Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1537: Two years later

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"this is......"

Luo Jin has been dazzled by Ning Tianlin's methods, because the full-scale scourge that appears even by him cannot name each other, but at a glance, he is sure that the other party is a rare creature in the universe.

And it is an extremely powerful universe creature!

Otherwise, with the strength of the Star King, how could it be possible to eat the Star Olympian as candy.

Grumpy Grumpy Sticks!

But this question, he never asked again.

Talk less and do more. This is the rule that a slave should have.


After more than three hours, Wanzuo had all devoured everything, and there was no bone dregs left. Ning Tianlin had nothing left, but Luo Jin was breathing quickly.

Because in just three hours, the opponent's combat power has changed from the second stage of the king of stars to the third stage of the king of stars!

This. . . . . . This is too fast!

Even in the holy place of the human race, let alone say that he has never seen such an incredible thing.

"Counting it like this, I have added a lot of energy! Almost two years!"

Ning Tianlin finally came to the conclusion that it was a little emotional, because it was not only the essence of the warrior's killing, but also the resources in the space ring, especially this star's warrior's resources, some were unexpected.

It's almost equivalent to a dozen Star Olympians.

"Even Millipede broke through a certain rank."

Not excited that it is fake.

If he counts like this, he may not break through the star statue, it will not take long.

"All right."

"The next task, the amount of tasks doubled."

"Bring back the Twenty Star Saints, two Star Olympians!"

Ning Tianlin commanded Luo Jin again, "Give you a week."

With a wave of his hand, he sent the positions of the two Xing'ao to the past, not far from here.


Luo Jin nodded.

Although he was puzzled, he didn't ask much. It's just strange in my heart. This master is too strange. Bring so many people back and kill them without asking anything.

Is there hatred with them?

But it just doesn't look like it.

These people don't even know what the owner looks like.


But he didn't delay, his mind flashed, he had cut through the void and appeared in another place.


But when Luo Jingang left, Ning Tianlin didn't delay, he just used the teleporter to teleport himself into a void, and below it was a big city.

Draw the heart city.

One of the hundreds of human races.

Zhongdu City ranks first in the Top 100 Cities of Human Race, and this painting city is ranked fifth and also in the top ten.


The body vibrated, the flesh was reconnected, and Ning Tianlin's appearance changed into an old man's appearance after a moment. He had a childlike appearance, and his whole body was a little sloppy. He even stretched out his hand and added a crutch.

Smiled at the appearance.

His body fluttered and rushed towards the city below.


crazy shopping!

Go shopping!

Ning Tianlin once again took the crazy shopping method of the past. Although clumsy, it can also increase a lot of energy points in a short period of time. It is about two and a half years before the ten-year period.

He wanted to increase the combat effectiveness to the maximum extent at this extremely fast time.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get three points of energy points!"

A week later.

Ning Tianlin nearly wiped out the entire resources of Huaxin City, and he got less than three years of energy points.

"better than nothing."

"take it easy."

Ning Tianlin took a breath and calculated madly in her heart. It was contained on a Wednesday, fifty weeks a year, or one hundred and fifty years. After two and a half years, it was almost four or five hundred years.

Although it is incomparable to killing the Xingxu Wushu, but it really counts very quickly.


The next moment, Ning Tianlin's figure appeared again at the place agreed with Luo Jin.

At this time, in front of his eyes, there were also twenty star saints and two star auspicious men.




Ning Tianlin didn't talk nonsense at all, and did not have the opportunity to talk to these people. He directly killed several people's bodies, and the space ring was also in the palm of his hand. In total, he gained five years of energy.

And Wanzui, although the combat effectiveness has increased, it has not yet broken through.

"carry on."

"It's still the same task. See you once a week."

Ning Tianlin commanded again.


Luo Jin obeyed.

Although he was full of doubts.

Ning Tianlin also used these times to go to another city, one of the 100 cities of the Terrans. One week later, he got four qi points.

After beating and killing the Star St. and Star Olympian brought back this time, the energy points gained this time were six years.

"Counting it like that, about ten years a week."

"Two years, one hundred weeks, one thousand years ..."

Ning Tianlin took a deep breath and did!

Although it is a bit slow, it is also a more secure way.

Moreover, when there are still half a year left, he is ready to kill two or three star virtual warriors with Luo Jin, and the dry ticket is big!

Although dangerous, it is usually accompanied by great wealth.




In this way, time is fast, and the days are constantly revolving like this. Based on a week, Luo Jin brought back some prey for Ning Tianlin to kill, but Ning Tianlin was also crazy to exchange resources this week.

Eight months a year, that is, a full twenty months later, Ning Tianlin's accumulated energy points have reached a thousand years, which is officially compared to the nine-round reincarnation tower, devouring the space of the star virtual warriors and star warriors The ring has more than 600 years of resources!

"All right."

"This speed is faster than previously thought."

Ning Tianlin originally took two years to reach the point, after a year and eight months, he has already achieved it, but his previous ideas have not changed, it is still two years later, that is, four months, he went to kill Xingxu Musha.

He also wanted to see to what extent the starburst warriors really broke out.

It is a pity that Luo Jin is the second segment of Xingxu. Otherwise, he would not have to be so entangled. If it was nine segments of Xingxu, he would have targeted Xunxu martial arts as a target.

But he didn't know.

While Luo Jin was hunting Star Saint and Star Olympian continuously, a pair of eyes had begun to search quietly.

After all, the death of more than a hundred Star Olympians is not a house of play! But very serious!

Even half a year ago, a strong man was sent to investigate the cause of death of these star auspicious warriors. It's just that Luo Jin's scope of doing things is too wide, and the killed Star Olympians are generally practicing alone in the sky.

He died, and it would take some time to be discovered.

Even this strong man did not know where the Star Olympians existed.

So at one and a half moments, Luo Jin's whereabouts have not been found.

But just three days ago, he finally found a clue, and it won't take long for him to discover the true face of the other person!

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