Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1291: Massacre mission again

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Soon after, it was cold.

Just at six in the morning, when the light shone on the earth, Ning Tianlin was shocked to see that the water formed during these nights began to evaporate slowly!

The temperature is not far enough to evaporate, but it has evaporated!

It slowly turns into a heaven and earth aura again, converging in the entire desert, floating in the void, so that the whole world is in a thick aura.

"This world is really weird."

Although Ning Tianlin hasn't figured out what's going on here, it's actually not that important anymore, because Wanzuyu's combat power is increasing, which is enough.

"Fang Tiancheng is destroyed!"

"Fang Tiancheng was slaughtered overnight, I don't know who was responsible for it!"

"A living person is invincible!"

"All dead, all dead!"

When someone started to enter Fangtian City the next day, he was stunned in an instant, the gate was destroyed, blood flowed, all died, and no one was alive.

Who. . . . . .

Who did it!

There are so many horrible people in this world!

"Go and swallow everything up."

When Ning Tianlin determined that there would be no water flow today, and all had been turned into gas, he instructed Wanzuyu. The city was slaughtered, but all the minced meat was still there.

These are still food for Millipede.

"Oh my God!"

"What a monster!"

When people wandering in the ruins of Fangtian City saw Wanzuo, they were frightened and couldn't believe their eyes. How could there be such a terrible and powerful beast in this world.


It's just that where Wanzu has gone, there is no more soul.

However, the news about Manzulu still spread, and the entire desert continent raged.

"Ding! Post a mission now, wash the desert continent!"

"The mission is completed and rewarded with several billion points of energy!"

"Mission failed, rewarded 10 billion points for Essence!"

It was only when Ning Tianlin hesitated whether to continue to face other cities, the sound of the combat system sounded in his ear, and a mission was released again.

"Bloodwashing the desert continent?"

Ning Tianlin froze.

Is it a mission again?

What happened?

Star Wars has never been released in succession.

But hesitated a little, this task, Ning Tianlin took it.

Because he knew that Star Wars would not arrange unintelligible tasks for no reason, and now they are connected in a chain, what purpose should they have.

And now it is no longer the Earth or the Milky Way, and he knows where his combat effectiveness is growing.

Just last night, Fang Tiancheng's massacre did not count on the completion of the mission, but the spirit caused by round killings increased him by more than 100 million points.


His body flickered and flew straight ahead.

Now that it is decided, there is not much delay. Three minutes later, it was already in the sky, suspended in another nearby city, Zhengming City.

"Who dares to break into airspace!"

But soon, Ning Tianlin's figure was discovered.

Countless guards rose.

Because it's not just him, he's riding a million feet. Wanzu is a huge body, like a giant mountain in Pangru, covering the sky and the huge shadow, so that many people cannot help but look up.

"It's that ferocious beast!"

"It's the beast that destroyed Fang Tiancheng!"

Those who have learned some insider exclaimed.

Although this desert continent is not proficient in science, it also has its own way of contact. Fang Tiancheng's picture has been taken by many interested people.


Ning Tianlin's eyes were cold and unemotional.

Now that it's decided, let's get started!

With a wave of his hand, Wanzu's body flew downwards by himself, sweeping the guards who had risen up into the air, and swallowed them. Ning Tianlin himself was suspended in the void.

Instead of offering Fang Tianhua halberd, he stretched his right hand forward, pointed his palm at the ground, and pressed it down.

Although the palm is small, the handprints gathered together are very huge!

Enclose the entire Zhengming City in it.


"I dare you!"

"Run away, run away!"

"Kill, go and kill this man!"

No matter what the chaos has become underneath, this huge handprint still severely suppresses all living beings and directly turns them into flesh. Even the space ring with some people was reduced to shattering.

Ning Tianlin had no interest in this.

Because even this space ring, which can't hold on, must not be very good, and those who use him will not be able to hold any superb things.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for gaining 280 million points."

And it was only the moment when Zhengming City died, and the combat system told Ning Tianlin how much energy he had gained.

"The number of qi points has increased ..."

Ning Tianlin was really heart-beating.

It took only a long time to add nearly 300 million points of energy.

This desert continent seems to have a lot of cities. If it is all slaughtered, it is estimated that there are only a few hundred billion spirits.

"Gold belt for killing and arson, dare to run and run into trouble!"

Ning Tianlin knew that his actions did not have much civilization, not even harsh, but he didn't regret it. This universe is a huge world with weak meat and strong food.

The rise of the strong must be a process of resource allocation.

And although there are a lot of people right now, for a real empire, a real galaxy, it's just a small amount. The combat effectiveness once showed him a video in which two cosmic powers played against each other. No matter how many planets, just how many galaxies, star fields, could be destroyed in their hands.

Compared with Ning Tianlin now, multiplying by the geometric power is far from comparable.

In a galaxy, there are hundreds of millions, even billions and tens of billions of planets. He Ning Tianlin is only on a planet now.

"And, I guess it was correct!"

"It's really a bone below this city!"

"And there are still veins connected, reaching into the distance!"

When Ning Tianlin's heart explored three or five hundred meters below, she found a huge black bone again, spreading and bullying, just like a mountain stone. This Zhengming City is really built on bones!

"That way, all cities are built on mysterious bones!"

Ning Tianlin said affirmatively.

What shocked him in particular was that these bones, like Fang Tiancheng's, are connected in a vein and are made of a material that is extremely hard! Even today, he used Fang Tian to draw his halberd, and with all his efforts, he could not leave any mark on this bone.

Can only make a bang.

"What bone is it?"

Ning Tianlin was really shocked.

Bone that I can't split, how hard do I want to be!

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