Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1251: Ningfu Qiandao

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"what happened?"

"What is this vortex!"

Countless people on the earth looked up in shock and didn't understand how well they would suddenly appear! And even though the power of this vortex does not cover the entire earth, most of China has seen it.

"Are the aliens here?"

Countless people exclaimed.

Although there was no spaceship, some sensitive people immediately thought of this possibility.

This is not impossible, because in that year, aliens descended strongly.



"Anomalies are found in the sky! It is highly suspected that unknown creatures are coming! The fighter takes off!"

"Anomalies are found in the sky! It is highly suspected that unknown creatures are coming! The fighter takes off!"

Almost all cities in China have also sounded air defense alarms in the first place. The humming sound of piercing ears penetrated the eardrums of countless people.

Even the voices of broadcasters who have never appeared before have resounded throughout the sky and spread throughout the world.

Officials, civilians, businessmen, warriors, scholars, and all of them are all tense at this moment, looking at the black hole suddenly appearing in the air with extreme nervousness, panic. Are afraid of the advent of really scary creatures!

Even a little timid, already rushed to the very deep caves dug early.

The last alien invasion gave them great lessons. It would be nice if they could hide in the deep ground. No matter how powerful the aliens are, they won't find them nearly 10,000 meters underground. It is even more impossible to destroy the entire earth.

What they don't know is that if an alien powerhouse really comes, one hand can also blast the earth into **** debris. It's no use hiding deep.

"Attention all heroes, be prepared for battle!"

"Attention all heroes, and get ready for battle!"

Jinchuan City.

League of Legends headquarters.

The voice of a young man sounded in the hall, shook through the eardrums of all heroes, and even the heroes who carried out missions far away, heard this voice from the information device.

It was not others, but Shi Xiaojun, the deputy leader of the League of Legends.

Today's League of Legends headquarters is no longer as large as a football stadium, and has almost expanded tenfold! The architectural styles are different, there are extra-terrestrial styles, there are classic towers, there are tower-shaped pavilions, and they have the tallest building in the world today!

One thousand three hundred and eighty-two floors!

Breakthroughs in science and technology and materials have almost made the height of this highest floor a thousand stories higher than in previous years! Towering into the sky! But only the real strong can live in it. The thin oxygen is destined for ordinary people to survive here.


"All Chinese people have the right to know what happened!"

In the Forbidden City, Hua Lao sounded a majestic voice, and saw countless satellites shining, and many people's information devices began to broadcast live. After all, the black hole vortex above is still too far from here.

Ordinary people can only see visions, but they don't know what is happening there.


South China Sea.

A huge island with beautiful scenery, beautiful.

Tree-lined, hot springs transpiration.



Although there are still many modern buildings scratching it, it has not affected the tranquility and calm of the island in the slightest.

The architectural layout of the island is generally a circular arch, looped around. Most of them are modern villa buildings, but in some places, they are very extensive courtyards, with the architectural characteristics of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

But without exception, there are no tall buildings.

No concrete.

Although the building materials here don't look very eye-catching, let alone the twelve-story earthquake, the tsunami is coming, and it is impossible for these houses to collapse and submerge.

They will also increase with the fluctuations of the sea water. There are even a few places that are suspended in the void, not high, but also five or six meters above the ground.

If you look at it from a high altitude, you will find that the architecture of this island is very doorway, and it secretly fits into some kind of heaven and earth governance, like gossip, tai chi, and it seems like a feng shui array.

The island's most central yard covers an extremely wide courtyard, and below it is a spring eye connected to the South China Sea. There is no crazy seawater, but only the slightest aura of emanation emanating from this spring eye, which holds the souls in this house.

This house is a very large residence. From time to time, people shuttle among them. There are children, middle-aged people, earth Chinese, and aliens with dark green eyes and dark green skin.

But these people are not surprised by the existence of these aliens, and there are not many shocks. It is completely commonplace. Some even 13-year-olds are lying on these aliens playing games.

The gate of this house is made of millennium golden silk. Although this kind of plant has been scarce in the original Huaxia, there are still many in Southeast Asia, especially some deep mountain old forests.

It is just that the entire earth of the whole world has now become a Huaxia site. Too many good things were shipped to Huaxia. Ordinary people are able to touch the light, but more good things are still gathered in the hands of the powerful.

The owner of this island has a very high position throughout China.

Because above the gate of the house, there is a plaque. Although there are only four characters on it, these four characters are mentioned by the old man in the Forbidden City. Named "Ningfu College".

Those who walked back and forth in the courtyard were students of Ningfu College. Not only the children of Ningfu, but also some talented teenagers from all over the country studying here. They are taught by the heroes in the League of Legends, but also the aliens who came here from Cuttlefish and Jiumu Academy.

Not far from this house, there is a group of villas. It is not other people who live, it is Ning Tianlin's parents and some relatives, some are the Ning family, some are foreign relatives.

Ning family!

The patriarch is Ning Tianlin's father Ning Rong!

Although there are not many direct lineages, most of them are foreign relatives, but this is not the case with the family. If you don't have three good fortunes, you can count as similar relatives. At that time, before Ning Tianlin had left, he had already let some relatives live outside his home.

One is surname Ning, and the other is that these people can accompany their parents to talk and relieve boredom. This second point is the main reason that Ning Tianlin values ​​most.

This island is also called Ning Island by all Chinese people.

Three years ago, Ning Rong already felt that the Ning family was unsuitable to live in Jinchuan. There were too many servants in the population, and it was a bit noisy and unclean. Too many people came to visit every day, let Ning Rong and Chen Xi discuss.


The final negotiation result is to choose an independent island to live in Nanwaiwai!


air is fresh!

Blue sky and white clouds beach, suitable for living!

Construction started two years ago, and with alien technology, they lived in a year ago and it was extremely fast.

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