Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1438: Alive Corpse!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Broken red worm."

A worm specifically restrained.

Its food is forbidden!

To others, this is extremely rare, but here at Ning Tianlin, it's just a trillion qi points.


As soon as he waved his hand, the red worm began to rush toward the forbidden front. When he came to it, he opened his dense teeth and bit it up.

Although the teeth are not sharp, and Ning Tianlin's Fangtian painting halberd is sharp, but the teeth are covered with a layer of silver light, and the saliva secretly secreted in the mouth, it is impossible to break Ning Tianlin. Forbidden to open, easily bit a small hole.

At first it was the size of a mung bean eye, and soon it became the size of a fingernail.

And it continues to expand.


When the hole was about the size of a palm, Ning Tianlin turned into a bird with the ability to change the earth's creatures and flew over.

"So cool!"

This is Ning Tianlin's first reaction.

It is not known how many degrees below zero, that is, now Ning Tianlin's body feels a hint of frost.


Only a moment later, Ning Tianlin's body had even formed a frost.

"What the hell?"

Ning Tianlin had restored his original appearance, and the more he flew down, the worse the coldness became. His forehead, eyebrows, and even skin had a layer of frost.


In the end, there was no way, he exchanged a fire dragon ball from the combat system. According to legend, it is the fire dragon's Nedan, with endless fire attributes.

With this start, Ning Tianlin felt better.

"It's so cold, can the roots of these trees survive?"

Ning Tianlin knows that these trees are weird and have a larger size than many star fields, but it is really difficult to survive in this extremely cold situation. It is his Ning Tianlin, which is now a star core Warrior.

Without the help of Fire Dragon, if you want to live here, this is impossible.

But what shocked him was that his mind was put on a root system, and there was still aura!

This root system is alive!

"Well, I don't know much!"

Ning Tianlin could only comfort himself like this, then frowned, and continued to dive downward.

And over time, the number of flamingos on the body has changed from one to three!

In the end, it became five!

Five fire dragon dan, let him live here!


By this time, Ning Tianlin had stopped moving.

Because a whole month!

After a month of rapid flight, he finally reached the end of these roots!

And, as he guessed, these root systems are one!

In the end they all became one!

In other words, these countless large trees on the ground are actually one!

The root system continues to split and become them!

"But this one is too big ..."

Ning Tianlin couldn't believe his eyes. This is so huge, let alone the star field, that is, the boundary of the star field, and the core of the star core. Even Star Cave, Star King is missing!



Ning Tianlin's figure flickered, flying constantly inside the root.

He doesn't believe that there is only root here!

He worked hard, but he didn't come to find the roots of this tree!

Despite his huge size, it was not what he Ning Tianlin wanted!

What he is looking for is spirit! It's not here that is almost full-bodied to the essence!

Others are here, maybe one year of training can be worth the past ten or even a hundred years, but he is not Ning Tianlin! He doesn't need these. Only the essence points are the basis of his explosive increase in combat effectiveness.


Soon, his eyes narrowed.

Naochi stopped his figure.

Because shortly after traveling through the root system, a huge body appeared in front of his eyes.

This body is almost endless!

Not much different from the width of the entire root!

If the width of this root system is one hundred, then this corpse occupies ninety percent!

The middle of the root system is hollow, all occupied by this corpse!

Countless roots pass through the middle of the corpse.

And only for the first time, Ning Tianlin knew where the endless coldness came from.


It's on this corpse!

Endless, extremely cold, emanating from this corpse!

"The master of this corpse, I'm afraid the fighting power, has already broken through the Star King, and even Xingzun cannot stop it!"

Ning Tianlin has never seen such a large body, but also knows that the larger the general body, the higher the combat effectiveness, and such a large body, which is the last seen King of Stars, far from it!

"What kind of creature is this?"

Ning Tianlin flew for a long time, seeing the tail from the head, and didn't know what kind of creature this creature was, but his face had a tail, and the whole body was covered with silver-white scales.

The hand is not a hand, but a huge claw.

Anyway, it is not any creature known by Ning Tianlin.

But he also knew that it was because of his lack of cosmic experience that he only spent ten years in the universe, and how big the entire universe was, and some life types did not know each other, and it was not a big deal.

And also at the first time, he noticed that the numerous root systems were inserted into the body, sucking endless energy!

This root system is using this corpse as a nutrient!


It was only very soon that his face changed, because he didn't fly long to the face of the corpse, but he felt a slight breath, although extremely weak, but he was really breathing.

"not dead!"

"This is not a corpse!"

This is also Ning Tianlin's first reaction, "He is still alive!"

"This is a living body!"

Ning Tianlin was so shocked that he thought the body was dead, but now it seems that he is still.

"help me!"

"Young man, save me!"

Especially when Ning Tianlin was shocked, a faint breath sounded directly in his mind.

This corpse is facing Ning Tianlin for help!

"save you?"

Ning Tianlin could hardly believe his ears. This corpse, not only did not die, he had to save him!

how can that be!

Could not help but look at the endless roots inserted in this corpse, does this corpse mean to cut all these roots by himself and let him escape?

"Just, can I cut this root?"

Ning Tianlin always felt weird everywhere, especially these roots, as if alive.

Each root beard is an eye, a life, looking at itself like a joke.

At this moment, it seems like countless eyes are staring at myself.

"How to save?"

Ning Tianlin asked a question.

Just eyes, staring at the roots that he didn't care about.

As if they were all alive!

These roots are alive at the moment the corpse speaks!

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