Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"North side!"

Lin Jiayi ran frantically.

Although I do n’t know why Master wanted her to move in this direction, she still chose to obey. Master had been to Zhongdu City, and she definitely knew better than herself.

Maybe this place has many small roads, so you can find a good place to avoid it.

In the past few years, she chose this kind of place to run away when she was chased outside.

But the more she walked, the deeper her heart became.

Because there is no such thing as a small intestine trail, but the road is getting wider and wider, just like Kangzhuang Avenue.

Not to mention that she is a woman, that is, more than a dozen gigantic beasts are here, and it is impossible to fill the road.

The shops on the side are rich or expensive, and the grades are extremely high. If you have no money in your pocket, you will definitely not dare to go to this place.

But can this place really escape?

Even she has the urge to find a passerby for help, but she knows that there are several strangers willing to help herself when she is outside. Trouble the other side yourself, 99% of the other side will not care about themselves.

This delays time instead.


"Be sure to escape!"

"As long as you don't bother the master."

She could only walk with her head closed, and at the same time she was searching for the people around her. If that didn't work, she really found a good person and asked him to help her.

It was just that I was extremely disappointed in this capital city.

It's like this, I haven't seen a guard yet!

The guards of this capital city are all dead!

How can you not even see one.

It's just that she knows that most of the daily guards just supported Ximen. Ning Tianlin slaughtered many guards there, especially at this moment, there are too many guards in front of him who are responsible for guarding the city master.

A few minutes ago, the owner talked in a shop.

The city masters came out, and they must guard at the door.



"I see where you run!"

Just then, a rude voice sounded in Lin Jiayi's ear. I saw the fat man next to her and running with her, but his expression was relaxed, and obviously he didn't use all his strength.

This fat man can't beat the purple lotus, but his strength is also at the level of the star map, and there is no problem to deal with Lin Jiayi who is not even the master.

However, he did not immediately catch Lin Jiayi, but like a cat and a mouse, he likes to turn the mouse around.

Lin Jiayi is the rat in his heart.

Don't toss anymore, you won't be convinced when you wait.


Lin Jiayi's face changed greatly, and she quickly crushed an accelerator symbol in her hand, which she exchanged from the League of Legends exchange platform when she left the earth.

I used it a few years ago.

In recent years, I have been staying at Lin Yuge and have not used it.

Now there is another place to use it.

In an instant, her speed soared tenfold!


Like an off-string arrow, the body bursts.

It's just a ten-fold increase in speed. For fat people, it's just a little faster. There is no such thing as to be unable to catch up, and it is not only not angry, but more interesting.

Don't be afraid to run fast, as long as you don't escape the palm of your hand!

Moreover, he was also surprised that such a speed was no longer possible for Lin Jiayi to send out, and it was much faster than the master.

What secret method should be used.

But he didn't care.

Regardless of your secret method, as long as it is still under his control.



"Hurry up!"

"You're too slow!"

"Would I like to take you flying!"

Haha said, he would come forward and grab Lin Jiayi's arm and fly with her.

However, what changed his face was that Lin Jiayi's speed soared at this time, and instantly rose to almost the same level as him.



"really interesting."

"A chick with more than 700,000 combat capabilities has brought me such a big accident."

The fat man laughed.

He likes excitement.

The more unexpected things, the more interesting he felt.

Moreover, he really didn't take the guards of this capital city to his heart and dare to stop him?

He was the eighth son of the three elders of Dingtianmen. When his father came, the owner of the city had to give some face. These guards were not in his eyes at all!

It's just strange now, where are these guards?

He has been running on the street for so long that he hasn't encountered one.

Didn't you know his domineering, knowing that he wouldn't mess with it? Or, if he had to streak, those talents would come out?



Just being chased, Lin Jiayi's speed increased a lot again, but it was very uncomfortable, even the viscera was shaking, and some of them started to be cheap. She completely endured huge pain and ran!

Her speed has been greatly improved, but she relies on foreign objects.

But the combat effectiveness has not kept up.

This is just like an ordinary person. The running speed is still within a certain range, but if it is suddenly increased a hundred times, running in the air like an airplane, waiting for him in that way, it is bound to be broken.

Muscle pulls.

The face might be torn off stiffly.

It's not running, it's killing!

Lin Jiayi is in this state at this moment.

Although it was only a few seconds, the corners of her mouth had begun to bleed. If it wasn't for her belief in escape, she would have been lying dead on the side for a long time.


"I can't keep up with this speed."

The fat man was also a bit frightened at this time. He didn't expect that the woman in front of her could increase the speed to such a point.

But not to mention how to do it, the damage to the body at this speed alone is likely to be irreversible.

However, he was happy after being surprised.

strong enough!


He likes such a desperate woman!

He was weak and weak, and he didn't know how much he saw and how much he tasted.

Occasionally, this can make him happy.

"In less than five seconds, we are almost at the middle of Long Street."

"It can't be worse."

"If you play again, you have to run the whole street!"

The fat man hasn't known how many times he has been to this capital city. He still knows very clearly about this one million-mile long street and knows which one is in the middle.

It is not necessary to go beyond this place.

Moreover, according to his estimation, the woman would persist for a maximum of six or seven seconds, and if it exceeded, the viscera would be broken.

He likes to play and he is strong, but he doesn't like a dead man with blood in his mouth.

At this time, the middle of Long Street is located.

Ning Tianlin and the owner of the capital city walked out shoulder to shoulder.

"That day, Lin Xiaoyou, don't have to send it. Three days later, I will definitely let people bring things to disturb again."

The owner of the capital city laughed at Ning Tianlin.

However, Ning Tianlin did not answer her, but her face changed dramatically, and even her expression looked unbelievably into the distance.

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