Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1584: Heaven rule is actually a cold medicine?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!



Wanzuan is indeed a very rare creature in the universe. For others, the body of the universe master who can't bite at all, is just like tofu in its mouth, and it will bite in a moment.

It was then swallowed.

"A pair."

"Two pairs."

"Three pairs."

And it was only momentarily that Barefoot, who was full of feet, started going crazy.

Ten pairs.

Hundred pairs.

Thousands of pairs.

It's growing faster than ever.

"It is indeed the body of the Lord of the universe, although only half ..."

Ning Tianlin was shocked. It is estimated that this time, there will definitely be a substantial increase. This barefoot growth rate may reach half or even more of his current growth rate.

Even more than now, it is not impossible.


It was only very soon that Ning Tianlin's face changed, because in the void, countless thunders and dark clouds began to condense, as if Ning Tianlin was to be crushed alive.

"Into ... evolved ..."

"Evolving as you grow!"

Ning Tianlin was a little dazed.

In the past, Manchuria had grown up and started to evolve after being barefoot stable, but now, they have begun to evolve without being finally stable. It shows how fierce the energy of the Lord of the universe.

"Including this time, this is the seventh evolution!"

Ning Tianlin really did not expect that the seventh evolution of Manchuria would be ushered in so quickly. The last time, it seems that it has not been two or three years.

Two or three years, there should be a lot in the eyes of the earth people, but in the heart of the true cosmic strong man, sleep is longer than this time.

Moreover, the combat effectiveness system once said to him that the evolution of Manchuria is random in nature, there is no slightest rule at all, and it may not be done once in ten thousand years.

And now, even in fifteen years, the seventh evolution has begun!

too crazy!

As long as nine times and nine evolutions have been reached, the inside of the body of Manchuria will become a universe. At that time, it will be able to devour countless planets and creatures, and strengthen its combat effectiveness with the fighting power of creatures.

By that time, the true power of Manchuria is beginning.

After all, the creatures swallowed by it will increase his combat power by one hundredth of a billion. Although this range is small, it can not support more creatures. The warriors sprinkled on the ordinary planet are calculated in billions.

There are more planets, and the combat effectiveness of Mantra is really going to burst.

Maybe even faster than Ning Tianlin.



The thunder flashed and began to split directly on Wanzui's body, but it was just an instant that the barefoot that Wanzui had just formed was transformed into flesh and drowned in the rolling thunder.


As soon as Ning Tianlin waved his hand, he crossed over to Erdan from the combat system and reached out his hand, and he fell into Wanzu's mouth.

The entrance is instant.

This crossing of Erdan is also the only elixir to ensure that Manchurian urns can survive this evolution safely. Without it, Manchurian urns may fall in the thunder.



For a moment, the flesh shattered by the purple thunder continued to be reborn under the nourishment of the elixir, and guarded the deity of Wanzuan, protecting it from dissipating.



Grow, smash, then grow again, and repeat.

But even with the protection of Du Erdan, the breath on Wanzuo's body is still getting weaker, the flesh is split, the veins are exposed, and the whole body falls together in the void, like a snake.

"This purple thunder is really a means of cosmic punishment. Even if Wanzu is in my nine-revolver tower, he can still appear."

Looking at the thunderous sky, Ning Tianlin's eyes were extremely solemn.

You know, this space is in the nine-revolving tower, and although the nine-revolving tower has only the second floor, it also exists to be able to compete with the master of the common universe.

It is impossible for others to come in without opening it by themselves.

But this purple thunder and endless dark clouds, with no sign at all, appeared in the sky. It can be seen that even the ordinary master of the universe can't stop it.


This is what the combat system used to call this purple thunder.

It means the rules of the universe, the punishment of the power of heaven!

Because Manzulu should not appear in this universe, it should have been broken when the universe was broken last time, and even the last time the universe was broken because of his appearance.

"But who cast the penalty this day?"

This is also a doubt that has troubled Ning Tianlin for a long time.

How did this day penalty, this purple thunder, appear?

Is it a product of this universe?

Who is driving them to destroy Millipede?

The combat system once gave him an idea, an idea he didn't care about.

In this scenario, countless planets are actually individual cells in the body of a living body. These cells exist in a living body.

Just like a person, the human body contains trillions of cells, and even smaller things. There are countless microorganisms living on these cells, which can be seen under the extremely powerful microscope.

Therefore, the planet is a cell, and these creatures are the microorganisms on these cells. They live in the universe, and this universe is actually a human or animal body!

They, countless planets, are actually a cell of life!

Cells are constantly drowning, and they are constantly dividing and regenerating, so the planet in the universe is actually annihilating and regenerating.

This idea was extremely distant to him at that time, and it was impossible to touch the existence, but now, he, Wanzuan, has begun to touch such things.

What are they exactly?

Are these purple thunders in the depths of the universe driven by this "huge creature" to kill and kill uncontrolled creatures such as Millipede.

The purple thunder is like a "cold medicine". When the virus appears, swallow it and then destroy the virus in the body.

Millipede is a virus!


Such conjectures are out of hand.

If that's the case, Manquan, his Ning Tianlin, including these universe masters, and many more powerful ones, are in fact a "tyrannical virus" in a living body.

They grow, they get worse.

But facing them is that the "giant life form" is bound to kill them.

Especially now, none of them can break through the universe and become the master of the universe.

According to the information obtained by Ning Tianlin, whoever takes the last step in the universe will face the infinite repression of the Tao. No matter what, it will make you fall alive!

This day, this rule, in other words, is the "spirit" they live in, and they will be killed with cold medicine!

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