Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1459: Lord Goto!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Immediately after the corpses appeared, Wanzuan's eyes were almost green, and Chentian roared loudly, beginning to devour.

Even Ning Tianlin had some expectations of where it would grow.

This is a star warrior of the saint level.

Never swallowed it before.


Ning Tianlin was not idle. He estimated that after eating such a large body, half a month might pass. Think about it, or exchange for a super powerful enchantment.

Hide it here.

With so many people dying here, there must be strong men coming to investigate.

However, Ning Tianlin has no immortality and is not afraid. In doing so, I just want to not be disturbed.

Moreover, the Mugu abyss is very large, and the strong one may not find it here for a while.


"Convert all the resources into Jingqi!"

Ning Tianlin commanded the combat system.

The spirit of this time is absolutely unprecedented. When the five celestial beings were beheaded and killed, they have turned into their spirit ring with their space ring, so the big head this time is the five star statues and their space ring.

It is estimated that the five stars have contributed more energy than these tens of thousands of warriors!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, a total of 8,600 trenches have been obtained."

"Now there are five thousand to eight thousand ditch!"

The combat system quickly gave numbers, but the last small number did not say.

Compared with "涧", the measurement of that kind of unit is completely without the number of decimal places. It is not necessary.

"Nearly six thousand!"

However, Ning Tianlin knew what kind of unit of measurement this was. According to one hundred thousand, the next thirty zeros could not be stopped.

"The remaining qi is full of energy, and the rest is used to increase combat effectiveness."

Ning Tianlin commanded directly to the combat system.



As his words fell, the cells in his body began to mature madly.


one thousand.

two thousand.

Five thousand.

Ten thousand.

Within half an hour, the number of mature cells in Ning Tianlin had reached all the original sums.

He turned out to have only 10,000 cells in his body!

Three trillion points of combat power!

That is three trillion!

However, because of the change of Yinyangyangqi of Yinyangtan, his fighting power per cell should now be 500 million! Therefore, 10,000 cells represent five trillion points of fighting power!

Ten thousand more mature now, that is twenty thousand!

Ning Tianlin, who is always paying attention to the length of the cells, has a lot of eyes at this moment, because it means that his current combat effectiveness has exceeded ten trillion! That's ten trillion!

The combat power of the star cave warrior is ten trillion to one hundred trillion!

"That is to say, my combat effectiveness has reached the level of a star cave!"

"Become a real star cave warrior!"

Ning Tianlin was shocked.

The star cave is just a big step away from the star king.

And it's not over yet!

His final length, it is impossible to stop at a warrior!

Will be even higher!

However, he also knows that this kind of growth can only happen to him, and there is no way to copy it for others. When the star warrior alone reaches the star cave level, there are restrictions on the cards.

The big realm, if you want to spend, you must spend a lot of time and energy to punch the card.

Some people even get stuck in this gate for a lifetime.

However, he did not have Ning Tianlin. At any time, it was a flat horse. Only the combat effectiveness was reached and it was done.

"Twelve thousand."

"Fourteen thousand."



"Twenty thousand."

"Thirty thousand."

A large amount of essence makes Ning Tianlin's cells continue to mature, and at the same time, the meridians connecting each cell continue to extend forward. In the end, this boundless and terrifying essence has made Ning Tianlin's total cell number reach Forty thousand!

In other words, this essence of nearly six thousand maggots made Ning Tianlin's cells mature to thirty thousand!

"Four thousand cells is twenty trillion combat power!"

"In other words, I'm a two-hole warrior now!"

Ning Tianlin instantly judged his current strength, and now his way of increasing combat power does not need to be counted, all of them are merged together and greatly simplified.


At this point, Ning Tianlin breathed a long breath. For two years, he was transformed from a star warrior to a star cave warrior!

Who dares to believe this?

When he was separated from Bo Wen, he was just a Star Warrior with only a few hundred million fighting power.

But now, he is a star cave warrior with dozens of trillions of combat power!

"However, the consumption of Jingqi points is already an astronomical figure."

Gaining so much energy has the results of his own efforts and the elements of luck. If he wants to increase so quickly in the future, Ning Tianlin doesn't know if this is possible.

But he was not discouraged.

Xingzun Xingsheng is impossible, but Xingwang is not really difficult for him!

"Exchange for equipment!"

Think about it, tell the combat system directly.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully converted to the black hole cover Wang Jia! Increase the combat power by two trillion! Consumption of energy points two hundred ditch!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully exchanged the black hole cover king boots! Increase the combat power by two trillion! Consumption of energy points two hundred ditch!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully converted the black hole cover king bracelet! Increase the combat power by two trillion! Consumption of energy points two hundred ditch!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully converted the black hole to cover the king's halberd! Increase the combat power by 2 trillion! Consumption of energy points 200 ditch!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Wujijie successfully advanced to become the black hole overlord ring! Increase combat effectiveness by two trillion!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the suit attribute is activated, and the combat effectiveness is increased by 100%! The original increase of ten trillion spirits is now increased by twenty trillion!"

The sound of the combat system kept ringing in Ning Tianlin's ears.

"Twenty trillion."

"Twenty trillion!"

Ning Tianlin has a lot of eyes. "This doesn't mean that I'm well-equipped and my combat power can reach 40 trillion! That's 40 trillion!"

"But the four-hole warrior!"

Ning Tianlin also knows that this is not all, because the first form of martial art he is practicing can also increase his combat effectiveness by one layer!

In other words, now I am the Lord of Five Holes!

"And it's still not enough."

Ning Tianlin was not excited. That was false, because under such circumstances, he dared to hunt down the star king!

Although high-level star kings are still impossible, low-level ones should be no problem!

There are super stealth, super sound waves, and super toxins of Manzulu, and it is not impossible for him to hunt the star king!

"Only in this way can I continue to maintain a faster accumulation of energy."

Ning Tianlin wants to become the star king in the next eight years. This is what I have to do! After all, not all the time, there is such luck in the wooden ancient abyss.

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