Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1253: There are beautiful women in the starry sky!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Clothing at the end of Qin!"


"Nothing wrong!"

Some Daniels who study history are extremely sure. Although they did not see for themselves what the clothing looked like more than 2,000 years ago, they were able to completely restore it according to the records in the literature.

Although history is written by the victors, it is difficult to understand the true history, but those in power have not been naive enough to let historians change the description of their clothes.

This beautiful woman is absolutely wearing the clothes of the last year of the Qin Dynasty!

But their remarks were quickly drowned in the comments of the Internet, and few people noticed them. However, everyone also reacted again, this beauty is Huaxia, this kind of beauty that belongs to China!

This feeling can't be wrong!

And Yu Ji, after coming out of the space vortex, did not land, but stood beside Xiang Yu pretty, leaning on his body. This scene made countless male compatriots scold!

I am!

There are men in beauties!

How does this work!

Although I know that this has nothing to do with their eight lives, many people still say, "The beauty has let the pigs go."

Depressed, jealous, why this man is not himself!


"Another one comes out!"

But soon, too many people exclaimed. Because of an indifferent figure wearing armor, came out of this vortex of space. Although the height is several human figures, whether it is the eyes or the skull, there is no connection with the human beings on earth.

With a wide mouth and a large amount, it looks like an orc!


"It's really an alien!"

Countless people are horrified.

The first two of them didn't feel any horror yet, and they were even guessing whether the ancient Chinese were back. After all, there are countless fairy tales in China. Are those fairy people already out of the earth and flying to the universe?

It may be these ancient immortals who came back here!

Even some people have just been holding excited fantasies.

But the appearance of this alien directly poured cold water on their heads.


They don't like the aliens who have rushed in now. After all, the experience of the past few years is so vivid that they almost destroyed the entire earth. Especially his fierce look, just like the beast.

With a big sword on his shoulder, he has two feet!

Many people wonder whether this sturdy city wall will be split in half and countless people will die tragically!

However, after the alien appeared, he did not land. Instead, he bowed respectfully towards Xiang Yu, who made his first appearance, and stood firmly beside him without saying anything.

And soon, the second, third, and fourth aliens stepped out of the space selection one after another, bowed respectfully to Xiang Yu and Yu Ji, and stood beside them.

Faintly centered on two people.

They are all Xiang Yu's guards from the outside. He is tough and can die for one of his orders without hesitation! This time, Xiang Yu will also leave them on the earth, responsible for the guarding of the earth.

"This man's head?"

Numerous Chinese people speculated that this might be possible. They have seen that the first two who came out of the second seem to be the heads of these aliens. However, Xiang Yu did not identify himself, so he could only let everyone stare.

"Little loli!"

"What a pretty loli!"

Just one after another from the space vortex, one after another out of thirty or forty aliens, a height of about 1.67 meters, a little girl about fourteen or five years old came out of the space vortex.

All of a sudden Chinese people boiled. Especially Huaxia men, staring at the girl's face one by one, and then looking at the bulge on the other's chest, some couldn't believe their eyes.

Child face big breasts!

Real child face big breasts!

The face is obviously only 13 or 14 years old, but how can that place be so magnificent!

How many cups?

36D? 36E?

Numerous girls even looked at each other's body and then looked at themselves, all of them embarrassed.

And this girl, not others, is Ning Tianlin's apprentice Su Luoman.

She usually dresses as a warrior. Even in order to prevent the grandeur of her chest from obstructing her movements, she usually restrains them with a corset. But this time she came to earth and she dressed up specially.

This is because she is the master star of her master. I heard that she wants to see the master ’s parents and wives. How can she appear as a warrior? How to dress up.

Therefore, she changed her previous dress, not to mention the costume, but she was definitely carefully dressed, a girl next door. Because she felt that the appearance of the little girl was more flattering.

At the very least, it's hard to get bored.

However, it doesn't matter that she dresses directly, and she just let Ning Tianlin's heart jump. He really didn't expect that he was not a formal apprentice yet.

A big accident!

In particular, the two magnificent pairs on the chest are not weak compared to adults!

I really didn't find it before!

In the attention of countless Chinese people, Little Loli Su Luoman stood respectfully beside Yu Ji and said hello to Xiang Yu and the two. The guards who just came out were not qualified to be side by side with each other. They all stood behind Xiang Yu.

"No, another beauty!"

"And this beauty ...

"It's so charming, it's so tempting!"

But soon, the eyes of countless Chinese people were once again shocked by the appearance coming out of the space vortex.


Too tempting.

That skin.

That lips.

That eye.

There are thousands of styles, and a smile!

Countless men groaned involuntarily.

This beauty, compared with the first two, has more style! More attractive to men!

Because the first beauty is a magnificent manner, noble and generous, the second is the child's big breasts, the loli among the loli, but the third is the woman among the women! Charming allure!

Although it is not a show, it is so charming!

That moment, that smile, I don't know how many will lose to her pomegranate skirt.

And this time, the woman who came out was not someone else. It was the very popular star Huai Xian of the Galaxy, which represents the top star of the Galaxy! Although she is very proud, she is charmingly charming.

With one look, too many men can itch into their bones!

When he came out, he stood very nicely beside Su Luoman.

But look, from time to time looking down at the city.

Where is the city where Lord Ning lives, where did he originally live?

"Such a beautiful woman!"

Countless men's hearts have tickled into their bones, and even vowed immediately, if this time they could not live without aliens invading the earth, he must work hard to improve their combat effectiveness and get out of the earth!

Because of the starry sky outside the earth, not only will there be adventures, but there will also be opportunities! More beautiful!

If you can get this level of beauty, death is worth it!

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