Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!



The guard's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly retreated.

In this scene, although Lin Jiayi was a bit stunned and didn't know what was going on, she looked at it lightly, thinking that the two had sang a double reed to herself, a white face and a black face.

If not, why should the Lord of a city be so kind to himself.

But she doesn't really like people who read her memories, especially a stranger.

"I think Miss Jiayi has misunderstood."

The owner of the capital city smiled, "I didn't read your memory. I know your name because Ning Tianlin's friend, he was just outside and shouted your name."

The city owner said as he watched Lin Jiayi's response.

Especially the three words of Ning Tianlin, he spoke loudly, everyone could hear clearly.

He really wanted to find out what the relationship between Ning Tianlin and Lin Jiayi was, especially if he could get more information about Ning Tianlin from this Lin Jiayi world.


When Lin Jiayi heard the three words of Ning Tianlin, her face changed drastically, and even her breathing became extremely rapid in an instant, and her madness accelerated.

She can hide her mood for many things, but these three words do not work.


He got up straight from his seat.

"Who do you say?"

"Who did you just say?"

Lin Jiayi looked like a man who had lost his soul, and looked at the man in front of him, unbelievably, and even felt that he was dreaming.

"Ning Tianlin."

"I'm talking about Tianlin Xiaoyou."

Seeing Lin Jiayi's such a big reaction, the owner of the capital city was stupid, and he knew that the two must have a great relationship. I just do n’t know if this relationship is relatives, friends, or even people?

But no matter which, he knew that he was right this time.

"It really is him."

"It was he who saved me!"

"I'm not dreaming!"

At the last moment of fainting, Lin Jiayi was confused, thinking that Ning Tianlin was hugging herself. She thought it was a dream and her own hallucination, but now it seems likely that it is true.

He saved himself in the end!

"Where is he?"

"Where is he now?"

Lin Jiayi asked quickly.

The eyes were wide and impatient.

"You take the seat first."

The owner of the capital city smiled and motioned to Lin Jiayi to sit down first. "He will come later."

"He's in the house now, and he's doing something. He'll be here in a minute."

At the same time came forward personally, opened a soft chair for Lin Jiayi, and let her sit down.


Lin Jiayi heard that Ning Tianlin was in the house and immediately came over, and she felt a lot more relaxed in an instant.

Also, many years have passed, and I am not in a hurry.

It's just that instead of sitting down, the main road to the capital city is, "You ... can you go out for a while?"

"Just wait."

She wanted to pack up and see Ning Tianlin in the most beautiful face and best condition.

Women are good for themselves, especially now Lin Jiayi.

I haven't seen her for many years, she doesn't want to impress Ning Tianlin.

Although he has seen his worst side.

"it is good."

Already guessed the majority of the capital of the capital city, nodded with a smile, walked out, and signaled to the beautiful servant who just served to help Lin Jiayi.

And this class is more than an hour.

Take a bath, make up and change clothes.

Women really dress up, and the time it takes is really not what men can guess.

Even halfway through, the master of the capital city left consciously and gave up the temptation.

Because in the dungeon, Ning Tianlin's revenge was almost ready.

. . . . . .


The city's main government is thousands of meters deep.

Dark, silent, and occasionally the sound of water drops.

It was just in a corner, but there was a roar of pain, and even the fat man who was **** by the iron chain had a distorted face and pain.

On his body, there are countless green bugs, like gangrene, but with very small and secret teeth, slowly crawling on the body, while crawling, biting his fat.

For half an hour, his body was full of tiny holes.

Countless worms, all covering the body through the small holes, began to bite his bones.

This trembling pain caused the fat man to just faint. But his body was filled with sobering soup, which kept him awake and couldn't faint.

"kill me......"

"I beg you ... Hurry to kill me ..."

At this time, the fat man had no such arrogance at first.

No more nonsense, "Who is who I am?" Because he knows that this is useless. The other party said that not only is he trying to kill, it is what Dingtianmen, and he has to get rid of!

Don't look at them at all.

If someone talked, he would have listened to it as a joke, but the person in front of him, who appears with the owner of the capital city, may have this strength.

"wanna die."

"How can it be so easy."

"Without torture you for hundreds of years, how could I make you die so easily!"

Leng Mang was scattered in Ning Tianlin's eyes. For the first time, he forcibly read the memory of this fat man and knew what was happening in a moment.

He will not only kill this man who hits Se-Jin on Lin Jiayi, but also let him die in endless pain!

Being bitten by a worm is just the simplest and simplest method of punishment, and there are many, many more in the end.

Seventy-two kinds of abnormal punishment in the universe, let him taste it all!

Even so, he could not dispel the anger in his heart.

If he didn't meet himself today, he wouldn't dare to think about what would happen next.

"Lin Yuge."


And from this fat man's memory, he only got this information about Lin Jiayi.

The two met in Lin Yutang.

As for more, he didn't know.

"It's so easy to die."

Ning Tianlin smiled, "Wait this bug to bite you for seven or forty-nine days, and drain your bone marrow. I will let someone put you in a pan, fry it hard, peel Cramps and sprinkle a lot of salt. "

Continued in the terrified eyes of the other person, "Relax, you can't die."

"I will live your life while keeping you feeling the most pain."

With a knife, Ning Tianlin fiercely pierced the opponent's abdomen, stirred and stirred, and then "sniffed" and sputum on his face.

Then strode away.

The next moment, the whole figure had appeared outside Lin Jiayi's house.

Replaced the guard of the capital of the capital city.

"come in."

Before long, a cool sound sounded in the door.


Taking a deep breath, Ning Tianlin gently pushed open the front room door and walked in.

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