Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1234: True stealth

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Second, these three kinds of energy have different roots, different sources, and there are 10,000 kinds of changes and 10,000 kinds of possibilities. The final formed planet is by no means comparable with a single energy."

"Without saying anything else, the energy contained in it alone can crush this single planet!"

"Growth is also more extensive!"

The combat system paused, "So the host has nothing to worry about. The formation of this planet is only a matter of time. As long as there is enough energy, it is not impossible in the blink of an eye!"

"it is good!"

Hearing here, Ning Tianlin's eyes were light. I can't wait to experience the thrill of this planet formation immediately.

A cell is a star.

This is what it will be, what kind of existence he will be.

However, he quickly thought of a question and continued to ask, "So what is the role of this chaotic ancient atmosphere and Hongmeng purple gas? Don't tell me it's just three things, speeding up the evolution of the star core!"

If this is the case, it will be another three kinds of energy, and there is no need for such high-end things as Chaos Ancient Qi and Hongmeng Ziqi.


The combat effectiveness grinned, "Don't you know if you mobilize them?"

The combat system did not give a positive answer, but let Ning Tianlin experiment by himself.


Ning Tianlin didn't hesitate. He put his mind directly on the ancient chaos of a cell, and began to use his spirit to stimulate him. He just observed their characteristics and did not urge them.




In an instant, Ning Tianlin only felt that the chaos ancient atmosphere began to overflow from this cell, and he was surrounded by all parts of his body quickly, although not dense, but this breath was full of the body.


"what happened?"


At this moment, the audience who watched the live broadcast beside the martial arts stage of the Budo Association involuntarily exclaimed an exclamation.

"Why not!"

"Why is Ning Tianlin gone!"

In the blink of an eye, Ning Tianlin disappeared before their eyes.

Disappeared completely!

The scene was full of excitement, and it became a little disturbed.

"Well? Why is the master missing?"

"What's up with him?"

The apprentice Suluman was also exclaimed.

Just fine, why did the master disappear all of a sudden!

"Yeah, where did he go?"

Huai Xianzi also wondered.

"What happened to the third brother?"

"what happened!"

My eyes narrowed, why was this happening after the game was over!

"Is it Lord Ning's speed is too fast, after the game, he left, and did not even capture the photography?"

Many viewers are wondering, "He's leaving too fast!"

"Is there no reward for this game!"

"Don't leave at speed! But disappear!" At this time, the referee frowned, and even felt a hint of fear.

Ning Tianlin disappeared completely!

Disappeared out of thin air!

Not leaving at lightning speed! He didn't feel the slightest mental fluctuation at all!

"what happened?"

"Where did he go!"

Countless people exclaimed, and even everyone present was trying to explore Ning Tianlin's position, but all of them failed. Ning Tianlin, who was close at hand, was not discovered by them.


"One of the ancient and chaotic effects you can play now is stealth!"

Fighting power system road. "And it's extremely stealthy!"

"Except for those who have been exposed to the super universe super chaos, no one can break it!"

If the combat system is bombed directly in Ning Tianlin's ears like a thunder, he can feel that his body is in a mysterious state wrapped in chaotic ancient atmosphere.

It seems to be in this space, but it doesn't seem to be.

Looking at the reactions of the people around him, he had realized that it was stealth, but he did not expect it would be such a powerful stealth!

Unless it has been exposed to the super existence of chaos, it is impossible to break, and the rest is impossible!

This does not mean that in the universe today, there are fewer than ten fingers who can find him invisible! The existence that is not at the peak of the universe is that he cannot find his own existence before standing in front of him!

This is much stronger than the effects of stealth elixir and Fuyu!

You know, these things that help people to hide, but there are too many restrictions, the opponent's combat power is higher, the mental strength is stronger, but they can be cracked. But this invisibility is that the opponent is ten times and one hundred times more powerful than himself, but it is impossible to find yourself without contact with the ancient atmosphere of chaos!

Even if you have contacted it, you have to have a higher combat effectiveness than yourself.

"This first function is a good technique for traveling at home.

Ning Tianlin felt in his heart that this is only the first function that can be stimulated by the ancient chaos. It is so powerful, and it will become stronger and richer in the future. I don't know what kind of surprise I will bring.


Subsequently, the ancient atmosphere of chaos was mobilized and reunited.


"Master Ning is out!"

In an instant, a terrifying exclaiming sound came from outside, because Ning Tianlin came out again, and he appeared on the ring again.

what happened?

How did he do that?

What is he doing?

Countless people wondered and exclaimed.

But no matter what, Ning Tianlin came out again, he is still the ultimate champion of this martial arts association.


The referee was also relieved, what should he do if the champion disappeared out of thin air.

The Lord of the Galaxy knew that he would not scold him.

Moreover, the rewards of this martial arts association have not been distributed yet.

The Lord of the Galaxy told him a few days ago that if he can appear when the martial arts end, the reward will be issued by the Lord of the Galaxy. If the Lord of the Galaxy does not show up, the reward will be issued by him.

In other words, his referee is also responsible for issuing prizes!

This is also what the top ten players look forward to now!

"Master Ning, if there is nothing, can I give out a reward now?"

Just when Ning Tianlin was about to urge Hongmeng Ziqi to try what function it had, the referee asked Ning Tianlin carefully.

He is the referee of the game, but at the moment, he seems extremely careful.


Ning Tianlin returned to God and nodded.

Yeah, the martial arts meeting is over, and it's time for many players to look forward to it most.

But he wasn't very excited, because it was really nothing compared to what he got. And the second brother of the Lord of the Galaxy did not come, so it was less fun.

Moreover, just when the ancient times of chaos were spurred, there was so much noise. When so many people are watching to spur Hongmeng Ziqi, I do n’t know what will happen, but it ’s better to be careful.

When everything is over here, look for a place to try.

At the same time, look at how much combat power you have grown up!

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