Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1260: Big Mac in Teddy!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

This is foreign work!

Lord defense!

Ning Tianlin spent so much energy that he wanted the earth to be able to protect himself after he left. The formation method is 10%, and the bright glass sword alone can kill any warrior with a combat power below 30 million!

In other words, every martial artist below the three-day realm must be brutal to break into the earth!

And this is when they have the ability to see through the void and know that the earth exists.

However, this is not the limit of the thirty-six days of the large array. The reason why this array is strong and can be regarded as a large group is because its power can be constantly changed.

As long as the front line changes, its power can change with it!

If it is replaced with a weapon with a combat strength of 50 million, it will kill any warrior who has rushed under 50 million!

Moreover, this is only a function of the thirty-six days march.

It mainly kills, but it also has a role in slowly changing the heaven and earth aura on the earth, releasing energy to nourish slowly! One day, the heaven and earth aura on the earth will change because of it!

The heaven and earth aura is the foundation of a planet warrior!

The stronger the heaven and earth aura, the faster and more stable the cultivation is!


"Did you feel that the air seemed to be getting better and a bit fresher."

Just as darkness turned to light again, some sensitive people felt something strange, and it seemed that the surrounding air had become a bit fresher, just like the morning.

"Ah, yeah, yeah."

"I feel the same way."

Some martial arts nodded in echo.

Although their combat effectiveness is not very high, they can still detect the changes in the surrounding air in time. The world is changing, the earth is agitating, and everything is slowly changing.


"what happened?"

"Why so fast?"

Ning Tianlin, who fell to the ground, also noticed this change, and even surprised him as a toiler.

This is too fast.

There is a change so soon.

It's only been a few minutes.

The formation method he knows also started to develop slowly. According to the content of the formation method, it will not be noticed until one day at the earliest, but what is going on now and how can it feel so fast?

Is it because of your strong spirit that you feel this change?

It was only when he heard that his parents and family were talking about this change, even they felt it!

This change really exists, and it happens so quickly!

"Is it because of the formation of the array that is quite powerful?"

Ning Tianlin wondered if he was using a bright glass sword with a combat effectiveness of 30 million, but he thought about it carefully and thought it should not be. Even using weapons with a combat effectiveness of 100 million as the front line is not so fast.

Within a few minutes, you can feel the change of the heaven and earth aura.

However, he did not tell his friends and family the doubts in his heart, and they should have thought that it was Ning Tianlin's credit. To others, they don't know what happened, but to them, they know what Ning Tianlin just did in outer space.

Especially Xiang Yu, below, witnessed the whole process of Ning Tianlin's formation. Even he was startled by surprise.

The three brothers of his own are really too scary and the means are really scary. As the master of a series, he has read too much information on matrix formations and has never heard of such a formation.

The secrets and methods of these three younger brothers are really scary.

The second day.

"Tianlin, what kind of formation you have arranged is really amazing. Our Tianto leaves have grown into large pieces! More than half a year ago!"

When Ning Tianlin met her parents, her mother Chen Xi smiled directly at her, and her mouth was full of praise. This is really a terrible thing for his own son. This kind of formation is really a good thing for Li Min.

But Ning Tianlin just smiled and didn't explain.

But he was also shocked.

Overnight, the leaves of the vine grew more than half directly! This speed far exceeded his expectations.

The third day.

The entire network is already overwhelming.

Because almost everyone noticed the changes in the past two days, it was too rapid and a little too scary.

Trees sprout, flowers and plants grow, and the air is fresh. The whole world is a thriving landscape. Scientific research units have directly released the data, and the heaven and earth ions contained in the air have become extremely active.

And very beneficial to people!

The most surprising thing is that too many iron trees bloomed in the first time!

You know, the iron tree does not necessarily bloom for ten years, but on these two days, it opens directly.

The fourth day.

The fifth day.

The sixth day.

These changes are also getting bigger and faster, and almost everyone can detect them with the naked eye. The grass on the ground also grew wildly for a few days. Originally, the grass was only two or thirty centimeters in height. At the moment, some of them grew to one meter!

The lawn in the community skyrocketed.

These are trees in the woods, some of which are several tens of centimeters tall.

"Aura is inflated!"

"Aura is inflated!"

Everyone used this word to report, and some media people were screaming and joying madly. This is a real aura expansion and a world change! In this environment, ordinary people can live for decades!

Some martial arts people have been through the process, and they are happy to find that in this case, cultivation is five or six times faster than in the past!

If you go into the mountains, this speed can be increased ten times!

"Absolutely different."

Ning Tianlin's face changed a bit. He didn't know if this situation was good or bad, because in his plan, these great changes in the world should come slowly, let alone two days a day, that is, January. This change.

"Star Wars, what's going on?"

"This is not in my plan."

Ning Tianlin finally opened his mouth to the combat system. All of this was out of his arrangement, and he faintly felt that something had changed a lot.

"The **** aura is inflated." The combat system snorted directly. "Exactly, it is the rejuvenation of the aura! With the power of the formation, the aura that originally belonged to the earth began to recover a lot!"

"Rejuvenation?" Ning Tianlin hesitated for a moment, never thinking that the combat system had changed the words specifically.


Is it?

Ning Tianlin thought of a possibility. The earth was not simple at first. Is it now that he uses the array method he laid out to start stimulating the vitality that originally belonged to it?

However, Ning Tianlin was still a little uneasy.

Because after one planet, he saw a dog and got bigger!

A Teddy dog ​​that was 30 centimeters long turned into a meter!

Panda in Teddy Dog makes a big thing!

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