Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1408: Defeat the Lord of the Star Core!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


A Bing responded, and even his body was slightly respectful.

Nothing else, just because this man is from the Star Palace, one of the top ten schools.

The combat effectiveness is the strongest in their five-member group, and it is the organizer of this team.

At the same time, the enchanting woman and the big man on the side of the demonstration gave a glance, snorted coldly, and turned to leave.

"Brother Xing, it's enough to have us, why bother looking for someone else." The enchanting woman had some dissatisfaction in her heart, but she did not dare to show anything when she spoke.

"You can rest assured that when you come out and promise you, you will never lose one point." The man didn't look at him at all, but set his eyes on Ning Tianlin, who was far away.


The enchanting woman and her big man said "Oh" and never spoke again.

The reason why they are so opposed is to refute A Bing's face, and the second reason is that this young man is the realm master and is not qualified to stand with them. The master of the nine realms is just the real master! "

In the third place, just as the young people just said, they were afraid that Ning Tianlin would join the team and ended up sharing some resources they deserved.


A Bing's figure flickered, and she had already appeared next to Ning Tianlin.

Only Ning Tianlin followed her back, she wanted to reach out and touch Ning Tianlin's shoulder.


Ning Tianlin didn't give her a chance at all, and she turned directly, attacked with a savage palm, and even used Ling Tian, ​​a master of martial arts, because the woman behind gave him a severe sense of oppression!

The combat system also gave the opponent's realm a moment.

Lord of Three Cores!

Turned out to be the Samsung of the Star Core!


In the palm of his hand, he couldn't help but use the poisonous poison brought by Wan Zuyu.

Because he subconsciously treated this woman as an enemy to attack him!


However, Ning Tianlin's palm was easily caught by the opponent, and even A Bing's figure did not step back. There is not a small gap between the two fighting powers, especially Ning Tianlin did not use the eyes of Medusa And combat formation.

"Not bad."

A Bing smiled, and was not angry, because she felt that this was the normal reaction of a warrior.

All of them were suddenly approached, did you still slowly turn around and nod your greetings?

And for this effect, she also thinks that it should be, after all, she is the master of the three cores, and the other party is just the master of the astral world.

However, she soon changed her face because of a severe pain in her palm. She quickly let go and saw that her palm was dark and even showed signs of decay.



She even felt dizzy.


Without hesitation, directly hold the sword in his left hand and cut off his right arm.

Decisive and crisp.

Ning Tianlin was admired.

"You even poison!"

A Bing couldn't help but look at Ning Tianlin, just feeling that this young man is really not easy. Looking at the face, it is himself who suffers!

She is a master of three cores and has never suffered from a master of the world!

However, that was just her intention. Cutting off her arm completely blocked the transmission of toxins. It would not be a big deal if she would take the medicine and regenerate her arm.


It was only shortly after that that her face changed again, because she saw that at her severed arm, she also started to gradually turn black, and even her dizziness became worse.

There was a feeling of being paralyzed and unable to move all over the body.


"The toxin is not cleared!"

"What a terrible poison!"

A Bing's face changed greatly, what happened?

She had just cut off the source of the toxin, how could she be poisoned!

And there is a growing trend!

After looking at Ning Tianlin, he still didn't ask for help, but he gritted his teeth and cut off most of his arms, even most of his chest was gone. At the same time, he took out an elixir from the space ring and swallowed it. .

Blood splattered, but Ning Tianlin was stopped.


Ning Tianlin was speechless for a while, you say a word, let me help you detoxify.

So stingy.

At this time, Ning Tianlin had already seen that the other party was not trying to attack himself, most likely it was to find something to discuss with himself. Otherwise, in this case, he would not attack himself.

It is self-harm operation.

"What is she doing!"

"Abing's poison is so powerful?"

The four people in the back changed their faces several times.

They never thought that such a situation would happen. A master of three cores ate a puppet in the hands of a real master.

At the beginning, they also noticed that A Bing had toxins in them, but felt that it would be okay to cut off the arms, but now, the severeness of this toxin has clearly broken their cognition.

Absolutely can make A Bing suffer severe damage or even die in a short time!

Otherwise, A Bing would never do this!

However, in addition to the shock, the star man in the middle of the starry palace has brightened his eyes.

Will it be poisoned?

That is absolutely proficient in various toxins!

Maybe it can be of great use in the wooden ancient abyss!

Could not help but want to get Ning Tianlin into the team.

If he had just done it just now, the idea is now extremely strong.

The lord may be nothing, but the lord who will be poisoning is relatively rare, especially the poisoning is more powerful, even the three-core lord can plant a big heel, that is even less.

Even the enchanting woman on the edge, the scar face, and the big man quietly relieved in their hearts.

Fortunately, it wasn't them who just passed by.

If not, they might be in the way.

This pair looks miserable!


A Bing quickly filled another elixir into his mouth.

The one just restored my body, this one is detoxifying!

And it is a detoxifying panacea!

It is specially prepared for the Xiamugu Abyss, and it will be used at this time.


What just surprised her was that after swallowing two pills, her body did not change at all, not only did she not develop a new body, but her head was even more dizzy.

They all felt rickety and fainted.


"It's useless!"

"What the **** is it!"

A Bing was shocked. She didn't dare to imagine that she even used the antidote elixir, but she did not respond, and it was getting worse.

It was just that she was still holding on to Ning Tianlin.

How can a three-core lord ask an lord for help?

Didn't she throw her face in?

This completely means that one person will be dealt with by a master in person!

Even being baffled!

"Okay, for your sake, I let you go this time."

When Ning Tianlin was about to fall and was about to fall to the ground, he stretched out his hand and caught him in his arms. Then the handprints changed and printed on the other's skin, and all the toxins just inhaled had been inhaled Body.

He also has no antidote to the toxin of Millipede.

Only the entire adsorption.

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