huge energy instantly roasted the two people into dregs, let alone flesh and blood, and no bones were left.

"Disorderer, die!"

At the end, there was a huge sound in the air, which made the crowd watching all chill in their hearts.

These two unlucky guys, forgot where this is, dare to find something here.

And this is only an episode. Soon, Ning Tianlin ended his battle. None of the remaining three games was contested. Who made them and Ning Tian not acquainted with each other?

The next day, Ning Tianlin was arguably the easiest day. After only a few minutes on the ring, the game ended.

The third day, the same result.

At this time, the game also went on for five days. From more than 8,000 contestants, the top 100 have also been determined. There was only one acquaintance, Hong Bing from Nanzhan House.

The rest are from other provinces and other ethnic groups.

On the sixth day, Duotai repeated the match, and the top 100 decided the top 10.

On the seventh day, the top ten players were also in the limelight and started the real finals.

And this time is different from the past, there are hard rules, assault is prohibited!

No one can die!

These ten people, who can stand here, are the pillars of the galaxy, the pride of the galaxy, the true genius of the galaxy, and each loss of them is a great loss to the galaxy.

Therefore, ten people cannot be killed, they can only win and lose.

Soon, two against two, five out of ten.

However, the five defeated this time did not leave, but continued to play against each other, because the final reward was the top ten, and the five defeated by them also had to decide on the ranking. But this time Ning Tianlin's opponent did not retire, but was defeated completely. He was blown to the stomach by Ning Tianlin's punch, and his intestines stayed on the ground and fell under the ring.

Next, choose three out of five.

This time it is a rotation system, not a direct elimination.

Played a total of ten games, one person twice.

Similarly, Ning Tianlin's opponents did not retreat and chose to fight.

"The top three!"

"The top three is born!"

In the afternoon, countless people were inspiring and shouting, because the top three of the Martial Arts Association were finally born.

They are Ning Tianlin from Nanzhan House!

Mobi, the star of the temple!

Giza of Purple Eyes!

Ning Tianlin was born out of nowhere. No one dared to say a word in the first place, but Mobbi was the real genius of the temple star. When Ning Tianlin did not appear, he was a real seed player.

Many people think he will be the real genius this time.

But who is this Giza?

Purple pupil?

When did they have such a genius?

But soon, the information about Zitong Jisha was found out. Countless people were shocked, because in addition to the top ten forbidden killings, all players who played against this Gisha died in the game.

It's all a fate.


This Giza is absolutely deservedly cruel!

Kill all opponents.

"She ... she broke into the top three ..."

"It's incredible."

The most shocking thing is that the rest of the Zitong clan, including the team leader and other players, can be said to have watched Giza all the way and knew Giza more than everyone else.

But the more I understood, the more shocked I was.

Originally with them, even worse than their Giza, broke into the top three.

Pass all the way, be invincible!

How did she do it?

Genius is here!

According to the current growth of combat effectiveness, it is definitely over one million! even more!

When she was in the Zitong clan, she could really bear it, not to show the mountains and not to dew, and it was a blockbuster here!

Moreover, to this day, no matter whether it is the leader or companion, no one complains that the other party has been killed all the way. The genius has reached this point, that is, the murderer, and their Zitong family will desperately protect.

A true genius grows up and is more powerful than 10,000 scum.

Nowadays, the real big brothers of the Zitong clan have also noticed Jisha, and have even spoken. When Jisha returns to the clan, she will accept her as an apprentice and cultivate her well.

The eighth day.

That is one week and one day.

The final begins!

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