Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1469: The flame of gossip is burning

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"This is the golden light shuttle."

At the end, Ning Tianlin took out another ship-like thing, "At the critical moment, it can keep you sacred. Then take your remains, break through space, and bring them to me."

"At that time, I will protect you for my life."

The White Axe is the most important of these seven people. He is responsible for communicating with himself and transporting things, so he must be foolproof.


"Thank you!"

The White Axe took it, only feeling as if in a dream.

This legendary existence that can keep God's consciousness can be owned by oneself. In the past, it was completely unthinkable.

Now, it really happened to me.

"You work hard and do well, and I will reward myself."

These people are the team that he later established the League of Legends to earn resources for him. Now that you have become a slave, you must plan yourself.

With them, their own growth rate can certainly increase more than ten times!

"Well, let's go."

"Go to Midtown and open a shop!"

"It's called League of Legends I."

Ningtian Forest Road.

Zhongdu City, one of the top 100 ethnic gathering places.

Although it is a city, it is a huge city composed of countless astral and astral circles. It is the middle force of human life in the universe. It can be said that 30% of humans in the universe are gathered in this hundred cities. .

The owner of each city is seated by a star holy man.

These hundreds of cities were gathered into a star formation by a super powerhouse.

Not to mention Star Saint, even when the Lord of Star Olymps is here, we must drink and hate it.

Star Olympian, a higher level than Star Saint.

We have begun to understand the mysteries of the universe and come into contact with the laws of the universe.

In the hundreds of cities, there are countless space arrays. Although they are not small worlds as they were in the ancient earth, they can only accommodate 10,000 people, but they fold the space stiffly. Accommodate 100 million people!


The seven star kings bowed at the same time and left.

"My goal is to start the name of the League of Legends in this hundred cities."

Ning Tianlin knew, however, that this hundred cities accounted for nearly 40-50% of human resources. As long as he has a reputation in these hundred cities, his resources will never worry in the human world!

Moreover, the human race has a name, and the rest of the race will certainly be easier.

The Zerg, one day, there must be a legend of the League of Legends!

"This opening ceremony must be thicker."

"It's better to make it known to the whole city and the entire human race."

"In this way, the reputation of the League of Legends can expand rapidly."

Ning Tianlin looked at the back of several people thoughtfully.

Opening the door, opening the big red, and hitting the spot, this is the fastest way to pass.

Just how can it be a hit, Ning Tianlin was in distress.

. . . . . .

at the same time.

Lin Yuge.

Among the peaks of a very powerful aura.

Flowers and birds, green bamboo, green streams, like a fairyland on earth.

At this moment, seven or eight women in palace clothes are washing their clothes in the water of Luxi River. Everyone has a wooden barrel beside him, on which there are no small dirty clothes, quilts and the like.

"Look, this Lin Jiayi is out again, still holding Xiantao Hammer in his hand!"

"It must be going to Xiantao Valley."

At this time, a woman with messy eyes while washing clothes, saw a woman in a plain-clothes palace dress, holding a hammer-like thing in her hand, and walked along the path not far away.

Can not help but show jealousy and heart resentment.

Speaking is also sour.


"Why is she again!"

"When will it be our turn."

A group of women on the side looked, and when they saw a woman in a palace dress, they never walked away without looking back. A woman with a sharp-looking chin, threw the mallet in her hands into the stream ahead.

Stir some waves.


"She Lin Jiayi, why?"

"When she didn't come, we all went to Xiantao Valley in turn. Once she came, we had no share."

Another woman echoed.

Xiantao Valley.

A place of aura.

The peaches there mature all year round, exuding a fragrant aura, and swallowing one can make your own combat effectiveness grow, especially the elixir of galaxy warriors.

Every disciple of Lin Yuge can send people to pick there every month, as long as it does not exceed ten at a time.

When picking, you need to use the fairy peach hammer, and then when this thing is touched with your hand, it will destroy its aura and make this peach lose its tonic effect.

When they were picked in Xiantao Valley, they had a chance to taste a Xiantao. As long as they had a good relationship with the caretaker, she would open her eyes and close one.

"What is it to pick peaches? Look at her, Jiayi Lin, here. Does our adult let her do a hard job?"

"I have never washed clothes, trimmed flowers and plants, and never did **** and piss."

"Always ask her to pick spirit grass, fairy peach, grind and comb hair when reading and writing for adults, how easy it is!"

Another woman expressed her dissatisfaction.

This is the case for people who are not afraid of poverty and suffer unevenness.

She Lin Jiayi came much later than them, so why can they do it, but they still have to work hard, even the original Taotao Valley had no chance.

How can I not complain, how can I not hate.

Lin Jiayi's face is really big!

Like them, they are all nieces in the courtroom. Why can they live comfortably and comfortably than them!


"Don't you know?"

Seeing all the companions are unconvinced expressions, a woman whose face looks a bit like gossip said, "How can you compare with other people Jia Linyi, what is your identity?"

"What is his identity?"

"Not at one level at all."

After that, he smiled, and started to pick up the clothes he was washing, playing a puzzle.

"Well, do you know what?"

As soon as a woman on the edge heard it, a gossip of fire went on in her heart, and she wanted to know the answer.

"of course."

"I don't know what, how can I say that."

This hey smiled, and was so proud to see so many people paying attention to themselves.

"Hurry up, Hurry up and tell us the answer."

"I really want to know, Lin Jiayi, why is it more comfortable than us? Every time an adult has something good, give it to her first. I once saw that when adults eat, they all let this Lin Jiayi together A table! "

Someone doesn't marry.

"What's a meal at the same table?" He disapproved. "You don't know, she Lin Jiayi ..."

As I said, I also rolled my eyes and looked around to see if there were anyone besides them.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"What happened to her Jiayi Lin?"

The people hurriedly asked.

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