Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1247: Large-scale clearing of memories

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


With the disappearance of this female worm, the big hole in the mid-empty space slowly closed, and countless people breathed a long breath in their hearts.


This female bug is gone!

Just left Tangling Province!

No hands to kill them!

They survived!

Only a few moments later, the crowd seemed to react, and there were countless rumbling talks.


"Ning Tianlin lost!"

"He was taken away by the Zerg!"

No one can believe the reality in front of them. Ning Tianlin, who was just so immensely fierce, crushed each other's neck. How could he be defeated suddenly, and his arm was interrupted by the other.

In the end, he was grabbed by his neck?

what happened?

Isn't he great?

What kind of killer weapon did the Zerg tribe finally fail to accomplish?

But it has become a fact, everyone is messy, I do n’t know what to do, Ning Tianlin was taken away, but it is a big event! He is the most powerful genius in this millennium!

I heard that it is the hometown of the Lord of the Galaxy.

The combat power is more than 10 million!

The first person below the Lord of the Galaxy!

Maybe it won't be long before you become the first person to be well deserved!

But now, he was captured by the Zerg! What this worm wants to do and what ideas it has, this time their goal is obviously Ning Tianlin. Ning Tianlin was arrested, wouldn't he be murdered first?

Some nasty ones are a little excited when they think of the unexplainable pictures of Ning Tianlin and the Zerg.

They and Ning Tianlin are not close to each other, they feel that Ning Tianlin is worthless at best, but there is no sad cry.


Only at this time, there was a harsh howling in the air, and I saw a million-footed cormorant waved by Ning Tianlin early. After solving all the insects, he opened a big mouth and countless golden ripples. spread.




Not only was it flying across the air, the entire ground was full of this golden yellow ripple. Even the glass of countless buildings below shattered under the ripples.

The sky and the earth are full of sound waves!



Nearly everyone's eardrums were swollen and painful, and even the whole brain was buzzing. Too many people fell to the ground, covering their ears and rolling, and after a while, blood leaked out of their ears.

This golden sound wave disappeared without a trace until it lasted for more than a minute.

At this time, the figure of Manzulu also disappeared long ago.



"My head!"

After a while, countless people struggled to stand up, holding their heads as if they had just survived a life and death disaster.

"what happened?"

"What happened just now?"

"what happened?"

Almost everyone is you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what happened.

"Well, why am I here, haven't I just watched the kids at home?" Said a woman.

"No, why am I so big, am I not eight years old?" A teenage boy looked at his body inconceivably, but couldn't figure out what just happened.

"Well, am I just playing cards? I'm about to lose money, but I haven't given any money yet. How did this happen?" An old man sitting in his own home, looking at the scattered window glass, didn't know what happened His eyes were a little confused.

Are his brand friends afraid of losing money, unwilling to give, stun themselves and rob their house again?

Few people have reacted now, and all of them have amnesia.

It's just that the length of the amnesia varies, and the combat effectiveness is low. It is possible to go backward for decades in the ripples just now. The combat effectiveness is similar, and it has been amnesia for several months.

The real strong man in Tangling Prefecture also has a blank period of thought for several days.

The shortest, the time has gone backwards by one day.

Wan Zuyu did this, of course, from Ning Tianlin's intention. To be on the safe side, Ning Tianlin still felt safe to clear everyone's memory, so that if Apeqi really wanted to check, it would be difficult to find out.

It was just that the way he cleared his memory was a bit violent, directly destroying part of the brain and nerves. Although not fatal, it was enough for people to drink a pot. He estimated that the combat effectiveness was low and he might vomit for several days.

"Now it's your turn back."

At this moment, Ning Tianlin waved his hand to signal that the female bug could return to the Apeqi family. Even in her mind, forcibly changed a memory, that is, to let the Lord of the Galaxy, his second brother, and himself all pretend to be controlled by him.

This method of forcibly changing memory may be more difficult than others in the hands of others, but for today's Ning Tianlin, it is just forcing a virtual spiritual segment into it.

Everything has only one purpose, insurance!

Maybe this Ape Qi mother worm will read the memory in person.

There are no secrets in these bugs.


The female bug bowed, then broke through the space and left the place.

Ning Tianlin looked at her back, sighing a little, I just hope that this **** can be buried well, maybe it will be of great use at any time.

. . . . . .

"Such a thing!"

Xiang Yu, the main galaxy, was shocked.

It never occurred to me that the third brother went out for a trip and it happened! Encounter Zerg hunt! Still at the martial arts meeting, the one who controls Gisha! Can even break open space!

However, he didn't know that the Zerg broke open the space and the human race was different. They are simpler than the human race. You don't need to know what the space coordinates are, you don't need to study any space secrets, you just need to use the space to guide the insects!

These space-guiding worms can point them to blasting at that location and need to avoid it at that location. The Zerg can easily find the corresponding space coordinates.

It was only this thing that Ning Tianlin knew at this time.

If he hasn't made a breakthrough, he can completely let Xiang Yu return to earth in this way. For others, it is impossible to drive the space-oriented insects in the Zerg, but for Ning Tianlin, it is not a problem at all.

Everything exchanged by the combat system is subject to his orders.

"The meaning of the third brother is not only the Milky Way, but also many galaxies in the Cangming star domain?"

"This mate Zerg, is there a big game next?"

The Lord of the Galaxy frowned.

Somewhat lucky. If it wasn't for Ning Tianlin's early discovery, it would have blocked him, maybe he would have been successful.


Ning Tianlin nodded.

However, he did not know the true purpose of the Apeqi Zerg, and even he had some doubts. Not only the Apeqi Zerg, but also other Zerg, were doing the same thing.

The female bugs under his control are not qualified enough to know more.

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