Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1531: All the strong surrender!

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This kneeling shook the whole hall.

It is also the effect Ning Tianlin wants.

The hall shook, and the hearts of these people shook even more.

Xing Xu!

How powerful a star warrior is, I heard that even further, I can touch the threshold of the Lord of the Universe, and now it is the same. I was almost killed by the young men in front of me.

He's all like this, what else can they do.

"Kneel down!"

Ning Tianlin sang suddenly and rang through the hall.


Everyone was startled and kneeled in haste.

Luo Jin's kneeling was forcibly oppressed by Ning Tianlin with the power of rules, but the rest of the group of people had a fear of Ning Tianlin in their hearts.

Looks like he really has control over everything here.

The big change in the whole space just now can tell everything.

"Some of you know where this is, and some don't."

Ning Tianlin looked at a group of people who were kneeling at himself and sneered, "Then what I said below, please remember, if I say it again, if anyone asks me later, kill!"

Speaking, explaining, "You have no physical body now, this state is called soul!"

"Ghosts too!"

"You're all dead, but you can say it's not dead. Because the place you are in now is called Yin Cao Di Fu. This is a magical place and a place you want to thank."

"Because you have lived here for at least three days before you died, because as long as you live for three days, Yincaodifu will give you one thing, one more thing than outside life."


"That's the soul!"

"It is for this reason that you have survived. And in a short time, you will continue to survive in this state."

"If the time is ripe, or I am happy, I can give you the flesh and let you return to your original state."

Ning Tianlin did not tell lies, because of this, he can easily do it, and there are many ways.

In the meantime, let these people pass through the six reincarnations, reincarnate and reincarnate, so that in the sun, they will automatically have the physical body, especially now that the position of Meng Po is not qualified, after six reincarnations, they can maintain their memory.

Even if he operated it, the combat power could be completely saved.

After all, he is the **** here!

King here!

Secondly, he can directly exchange some flesh dandelions from the combat system to give these soul flesh. It's just that it is unnecessary to waste energy points now.

There is no one in the middle of the sun, and Yin Cao Difu needs some people to manage it.


"Is we all dead? Surviving in another form."

Everyone was not a fool, and soon understood what Ning Tianlin was talking about.

"In this state, you should be envious, because the powerful men who are known as the holy places in the human race are actually not much different from you. They are more than you, and they are just such a soul."

"But now you have them too, it's a draw."

"You can totally think that you live in another holy place of humanity, but you are just born and there are not many living holy places!"

Ning Tianlin's words made the unsuspecting person shake directly, and then his face was overjoyed.

Human holy land?

Where are they now, completely another holy place for humankind?

The human beings in the holy place have only one more soul than the original?

These secrets, except for Luo Jin, the star-virtual warrior, are unknown to everyone. Now, how can you not be excited, not excited?

In the original days, they also thought about how to enter the holy place of the human race.

Unexpectedly, now it has arrived.

Doesn't this mean that where they are now is actually another holy place for humanity?

"God! ~"

Many people took a breath of air, which does not mean that there are actually two holy places in the universe.

"Stupid! ~"

It's just that Luo Jin, the star-strength powerhouse, knows about the Nine Runners Reincarnation Tower, watching everyone's reaction, and cursing, in this world, if there are two holy places of human race, if all come out, there are nine!

It's just that some don't know which lie in which to rest.

"From today, you are my slaves!"

"Speak better, as well as the guards, and the guards of the Yincao Difu. All you have to do is understand the space and the space environment here."

Ning Tianlin was not going to take these people out first, but stayed in Yincaodi government.

Tower heart.

Where is he?

Moreover, these people will not be long before it will be a great help for him.

"As for the range of activity, don't walk out of the black gate."

"There, your forbidden area!"

"You are not allowed to pass yet."

"Offender, kill!"

Ning Tianlin doesn't want to let them feel the effect of the nether space. Moreover, there is no chaos in the beginning of chaos, and there is no improvement.


The crowd nodded quickly.


At this time, Ning Tianlin waved a hand and a row of combat power equipment appeared in front of several people. "These are gears for you. Pick the right ones for yourself. Put them on and you can also exert your maximum combat power."

When these people changed, everything turned into nothingness.

They are swords and swords, and they are all condensed with radon, not physical.

"There are also these martial arts, which are the most suitable for you to cultivate. The original ones are not suitable for your body."

Ghost is a form.

It is no longer suitable for physical exercises.

Ghosts have special ghost skills.

Since Ning Tianlin decided to stay with them, he must cultivate them well. There are too many things for them to do in the future. And here, they can't play the slightest trick at all.

Without reading his memory, he knew what these people were thinking, and even a single thought could kill everyone.


Everyone was overjoyed.

Quickly nodded and said yes.

Even Luo Jin, the star warrior, was shocked, and was somewhat shocked by the origin of Ning Tianlin.

These things exist in the holy place of the human race, but they are also rare things. And this young man not only knows everything here, but also has so many things, showing strangeness and mystery everywhere.

"Luo Jin, I have something to tell you!"

When everything is arranged, Ning Tianlin Road.

His body flashed and took Luo Jin to another place.

This is a star-level warrior. He would rather waste him in that place. Going out to die for himself is the king. And with his help, his combat power can definitely develop rapidly in a short time.


After waiting for Luo Jin to open his mouth, Ning Tianlin showed his hands, and twelve space rings appeared in his palm.

It is not something else. It is these people who broke the space ring when they entered the Nine Circulation Tower. Now the original is recovering, and the various resources contained in it are reunited a lot.

They do not disappear, but instead they are transformed into energy and dissipated in space.

Ning Tianlin, who has everything now, can certainly bring them back together!

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