Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1474: Huge salary

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Is anyone in this shop?"

Ning Tianlin was sitting on the boss' chair, thinking about some methods of formation.

At this time, a 17-year-old girl stood timidly at the door and shouted into the room.

The room was dark, coupled with the horror of Ning Tianlin's high combat effectiveness, the girl didn't even know if anyone was in the clothes store.


Ning Tianlin said lightly.

Just after the store opened, is anyone coming to buy clothes?

He doesn't even have a waiter yet.

He came to relax, listen to people, and watch people communicate, not for others.

"Excuse me, are you recruiting people here?"

The girl was obviously courageous and had a low voice.


"Someone applied?"

Ning Tianlin smiled, but came so soon.

For this kind of thing, he can completely exchange a robot from the combat system to do it, but since he wants to integrate into the general population and relax, he feels that it is more appropriate to find someone.

After all, there is a true feeling.


"I'm hiring here."

With a wave of his hand, the lights in the room exploded.

There is no electric light, but a round-shaped crystal, suspended in the void, emitting white light, making the originally cold room suddenly warm.

With the light, the girl outside could see Ning Tianlin's position and appearance.

Could not help but relax.

Not just a black shop.

She had just stood in the doorway, and she was afraid to enter.

But this is really a clothing store? Why didn't any clothes hang around?

"Hello boss, I'm here to apply."

But anyway, girls need a job.

It's almost impossible to open the pot at home.

Moreover, the younger brother is about to pick up his daughter-in-law and needs a gift. If he is an elder sister, he must give him a copy.

Twenty-two men can get married on earth, but on this planet, fifteen or six men can marry wives and have children, just like in ancient China.


Ning Tianlin nodded and glanced at each other, "It's you."

Although the other person's looks are not stunning, they are still okay. When placed on the earth, they are already regarded as class flowers in schools.


He's not too ugly.

These days, he will stay in this city and spend most of his time in the shop. If it is too ugly, it is too unsightly and looks nauseous.


"Boss, don't you need an interview or something?"

Some women couldn't believe their ears.

So easy?

When she saw the enlightenment of recruitment at the door, she thought a lot.

"Don't you have all interviewed?"

"I've met someone, so I'll have an interview."

Ning Tianlin said, "Okay, from now on, you can go to work."

As he said, with a wave of his hand, a dozen clothes were thrown out by him, floating in the air, "Hang them up, and we can start business."

"The black uniform in the middle is your overalls."

Talking, lying on a recliner and slowly making a cup of tea for himself.

"The boss, my salary ... How much is it?"

The woman's face was a little flushed and she dared not look directly into Ning Tianlin's eyes.

Like most people on the planet, asking your boss how much you can earn in a month seems so restrained.

But in his restraint, there was a slight expectation.

"Ten thousand universe coins."

Ningtian Forest Road.

Also, he only cares about recruiting people, but he doesn't write the monthly salary.

He has no experience, and it is written according to the enlightenment of earth recruitment.

He remembers that for the vast majority of jobs at Earth China, the above does not give you the exact salary, but only a personal negotiation.

"How many?"

The woman's complexion changed so much that she could hardly believe her ears.

Even the voice of interrogation increased consciously.

Even breathing became extremely rapid, and the heart was beating fast.

"Ten thousand universe coins."

"what happened?"

Ning Tianlin frowned.

Too few?


I have not inquired about the prices here, and I do not know.

He still calculated according to the earth's Chinese wage standard.

Ten thousand in January, it is considered high wages in many places.

However, here are other planets, which may be very different.

"I said by day."

In order to hide his embarrassment, Ning Tianlin jumped out again.

He can have this idea entirely because he calculates it according to his daily expenses, and the money he spends is often calculated in trillions.

Ten thousand, a drop of water in the sea is not.

In the combat system, money is almost a gift.

A little energy can be exchanged for one million.

In other words, for ten thousand a day, he hired Ning Tianlin for a hundred days.

"How many?"

The voice of the woman this time was a little hesitant, "Boss, aren't you kidding?"

The situation she now faces is the same as when an aunt of a dry cleaner was on earth, hearing that his monthly salary was 10 million yuan, which was still calculated on a daily basis.

Everyone doubts their ears.

This planet is a technological planet.

Although it is in line with the universe, the consumption is still far behind, and the expenses of a family of four on weekdays are less than one yuan.

It is almost the same as China ’s consumption in the 1980s and 1990s.

The ten yuan universe coin is still very purchasing power on this planet, and you can buy a big pig head.

"What a joke?"

Ning Tianlin frowned.

Is it too small?

"Boss, ten thousand universe coins a day, are you sure?"

"Is this too high?"

"Your fashion store may not make so much money a year."

The girl said something weird.

This fashion store doesn't look very big, it occupies less than two hundred square meters, not even the business circle. How can it open such a high salary, the store's annual turnover is estimated to be not so much.

This boss must have lied to himself.

Seeing that there weren't even a few clothes around, she couldn't help but quit.

Will it enter the MLM organization?

Or is it a black shop?

Inevitably, the girl's steps took a few steps back.

"You don't need to worry about this."

Ning Tianlin smiled.

It turned out not to be too little, but to fear too much, which is not true.

"You only use it for work."

"If you think the salary is high, that right is when we have a destiny."

He doesn't even have a little energy cost, he cares?

"Both of us?"

After hearing this, the girl shivered involuntarily.

"Boss, don't you have any special requirements?"

"I ... I just came to sell clothes."

She thought that Ning Tianlin had some bad ideas.

But even with bad thoughts, she can't be worth so much money.

Selling her is not enough.

"special requirements."

Ning Tianlin froze, and then laughed, "What do you want?"

"If you don't believe me, give me your account. I will pay you today's salary first."

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