Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1519: Zerg reaction

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Ning Tianlin."

"Who is Ning Tianlin?"

"He beheaded the Lord of the Capital City!"

Countless people are discussing this matter.

Zhongdu City, the capital city of human beings, is one of the largest cities in the world, and its owner, Kufi, is even a star holy man. He was beheaded by a man named Ning Tianlin.

This Ning Tianlin is too fierce!

Compared to League of Legends, it only spreads to some human warriors with resource requirements, and it has not been officially promoted. The speed is not very fast. It is simply incomparable with the speed of catching documents by sea!

This thing from the Temple of Wandering is just as overbearing as the Hongtong document released by Earth China.

It doesn't take long, anyone can know wherever there is an internet connection.

It's just that the content of this sea-hunting document surprised some people who knew the inside story.

He killed the Lord of the Midtown?

how come?

Isn't it Muzi of the Mu clan?

Isn't it true that day? Did Ning Tianlin bombard the city owner and then escape by himself?

Some humans in Zhongducheng who saw Mu Zeshu appear in the air at the time, were a little confused and couldn't believe their inferences.

But the news began to spread infinitely at the speed of light.

Even some of the strong people with the Mu clan, the stone clan, and the elf clan knew. Even the Zerg, a hostile force with humans, got the news.

In particular, the Zerg are most concerned about the sea-catching documents from Wudian Temple.

Because the people in the sea fishing documents are the objects they are trying to invite!

The object of the sea-hunting document is the enemy of human beings, isn't that their friend of the Zerg? In particular, those who can go to the sea-catching document without a delusion hall are generally very powerful figures.

If such characters joined their Zerg, wouldn't they gain another powerful force?

Even if you ca n’t use it directly, you can do something in secret.


A star king of the Zerg is holding a portrait of Ning Tianlin in his hand.

I can't believe my eyes for a long time.

"How can it be."

"How could he behead the Lord of the Capital City."

"This city master, but a star holy!"

This worm, not someone else, has a big horn, and was let away by Ning Tianlin that day, but it gave birth to the sleepless king of deep hatred!

At that time, the zombie Bowen and the two guards who took her away were also there.

Ning Tianlin's ten-year covenant is exactly to kill this person!

Kill it, take its head, and then go to the place where the Clan is located, meet the two star saints, and complete the task of combat system layout.


"Do you know this person?"

A worm covered with black scales, red eyes, and a thick tail around the king's sleep. When he saw the king's reaction, he was a little confused.

They were at a Zerg banquet at the moment.

This image was just released by the upper layers of the Zerg. If anyone has news about this person, they must report it as soon as possible.

After all, to be able to kill Xingsheng, that is the existence of Xingao, even higher.

Such characters are enough for their Zerg to fight for.

If the other party really doesn't know how to lift up and don't rely on Zerg, their Zerg will use maggots to forcibly control. After all, killing a human being abandoned by the human race is much simpler than killing a human who has human support at all times!

And ninety-nine percent of the objects, they are all obliterating the consciousness, forcibly controlling the tyrannical body.

"I do not know either."

Wang Mianwang nodded at first, but quickly shook his head, because he was not sure that this was true.

Because according to his analysis, this is too incredible.

"I don't know what it is."

The bug on the edge frowned. "If you know it, you will know it. If you don't know it, you won't know it.

This worm is also a star king, and he also knows more about the sleeping king, and he is a little surprised that he reacts.

"I've seen this person."

"To be precise, I have seen him like this."

Sleeping King said, "That was five years ago."

"But that person was a star warrior at that time! Even the star map was not, let alone the star cave, the star king!"

"And how could he behead the Lord of the Capital City, that's a Star Saint!"

"It's totally possible to kill our existence!"

The King of Sleep is a worm, which may tell lies to human beings, but it will never have a hypothesis about worms. This is also the common nature of all worms, and the nature of the worm family.

"Star Warrior?"

"You said he was a Star Warrior five years ago?"

The black bug on the side also choked.

What a joke.

If this is true, does not mean that the other party will be a star-level existence from the Star Warrior in five years?

how can that be!

Not to mention human beings, even rare races in the universe, it is impossible to reach such a point so quickly!


"A real Star Warrior."

Wu Mianworm nodded, and even a look of solemnity appeared in her eyes. "And I have a ten-year contract with him."

"That is five years from now, he will come to take my life."

Wang Mian Wang originally only listened to this as a joke. At that time, he thought that the young man was just trying to sigh and deliberately stubbornly stood in front of those people.

For ten years, it was a joke that a star warrior wanted to grow up to be able to kill the star king!

Therefore, he did not take this matter seriously.

Had it not been for the news of this young man suddenly appearing today, he would have almost forgotten it.

Because this is just the ruthless words that the young man swollen and filled with fat.

But now, his sleepless king is a little nervous, accompanied by thick and incredible.

"what happened?"

"Clarify that!"

At this time, not only the black bugs on the side, but also other bugs at the banquet, have set their sights on the king of sleep, especially the host of the banquet, which has been a huge green bug.

Named Abdalon.

It's a Star Saint!


Seeing Lord Abu Dalong's speech, King Meng Wang quickly got up and bowed to explain the event at that time. No one or anything was leaked at that time.

"A tribe?"

"You mean, this young man knows people of the Dai family!"

"And the other side has two star saints, and those two star saints also call a girl the young master!"

Abdalon froze.

If this is the case, does it not mean that this young man has a connection with the young master of the Dai family?

Moreover, the information just now came to him, not only the appearance of the young man, but also some of his information, 98% of which are from the holy place of the human race.

Be the spokesperson for the League of Legends organization!

This backstage is already a little incredible. Now that I still know the young master of this family, what is the relationship?

What is this Ning Tianlin?


Sleepless King nodded. "But what impressed me most was the age of the other person."

"Ning Tianlin was only 23 years old!"


Twenty-three-year-old Lord of Human Stars!

Countless bugs took a sip of air-conditioner, and Abdalon stood up from his seat.

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