Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1500: Lin Jiayi comes

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Jiayi, is this the first time to come to China Metropolis?"

Out of the teleportation array, there is a vast area.

A few hundred meters away, there are high-rise buildings, spaceships soar, and various creatures are running in the air.


Lin Jiayi nodded, only thought it was lively here.

She hasn't seen many human looks.

Even though she has walked in this universe for a long time.

"Here is the largest city among the hundreds of human races."

"There are tens of thousands of people living here, countless."

Zi Zheng looked at Lin Jiayi's performance, and from her shocked expression, she knew that she must be here for the first time, and explained with a smile.

But the same, when she came to this capital city, it was the same.

"Here, there must be something you like to play, watch and wear."

"If you have anything you want, just tell the teacher."

Zi Yan smiled and said to Lin Jiayi.

However, it was also the first time you used the information device to find out the location information of the first League of Legends store. Soon, there was a smile in the corner of his mouth.

city ​​centre.

Even the center position.

That's the business center.

Those who can occupy the shop there are of extraordinary strength.

It is indeed the League of Legends.

However, she did not immediately lead Lin Jiayi to the position. If she did that, her master's intention would be too obvious. Even she wasn't sure. Ning Tianlin was there.

Is the owner of this shop Ning Tianlin?

What if another spokesperson for League of Legends started here.

This possibility is not without.

The probability that Ning Tianlin is the boss accounts for about 80%.

"It's nothing, Master."

"Let's go around."

"You are here to do business, and wait until you forget it."

Lin Jiayi knows that they have something to do here, and it is not too late to visit.

"Ha ha."

Amaranth smiled. "nothing."

"It didn't take much time to go around."

"Furthermore, the task of the division has already been said. I can only pick up something there and it won't take much time."

Zi Yan didn't seem to care. "You have been in our Linyu Pavilion for almost three years. You usually wear all the clothes of the teachers. I haven't bought anything for you. This time, I must be here Buy a few. "

"What you like, just pick it."

"The prosperity of the capital city must be an addiction."

"That ... Thank you, Master." Lin Jiayi was also happy for a while. There is no woman who doesn't like shopping, just because there are not many opportunities, or because she is shy, she will not go shopping.

If it were possible, how could they not like to turn around.

"Thank you."

Zi Yan smiled, "I haven't been a teacher for a long time, let's go together."

Talking, holding Lin Jiayi's hand, walking with Lin Jiayi.

. . . . . .

Two hours later, Lin Jiayi's space ring was filled with many favorite clothes, especially the clothes they bought, the price was expensive, and the aster was a little scared.

She knew that Lin Jiayi was rich, but she didn't know that it was so rich.

It is true that she is a disciple of Lin Yuge, but Lin Yuge ranks lower in the human world, reaching more than thirty, and the disciple is not the most outstanding disciple, and there are many strong people on it.

She also only receives the teachers every month, not really big money.

But this apprentice, who is far lower than her combat effectiveness, even bought the clothes that she had to beat without blinking, which made her really discolored, and she was absolutely sure that this combat strength, Lin Jiayi, was not very high. It really comes from the big family!

Just where she knew, Lin Jiayi had a concept of money, but she never had a real concept.

Her size is Jinyiyushi, and her father is a local tyrant. After meeting Ning Tianlin, when Ning Tianlin left the earth, she gave her a lot of assets because of her guilt.

The numbers above can't be calculated.

It's just that I have been staying in Lin Yuge for many years. They are all supplied by martial arts, and there is no place to spend money, so not many people in martial arts know that she has money.

Especially the cosmic experience of previous years, let her know the reason of richness, and because she was hiding, she didn't spend money happily.

But now, with her master in front, she has nothing to worry about. It can be said that she feels relieved and shopping freely, and she is not afraid to be followed.

"Jiayi, if we play well, we should do the business."

"Turn left in front. This is our shop in Linyuge."

Soon after the two left the mall, Ziyi said to Lin Jiayi.

"Okay, master."

Jiayi Lin nodded.

I'm really happy today.

I don't know how many years, she hasn't shopped so well. Although it is only two hours, it is very good.

"Lin Yutang."

About ten minutes later, the two appeared in front of a shop.

However, compared with the surrounding stores, this shop is a bit smaller, like the difference between a medium-sized restaurant and a restaurant.

Although Lin Yuge is not a small force in your other starry sky, it is really out of place in this capital city. It is the credit of the doorkeeper to have such a shop, especially in a good location.

Large bustling commercial street.

"Miss Ziyou, you are here!"

As soon as Zisong and Lin Jiayi entered the door, Xiao Er, who was next to her, opened her eyes and greeted her quickly.

But Ziyan frowned, because she found that there was something discordant in the shop.

At this moment there is a fat man with a protruding belly, under the arch guards of two guards, facing the shopkeeper in the shop, and he is furious, "What the hell!"

"I've ordered everything for a week!"

"not yet!"

"Don't you promise me, are you sure you can do it in three days?"

"But it's better now, it's been a week, it's the goods!"

"How long will you be back!"


"Lost money!"

"As originally said, not only does the deposit have to be returned unaltered, but it also accompanies me ten times its original value!"


Speaking, he put his big fat hand on the counter in front.

"A total of 30 million universe coins!"

"Ten times, that's 300 million!"


Opening Frost's eyes, he stared fiercely at the shopkeeper inside. In particular, the two guards on the side of the fox and fake tiger power made the shopkeeper scared a little.

It was only when he saw the purple owl coming from the door that his eyes lighted up and he stepped out of the counter. As if he saw a savior, he quickly said, "Miss Ziyan, you are here!"

Talking, looking at the fat man, his eyes were a little scared.

He is just a shopkeeper, and he really doesn't know what to do.

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