Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1512: Kill the Star Saint

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Couffy, you're doing too much of this, aren't you?"

"You kill my son!"

The people appearing in the house were not others. It was the father of the three sons Hunchur, and the three elders of Dingtianmen were muddled.

However, although his fighting power is similar to that of the capital city masters, both of whom are Star Saints, they are lower by five ranks. Although they block the attack of the opponent, they are a few steps back.

Moreover, this was still the case where the owner of the capital city did not make all efforts.

"I never thought you were here."

The owner of the capital city smiled and didn't care.

He is the pinnacle of St. Star, this muddy seal, not his opponent. But it is not something that can be won immediately. A difference of five ranks also makes it unfavorable to second victory. If you want to subdue each other, it won't be impossible without three days and three nights.

"Never again, my two sons, you will be hit by your poison!"

Furiously angry.

He didn't expect that Coffey, who used to be called a brother and a brother, started to kill his son behind his back!

For whatever reason, this is all against him!

"Father, eighth brother doesn't know what to do now, but he has also been arrested!"

With his father as his backing, the third son, Hunchur, struggled to stand up from the ground, crying to his father.

He also did not expect that the uncle Shi who was good to himself in the past said that if he killed himself, he would kill him, turning his face too quickly.

"Cuffy, what the **** are you doing!"

"You and I are friends, and there is no hatred, why do you want to do this thing!"

Anxiously looking at the owner of the capital city, Ning Tianlin and Lin Jiayi did not look at them at all. As soon as he came in, he knew that the other party was just a star cave warrior, so he didn't need to care.

"Do it?"

The master of the capital city laughed and shook his head at the same time, "I'm not going to do anything absolutely."

"It's your son!"

"Who made your son offend someone who shouldn't offend!"

After that, he set his eyes on Ning Tianlin.

Now that the station team has been selected, of course, this team must stand thoroughly.

"People who shouldn't offend?"

Unable to do so, Hunfeng dropped his eyes on Ning Tianlin with the eyes of the poisoned city master, "You said he?"

With doubts in his eyes, he couldn't believe it.

A star cave warrior, dare not offend?

Is the background great?

Can't afford it?


"His name is Ning Tianlin, who came out of the holy land of the human race and is the spokesperson for the League of Legends in the world."

The owner of the capital city directly stated Ning Tianlin's name.

Just a little bit, let the whole spirit be shocked.

Human holy land?

It is generally very difficult to get involved with these four words.

"I don't know the height and the height of the dog, and I have offended the son. I hope the son is strange. During this time, I will definitely pay a heavy visit to pay the son.

His face was changing.

Soon, instead of doing anything, he directly apologized to Ning Tianlin.

If he really walks out of the holy place of the human race, he really can't afford it. Moreover, the owner of the capital city in the side is not a good stubble, so he can leave here first.

Over the years, he has been retreating and he hasn't noticed that Ning Tianlin emerged from the starry sky. After all, such strong people practice for centuries and thousands of years.


"Don't you blame me if you say it?"

Ning Tianlin didn't bother at all, and snorted coldly, "Since you're here, don't leave!"

"Just accompany your son to death."

"The son is not filial, the father is over, and of course your son breaks through the goods, and of course you have to pay back."

With that, a wave of his hand and a long sword hovered in the air, pointing directly at his face.

"You want to kill me!"

Furiously angry.

He all bowed his head and begged like this, are you still over?

Have to kill everything?

He has a lower combat effectiveness than the main capital city, but he has not reached the point where he cannot resist! Moreover, your warrior at the star cave level dare to point his sword at yourself, really thinking that it would be great to step out of the holy place of human race?

Your head is amused?

The star hole is always a star hole, even if it comes out of the holy place of human race, it is also a kind of ball.


In an instant, he took the lead.

He saw that the young man was the protagonist of the incident.

Only by winning him can it be alive!

Everyone is dead. You, the master of the capital city, don't have to look at his face.


The urgency of the palm of the palm was distorted and blasted towards Ning Tianlin's face.


A star cave warrior is nothing but dare to pretend!

"Be careful!"

The owner of the capital city yelled quickly, but moved in his hand, but did not follow his voice, deliberately slowed down a bit. Because he wanted to see if this rumor was true.

This young man has once beheaded and killed five wooden celebrities!

He was extremely skeptical of this report. After all, his strength now is just a star cave warrior.

How can it be done!

Moreover, he knew that the young man had an immortal body. For a while, he could not kill him without real means.

"Tianlin, be careful!"

And the same thing was Lin Jiayi on the side.

Look worried.

Ziyu was also a bit frightened. After all, Ning Tianlin's combat effectiveness was not very strong. At the beginning of Mugu Abyss, even a star warrior was not, and the combat effectiveness was not as high as him.

Now, can I resist Star Saint?


At this time, Ning Tianlin's sword moved.

Under urging, there was a dazzling light.

And in an instant, it was divided into two, forming a black and white mask, blocking the instant attack that was blocked in front of him.

"How can it be!"

Seeing his palm, he was blocked by the two long swords in front of him, and a weird mask, stunned.

Just kidding.

A star cave-level warrior blocked his own attack!

He is a star holy!

There is a difference between the two realms of Xingzun and Xingwang!


"This won't be that ..."

Looking at the long sword that appeared in front of him, the main sight of the capital city was shocked.

He thought of a rumor.

In the League of Legends No. 1 shop, a large array of ancient swords was laid out. This is the existence of the Holy Star!

These two swords, is that ancient sword?

But it shouldn't.

Once this formation is formed, it will protect one area and it is difficult to transfer, especially this terrorist formation is almost impossible to move.

How come here?

But if it is really that thing, he knows that this Ning Tianlin really has the strength to kill Xingsheng! It is himself, at the moment when these two ancient swords appeared, the consciousness was a little scared.


Ning Tianlin glanced at the muddy seal lightly, and snorted coldly.

With that said, the ancient sword was launched.

In the terrified gaze of the other party, lightning shot through his throat, and his whole body was broken.

Into heaven and earth.

A Star Saint, die!

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