Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1440: You just let him kill me?

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"let me go!"

"let me go!"

"Let me kill this little bastard!"

Pian Xingsheng was anxious, struggling, trying to break the seal and killing Ning Tianlin. This little king and eight lambs dared to deceive himself and even lost contact with his space ring.

What secret technique does he use?

Even he himself has written the word!

But Ning Tianlin, who is not far away, is not afraid. The seal is a seal. If it is really easy to break through, then it is not called a seal. Moreover, at this time, Ning Tianlin knows everything They are all loaded.

The pretense of pretending to wear out, the pretending of pretending to die, in fact, he still has extremely huge vitality!

It was just intentional.

Now that I have taken the space ring by myself, everything is manifested.

"Let you go?"

"Do you think this seal is lighter?"

Ning Tianlin snorted coldly, although the other party was Xingsheng, but in his eyes, he was really not afraid. He was unsealed, indifferent to three seconds of vertigo, and super stealth.


Ning Tianlin said, turned directly, and flew towards the abdomen of Xingsheng's body, which was a huge body.


Isn't your seal like that?

I give you plus!

Make it thicker!


Ning Tianlin's body flickered and she came to her.

However, when he just stood by the seal, the feeling of being stared at became stronger, as if he would dare to take action, he would be hit by thunder.

"I was imprinted!"

"Not unblocking!"

Ning Tianlin's ghost sent such a sentence, seemingly speaking to himself, but it seems to be speaking to the creature staring at himself. But Ning Tianlin didn't know if this creature existed.


His mind flashed, and a golden rune appeared in his hands, with dense runes on it. For Ning Tianlin, how could he seal a star holy, even if it was stamped.

What he can rely on are various treasures in the combat system exchange platform.

Seal of Heaven and Earth!

Knows that even heaven and earth can be sealed!

But Ning Tianlin knows that if it is really the Xingxing Saint in the full force period, this is not enough, because the Xingxing Saint can tear the heaven and earth, but at this time, it can be done.

Otherwise, ten trillion spirits are so white.


Ning Tianlin urged the secret and covered the seal directly.


But the next moment, Ping Xingsheng, who was still trembling, struggling to break free, stopped his hands and stopped struggling, because he was struggling because of the huge pressure.

If a big mountain was pressed on him just now that he could not move, another hill is added now!

"Boy, look for death!"

"If I go out, I will kill you!"

But nonetheless, Ping Xingsheng issued a monstrous roar.

If there was still a chance to go out, with this seal, he would be even more impossible!

What the **** is this **** kid!

He was originally asked to help him, but now he has been restrained again!

"No need to go out and kill me."

Soon after Ning Tianlin did all of this, he came to the side of Xing Xingsheng again, stood beside his face, and smiled, "Because, you will soon be a dead person!"

Ning Tianlin didn't keep talking because he didn't know if his immediate actions would lead to some unpredictable resistance.

You will soon be a dead person. This "quick" has two meanings. One is that you are about to die. For Ning Tianlin, it takes several minutes, hours, or even days.

On the other hand, for those who have a long life, it is very fast for decades, centuries, and millennia.


"I'm dead, and I'm going to pull you this little thing back!"

"Dare to design me!"

Ping Xingsheng shouted angrily.

Just in my heart, Ning Tianlin was going to laugh to death.

Is he dead soon?

This is impossible!

For tens of thousands of years, his physical energy has consumed less than five percent, and there is no problem in living another million years.

Moreover, he knew why the man sealed himself here!

To power this tree!

Let it continuously absorb the energy in its body and grow into a towering tree! With the rate of absorption of this tree, how could he die so easily!

"Pull me back?"



Ning Tianlin smiled and ran out of shape. He landed directly on the head of Xing Xingsheng, and Fang Tian painted the halberd. He even exchanged a sharp amulet from the combat system and attached it to his fang halberd. Body!

Sharp Blade House can make weapons more sharp!

Ning Tianlin and this Peng Xingsheng, the combat effectiveness is not a tiny bit, Ning Tianlin estimates, the other party is standing in front of himself, letting himself take a knife to chop, but he may not be able to chop the opponent's head off !!

With this sharp amulet, it is different!

Will make your Fangtian Huaji extremely sharp!

Even Ning Tianlin exchanged a very precious knife for insurance purposes!

It took almost a hundred trillion points of energy!

More than the seal rune just now!

His real purpose is to kill this star star!

Star Saint!

Kill him, I don't know how much energy to give myself!

He guessed that this was why the combat system brought itself here.

No one hundred star king can match the energy stored in a star Saint! And he has already obtained his space ring before he even started, which is a very rich resource!


Without hesitation, Fu Yan printed his body, and Ning Tianlin stabbed directly at the opponent's head.

Originally, Ning Tianlin took out Fang Tianhua's scornful Ping Xingsheng, but at this moment his face changed greatly, because he also recognized what it was, if he cut it down, he might die!

"What are you waiting for!"

"You really let this little **** kill me?"

"I am dead, but your energy is completely gone!"

And this Peng Xingsheng did not ask Ning Tianlin for mercy at all, but shouted at somewhere in the void.


At this time, a long whip protruded directly from the void, blocking directly in front of Ning Tianlin's Fangtian Huaji.

That power and speed made Ning Tianlin's face change directly.

Star King?

I'm afraid it's Xingzun!

Much more powerful than the most powerful Star King he has ever seen!


But Ning Tianlin didn't give up, but cut it directly.

In front of a huge amount of energy points, no one can stop him!


Metal sounds.

Ning Tianlin's Fangtian painting halberd, as if chopped on a piece of extremely hard metal, was full of fire.

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