Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1258: Is she your friend?

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Shu Yishan did not know what he was thinking at the moment.

Because the other side is too beautiful, the beauty is almost suffocating, not to mention the man, herself, who admires the endless style of the other side, raising his hands and throwing his feet, all enchanting.

Especially the identity of the other party here is a bit weird.

On this table, there are three women, one is Yu Ji, the wife of Xiang Yu, the king of Western Chu, and the other is Su Luoman, an apprentice accepted by her husband, who is only fourteen or five years old and has nothing.

But what is the identity of Huai Fairy?


This is also the identity introduced by her husband.

But what do you do as a star in my house?

Husband's friend?

Or something else?

In particular, the other person's almost national appearance and natural conscience, Shu Yishan had to think more.

Over the years, she has also made a lot of friends, her husband cheated, and a young woman, and a student, but she did not care much about it. Because she believes in her husband.

In other words, rather than worrying about it, she cares more about the safety of her husband.

Her husband was alone in the universe outside, and I did n’t know what dangers he might encounter. Maybe she would eat and sleep and enjoy her blessings.

Nine dead a lifetime.

However, she is not a fool. She has also thought about what kind of world the outside world is. There are dangers and struggles, but there are endless temptations.

The earth alone has so many temptations, not to mention the almost endless galaxy.

She even thought that as long as her husband can be safe and healthy, and he comes back healthily, she will not care what happens outside him, as long as he is safe.

But now, when she sees the Huai fairy sitting at the table, she is suddenly disturbed.

Is this woman out with her husband?

What is their relationship really?

normal friend?

Or like those friends said, lover?

Lovers reconnected outside the galaxy?

It wasn't she who thought so much, she would think so with another woman. Especially in the past few years, the destruction of the nations of the earth left only Huaxia. In order to encourage population reproduction, Huaxia encouraged as many births as possible.

Even the year before, when the Cuttlefish entered the earth and the Galaxy network was connected to the earth, Huaxia secretly relaxed the boundaries of some men's and women's affairs according to many planetary customs in the Galaxy.

Although there is no explicit requirement for polygamy, there are already many men, one with two and three with shopping.

In particular, the media's various reports on this matter have helped many people to acquiesce to the existence of this phenomenon.

After all, monogamy, for five thousand years, has only existed in China for a hundred years, and it is only these years. Even before the nations of the earth have been destroyed, many countries, including the most powerful states of the United States, are polygamous.

Love between men and women and human nature are difficult to change. Even in Huaxia in previous years, there were dozens of mistresses in a man's care. Didn't these women know each other?


Sighed softly in my heart.

Shu Yishan knew that he should always come back.

Her husband is so good, it will certainly shine in the galaxy, and the beauty throws at him in various ways, and it will not happen. Although she was unwilling, she really liked Ning Tianlin.

Loving someone may really be able to tolerate everything.

Thinking of this, looking at Huai Xianzi again, although there is some confusion, the heart is not so angry.

I really love him and will tolerate everything.

However, her words would only be hidden in her heart forever, and she would not speak to Ning Tianlin.

"Thank you, Lady Ning, you are so pretty."

It was just that Huai Xianzi didn't know what Shu Yishan was thinking about. She knew her identity, and quickly stood up, slamming the cup with Shu Yishan. This is Mrs. Ning, the only wife of Ning Tianlin!

If you are in Galaxy, this status, this status, you don't know how many women you want to envy! You know, Ning Tianlin is the most powerful person in the galaxy today. He said in a word that the blood flowed into the river, and the blood bleached.

What a blessing to be his wife!

Even her Huai fairy was jealous of her blessing.

Just envy, not jealous.

Because if she is really tempted, she will try hard. In the galaxy, no one stipulates that one person can only take one wife. She didn't even expect that such a rule existed in the galaxy.

Which really strong side is not beautiful women like clouds, wives and concubines.

Especially when she just knew that Shu Yishan was the only wife of Ning Tianlin, she was very shocked and surprised. This is beyond our imagination.

"Thank you."

Shu Yishan froze, looking at the other person's smile, she felt a little sincerity. She's a little incredible. Smiled and nodded.

. . . . .

In this way, the meal was slowly passed in a very slow and very slow atmosphere, which lasted for five or six hours, and the food was eaten, cooked, cooked and served. For them, there is nothing to say that they are full.

Unless they don't want to eat anymore.

Otherwise, they really have to swallow, even a planet can eat.

In this conversation, Ning Tianlin said a lot. Some of them are about how they have spent the past few years, some are the people and things they have encountered, and what they have seen and heard. Not to mention any danger.

There was only one reason. He didn't want to worry his parents and family.

Otherwise, he won't have the heart to leave in the future.

In the meantime, my parents and my family also talked about what happened on the earth over the years, who has become a hero, who is talented, and how the Huaxia people have migrated to other parts of the world.

Especially one thing, Ning Tianlin's parents repeatedly mentioned and said many times.

That is who has a child today, who had a child yesterday, who is next to him who is pregnant, and whose daughter is about to have a child.

Even when Ning Tianlin was in Mune, she also understood the meaning of her parents' words. She couldn't help but glance at Shu Yishan, and found that her face was a little blushed, obviously she understood.

This is the old couple urging them to have children.

And Ning Tianlin just held back his scalp and didn't answer because he really didn't plan to do so now.

To this day, life is an endless existence for him. As long as he is willing, and if nothing changes, he will not say a thousand years, that is, he can live for ten thousand years.

For a long time, he can do it anytime.

Even if he is now condensed with essence and blood, when the world has changed, he really hasn't thought about it.

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