Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1465: Various means

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Meanwhile, the combat effectiveness of Wan Zuyu has also been greatly improved!"

This is also satisfying Ning Tianlin.

Ten thousand feet, swallowed tens of thousands of warriors of Mugu abyss, five stars, five stars, and now barefoot has increased to 50,000 pairs!

You know, it now has 100 million combat power per barefoot! Each pair is 200 million!

That is to say, the combat effectiveness of Wanzuan reached ten trillion!

That is a hole martial artist!

Although it is not as high as Ning Tianlin, it has really exceeded Ning Tianlin's imagination.

And Ning Tianlin knows that Wan Zuyu's maximum and maximum combat power is not at this time at all, but after completing nine evolutions!

By then, it will be able to devour countless planets, and the creatures on each planet will contribute one hundred millionth of its combat power to him. At that time, it was time for the combat strength of Wanzuo to make a rapid advance.

Now, it is just laying the groundwork for that time.

"In addition to the one-hole fighting power of Wanzui, that is, my fighting power has reached the level of six holes!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes shined.

Six holes!

Only three years.

It won't be long before he will definitely become the star king!

When the ten-year covenant really arrives, he will definitely go to the puppet clan to prove himself.


At this time, a star king with a combat power of only one segment was flied out by a white axe, and even the entire neck was a big mouth, and deeper, his neck would fall.


The star king quickly took out an elixir from his space ring and swallowed it.

I saw the head almost falling, and slowly connected it.

This is also the other star king to block the attack of the White Axe for him. Otherwise, if the White Axe is chasing and killing, he will not have the time and opportunity to swallow the elixir, and he will surely die under the opponent's axe.



Immediately afterwards, two other star kings were split and flew out, and they were injured in varying degrees.


"Boy, you think you can catch me if you capture them!"

"You are so naive!"

"Even if there are one hundred five-level star kings, it is impossible to trap me!"

"Last paragraph, the combat effectiveness is very different!"


It seems that the White Axe doesn't put the six star kings in his eyes at all, but always looks for opportunities to see if he can break through this enchantment and escape from this place.

He was a little scared.

Because the young man in front of him is from the holy place of the human race, backed by the League of Legends, all kinds of treasures emerge endlessly, the methods are also very strange, and there is an immortal body. If he consumes here again, it is impossible to kill the young man of.

Maybe the longer he will grow here.

And, it was enough to get the young man's name this time.

Ning Tianlin!

When he's out, be sure to check what the young man is about!

Did it really come out of the holy land of the human race?


Only then was the world changed.

I saw Ning Tianlin in the distance, his palms changed, and he took various weird poses, sometimes complicated, sometimes simple. The surrounding world, all kinds of auras swarmed, gathered and dissipated.



Soon, White Axe's face changed, because he recognized what it was.

Formation method!

This young man is setting up a formation!

"Can't wait for him to finish, otherwise there will be big trouble!"

The White Axe's heart was shaking, because the current enchantment made him unable to escape, and this enchantment was laid out by this young man. If he had any arrangement, he would be more troublesome.


Involuntarily, his body flickered, splitting a star queen around him, and headed for Ning Tianli's body.

The big ax fell, and split Ning Tianlin's head straight.


However, Ning Tianlin saw this and did not avoid flashing at all. His invincible golden light flickered, and he was ready to bear the blow stiffly.

His formation this time is complicated and he cannot be interrupted!


The sound of metal spreads through the earth. Although Ning Tianlin's figure recedes under great force, the movement of his palm is not diminished. With a wave of tactics, he will pinch for a while. In ten seconds, in all Star King Attention.

Drink lightly.


I saw the light flashing, a dazzling light, spreading towards the surrounding space with Ning Tianlin as the center at a very fast speed. Moreover, everything that has passed is immersed in the void.

Did not stay in the air.

"I ... my combat effectiveness has weakened."

Soon, a star king covered by the formation method felt that his combat power had weakened, because his blood surge became slow, and his outstroke power was less than 80% of the original.

Looks less!

"Fighting formation!"

"This is the legendary combat formation!"

The star king shouted.

Because of this thing, he just heard it and never saw it.

You know, all the formations that are related to combat effectiveness are extremely secretive. Although he is the star king, he has never really studied and never encountered it.

Because there are very few warriors who can do this kind of formation.

Each one is a master among the masters of formation!

Unexpectedly, my own master would arrange this formation method! And it seems that the level of this formation is not low!

"Fighting formation!"

"Really combat formation!"

Another star king exclaimed.

Because for him, it's just heard, and never seen before.

"not good!"

The White Axe's face changed greatly, not for the formation method, but for the more and more strange means of this young man.

He is so confident that there must be a way to really keep himself here.

I ca n’t drag anymore, I have to find a way to get out of here quickly.

It was just that during the heyday of combat effectiveness, he couldn't break this enclave, and now it has dropped by 20%, how can it be possible.

Not bad.

Twenty percent down!

Originally, Ning Tianlin could only arrange battles with a combat effectiveness that was reduced by 10%, but now, his strength has improved, and the moves he can make are certainly sharper.

In his mind, a variety of battlefield avenues have been forcibly stored for a long time, and now the heaven and earth aura that can be used is very different from the original.

Therefore, the formation of the formation method, of course, is also more terrifying.

When he became the star king, the formation he could arrange was even more terrifying!

"Unfortunately, this is an all-round indiscriminate attack!"

"If not, the combat power of this white axe alone will fall, but the other star kings will not fall, and they will be able to directly win this white axe."

Ning Tianlin judged.

But the movements in his hands are constant.

This time, there was no array, but a flash of his hands, a blood-red eye-like thing appeared in the void, and then he opened his mouth and swallowed it.

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