Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1527: Golden Mark of Nether Space

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Drink, don't take our eyes off!"

Animals that looked like wild boars were angry.

They also saw that Ning Tianlin's fighting power would be a star cave warrior, and he did not even look at them in the least. You know, they are outside, star cave-level warriors, they don't even qualify for a word.

This young man is really shameless.


Body riots, ready to block Ning Tianlin.

However, he was preparing to take a shot, but was stopped by the old man in the middle, shook his head, and motioned for Ning Tianlin to enter.

Such people will only turn around when they hit the south wall.

Otherwise, it is impossible to stop.


The pig man snorted angrily, but it also agreed with the old man and didn't do anything.

Subsequently, the five of them watched Ning Tianlin with all their eyes, watching how he hit the black door!

They can't get through this door.

Either way, it is impossible to leap forward.

They flew up into the sky and crossed, the door extended indefinitely, connecting the heavens and the earth, they wanted to enter from the side, but the side of the door also became infinitely long, no matter how long they flew, they could not reach the end.

This is why they are trapped on this side of the gate.

They are all like this, and the young man will surely hit it.

Only when he hits the south wall will he stop!

Only then will they seriously and truly answer what they say. If not, forcibly forcibly stop, all the words are false!


Ning Tianlin did not stop either.

There is no refund.

Now that you are here, you can only try and see if you can pass through the door.

He had seen for a long time that this door was not a physical entity. Like the magic of magic, the streamer flickered, but it was real. And the closer you get, the more an idea flashes in his heart.

Ghost Gate!

It's almost the same gate as the earth's Yin Cao Di Fu, the gate of the Nether!

It's just not as high as it is.

This is most likely the gate of the Nether that has not been refined!

The opposite is likely to be Ghost Space!


In Ning Tianlin's mouth, a panacea appeared, Xingyao Dan!

Able to save the full strength of the elixir in the ghost space!

That's what he dedicated to King Yan Luo then.

But this time, the purpose is not to save strength in the ghostly space, but to break through the gates of the ghostly space!

Xingyao Dan can resist the rules of the Netherspace, I hope it can also help to break through this door!

This is actually the biggest reason for him to rush here.

He is not a fool. This gate can block five star-class strong men out of the door, not to mention he is a star cave warrior.


"Hope for success!"

Ning Tianlin was determined. Otherwise, he would not know how much it would take before he could avoid the attack of five people and rush to this place.

This is an opportunity.

It is also a very rare opportunity, especially when you see that the other party is not ready to stop yourself! He was just about to launch the supersonic wave just now.


"You can't help it!"

Both the pigman and the birdman scoffed at Ning Tianlin's actions.

How strong the charge is, how violent it will be when it rebounds!


What just changed their faces was that when Ning Tianlin's figure was in contact with the gate of the Nether, the whole body seemed to break through a layer of bubbles, and it was like entering a layer of mud.

Stretched for a long time, but disappeared.

"not good."


"He went in!"

The faces of the five people changed dramatically, all looking at everything in front of them.

This young man went in!

The door that blocked them for many years was broken into by this young man!

"Uncle, he went in!"

The pig was furious.

Quickly flew to follow, wanted to see from the elongated door, and see if I could follow in. Even the four Star Olympians on the edge are the same. They all flew up and rushed to the position Ning Tianlin had just fallen into.





After five loud noises, their bodies were blocked, not to mention that a large hole was hit on the gate of the nether world, even a wave of waves remained.

On them, the door is not soft but hard!


"He went in!"

"Who made you stop me just now!"

"Look at what you did!"

The wild boar that got up from the ground first aimed the anger at the old man in the middle.

"If you hadn't stopped me just now, maybe I could get this secret from him!"

"This young man certainly knows a lot, if not, he won't be so decisive!"

The wild boar was furious.

If they had this secret, maybe they could pass through the door instead of being trapped here. Who knows how many years they will stay in this ghost place.

The scolded old man didn't speak.

Can only bear it silently.


He was just too sloppy just now. He shouldn't let the young man just pass by. He should take it down first and then ask it carefully!

But where do they know, even if they do n’t stop, Ning Tianlin will forcefully pass.

Three seconds of invincible vertigo, not vertigo, enough for him to do too much.


"Bet right!"

"I came in!"

Ning Tianlin, who entered the nether space, took a long breath in his heart.

He came in!

Into this nether space.

Moreover, he soon felt relieved.

This nether space, like Yincaodifu, has not been refined, and it is an unowned thing.

Here, let alone flowers and trees, the air is not felt and there is no vitality.

What makes Ning Tianlin shake is that the suppression of the ghost space has not yet been exerted. You must know that in the ghost space around the earth's Yincaodi government, who enters it will be suppressed 100 million times!

Because of this, Xing Yaozhu was able to exchange many good things in the hands of King Yan Luo.


Without much delay, Ning Tianlin continued to fly forward.

However, for the sake of insurance, he was still invincible and flew fast.

He felt that he was approaching the heart of this tower of the nine-revolving tower.

As long as it is refined, it controls everything on this level of the Nine Revolving Towers.

In Yincaodi, there is no tower heart, it is most likely here!


Flying fast, making a huge booming sound in the air.

Ten days.

Hundred days.

Nearly three hundred days later, Ning Tianlin's eyes brightened, because in the heaven and earth in front, there appeared light.

Unmatched light.

It is like the sun that appears suddenly in the night.

Extremely shining.


Ning Tianlin didn't delay at all, and rushed towards this bright world.

If he did not guess wrong, the source of this light is the heart of the tower on the level of the nine-revolving tower!


"that's it!"

When infinitely close to the source of light, he finally saw that in front of the void, quietly hovering like a golden mark in the shape of a continent.

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