Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1456: Elder Strong

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Note: I saw the comments of many of you yesterday. I ca n’t update something temporarily, and I forgot to ask for leave. I ’m really sorry. I also saw some people's scoldings. I didn't delete them. I left them all as a spur, and I won't commit them later. If there is no update, you will be greeted in advance.


Bow to apologize.

. . . . . .


"I am also Earthling."

The old man has black hair and black pupils, looks like a pure Chinese, looks at Ning Tianlin, and said with some emotion, "If you don't know how many years have passed, you can still meet people in your hometown. It is like a dream. ! "

His face sighed, endlessly.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that you will be Earthlings."

In all these cases, Ning Tianlin understands what the other party is doing, and even uses the word "you" when addressing the elderly, and he is more sincere than he was just now.

"A thousand years have passed, the sea is vicissitudes, and the blink of an eye has passed." Wu Dao Xuan Zong's emotion was felt, and after tens of seconds, he asked Ning Tianlin, "boy, what's your name?"

"Ning Tianlin." Ning Tianlin said, "Ning Ning, heaven in the sky, forest in the forest."

"My name is Wuchen, the word Daoxuan." Wu Daoxuan also spoke his name, and at the same time his voice turned to Ning Tianlin Tao, "Tianlin Xiaoyou, you know why I saw you at first glance, very happy, Are you crying with excitement! "

The voice was serious and did not fool in the slightest.


Ning Tianlin thought of some possibility, but still deliberately asked.

"The fire is never extinguished!"

"The fire is never extinguished! The earth will last forever!"


Wu Daoxuan laughed directly, "As soon as I see you, I know that the earth still exists in this universe, which means that our sacrifice in that year was not wasted or wasted!"

"I'm happy!"

Wu Taoxuan's originally bright eyes were a little muddy at the moment.

Hundreds of millions of years have passed, but once the events of that year ring, he feels worth it, and everything they do is worth it.

"Senior, do you mean, did the battle of the earth that year?" Ning Tianlin's eyes flickered and he asked with some hope.

He didn't know much about that battle, but he knew that there was such a thing happening. Innumerable cosmic powers gathered the earth, human race, zerg, stone race, wood race, mechanical race, etc. There was a terrible war here. .

Countless earth's hidden spaces collapsed, and various small worlds were destroyed.

Even the Earth's most powerful people did not know their whereabouts in the end.

And some exotic races, what are the blonde Persians of the Yaguang ethnic group, and the eastern Tatars of the Hog Dai ethnicity, the descendants of various races began to thrive on the earth, but in the end, the aura of the earth is thin, and these people who are still cultivating have left the earth .

Think of it as a junk planet.

Times have changed, and the earth has completely become an uncultivated planet.

Reiki is thin, there is no heaven and earth to nourish the body, and life span has been greatly reduced.

All this cannot be separated from the battle of ancient times.

Therefore, Ning Tianlin was eager to know what happened that year. He had asked about the combat system, but the answer he got was not qualified to ask, and when he should tell him, he would tell.

Know in advance that there is not much benefit.

Now, I didn't expect to meet the ancient earth people in this place!

"Do you know?" Hearing Ning Tianlin talking about the battle, he realized that Dao Xuan had a look of surprise. Ning Tianlin had never heard of it. He thought that such secrets had long been drowned in time.

"I've only heard it." Ning Tianlin said, "I don't know what happened."

At the end, open your eyes, staring at Wu Daoxuan with some hope.

It is well known that Wu Daoxuan sighed, "I don't know if it's good, I don't know if it's good, now you don't know much about it before you know more about it.

"Things of the year, we old people need to do it!"

"It was the old enemies who reported it!"

There was hatred in Wu Taoxuan's eyes, and there was even a taste of gritting teeth. Although hundreds of millions of years have elapsed, this hatred has entered the bones and will never die.

"Seniors say it, I might share a little bit."

Ning Tianlin was a little depressed.

What is still unknown, talk about the combat system.

Know more, he also understands how sinister that year was.

"You can not."

"Star nuclear warrior, if you know it, you will only die!"

"If I speak, if you know well, there will be a traction machine that will cause you to cause the cause and effect of this incident. If this qi machine senses the black hands that were still alive then, you will surely have no place to bury. "

Wu Daoxuan shook his head and still did not speak.

After all, he met his native who came out of the earth, he didn't want to let the other party choke.

The Lord of the Star Core, in the eyes of the truly powerful, is the ants.


Ning Tianlin feels a little like listening to heavenly books, the sense of Qi and machine, the cause and effect, for him now, it is indeed a little distant.



"You are only 26 years old!"

It was only very soon that Wu Daoxuan's face changed greatly, because it was only then that he had explored Ning Tianlin's age with his heart, and all he had just cared about was Ning Tianlin's appearance from the earth.

But now, it scared him!

Twenty-six light wheels!

Using secret methods to detect, the young man's body has only 26 light wheels!

This does not mean that he is only 26 years old!

Oh my God!

In his time, there was no such genius!

The 26-year-old star-nuclear warrior, even his master, is probably not at this level!

I could not help but quickly ran the secret method again, and wanted to confirm it.

But it turned out that it was 26 years old, that's right!

"Yes, I'm twenty-six now." Ning Tianlin replied, but he didn't think that there was anything too incredible at this age. Some creatures were born at the level of the astral level.


After hearing Ning Tianlin's affirmative answer, Wu Daoxuan took another breath.

At the same time he murmured, "Genius!"

"Real genius!"

"Maybe give you time, it really can sustain the earth."

Wu Daoxuan said, suddenly his eyes narrowed, "Yes, who is your master!"

He did not believe that the master of the other party was an unknown person, and he could find that teaching such a genius would be extremely powerful, and that he himself was far from having this ability.

"My master star wars." Ning Tianlin said.

In his heart, Star Wars is indeed a teacher and a friend.

Without Star Wars, I am afraid he could not die any longer when the earth changed.

"Star Wars?"

Wu Daoxuan raised a brow and didn't remember the name among the strong.

Is it a rising generation?

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