Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


I sighed.

Did not get the results he wanted, Ning Tianlin was directly hidden in the void again.

Since this birdman was the first one to arrive, no one knows that this nine star strongmen from the holy land of human race has become a fat nutrition, disappearing without a trace.


The next moment, Ning Tianlin's giant palm landed next to a huge bull's head.

In his extremely frightened eyes, he was directly pinched into dregs.


Almost five thousand poles are in your hands!

This does not include the space ring that has been placed in the Promise Ring.

"I'm afraid to send it today!"

After experimenting again, Ning Tianlin knew that I would have crazy gains today!

He originally only hoped for tens of thousands of pole spirits, but now it seems that it looks much better than this!

Even the barefoot of Wanzuan is growing madly. For it today, the physical body of the nine star warriors in Xinghuang is a great supplement!

After all, this is the tonic second only to the Lord of the universe!




The entire Nine Runners reincarnation tower was under his control, he was just a thought, and he could go anywhere he wanted. Especially the strong men who broke into the void were under his grasp and attention.

It can even be said that these strong men are fish being fished.

And the water in the fish pond is clear. He can catch whatever he wants.

Elves three.

Three orcs.

Nine people of the stone people.

Twenty-eight people of the Mu ethnic group.

Seven gray people.

Soon, there were more than 20 races, and more than one hundred star-struck warriors entered the abdomen of Manchuria. Ning Tianlin's energy points gained madly reached 500,000 pole energy.

There are a lot more than the magic crystal origins that he constantly absorbs the mechanical clan.

However, to his disappointment, every time he killed a Star Warrior, he would forcibly read their memory, but unfortunately, there was still no news about the First World War in the Earth.

But occasionally, there are several people's memories that contain fragments of memories about the earth and the first people in ancient times.

It's just that they are just words, not even the appearance of the first person in ancient times and the appearance of the earth.

Even the name of the first person in ancient times did not know, but only that people of this level existed.

"Your sister!"

"How can I know!"

Suddenly, Ning Tianlin went crazy, and the more he wanted to know, the more he didn't want to know, it really made him feel uncomfortable.


Suddenly, a charming figure appeared in his mind.

"Do you say she knows?"

Ning Tianlin thought of a man who was the eight-tailed sky fox.

Does this race have memories about that year?

After all, the senior Wu Daoxuan who was released in the Mugu Abyss last time had a jade on his body. The jade was engraved with a six-tailed sky fox.

Although I don't know what the six-tailed fox has to do with the eight-tailed fox, they are all foxes after all.

Maybe from her, you can get news about the events of that year.

"It's just that this forcibly reading the memory is not appropriate ..."

Ning Tianlin feels that this Tianhu family is still not to use this trick, after all, this is a race related to that senior.

The predecessor, at the time, saved his life, and even helped him to form a formation in Zhongdu City that could kill Xingsheng!

It helps a lot.

If at this time, forcibly reading his memories of his race, it seems a bit bad.

If it is known by the other party, I am afraid I have no face to face.

"I'll ask you later."

"Maybe there are any surprises."

Ning Tianlin is not the kind of person who has nothing to do with difficulties. I think it's better to try it out.

However, he is not ready to do it now. It is better to kill all the uninvited races.

So as not to cause any trouble.



Constantly shuttle through the void, to kill and kill all the star-warriors.

"this is?"


Soon, Ning Tianlin's attention focused on a reptile with limbs but different lengths.

The other person's body exudes a strong Yin, more precisely, it should be dead!

Anyone who is much weaker than their combat effectiveness will probably just fart and die.


Ning Tianlin directly transformed into a huge palm, and grabbed this corpse ghost ghost in his hand.

Looking down at high altitude.

"Ning Tianlin, you are Ning Tianlin!"

The corpse ghost was shocked and reacted in an instant. I am afraid that Ning Tianlin had already gained control of the nine revolving towers. Even this place was intentionally arranged by him to attract them!

Thinking of this, the corpse ghost could not help but let out a white gas!

Because if that's the case, I am afraid they will all die here today!

Having set up such a big round, how could they let them leave without any problems, even the Nine Runners Tower was reported. You know, this kind of thing is what the Lord of the Universe will strive for.


It was just that Ning Tianlin didn't talk to him at all, and smashed each other's body.

He wanted to see what kind of immortality the other party was.

Is it different from his immortality?


Soon, the minced meat of the ghoul began to gather in the void.

A few moments later, the head, stomach, and limbs gathered again.

However, Ning Tianlin also noticed clearly that the grayness and vitality on the other side was one point less, that is, his physical reunion depended on the help of vitality.

If this dead gas is exhausted, it will fart.

"it is good!"

"Just you!"

Ning Tianlin did not continue the killer, but was ready to conquer the corpse ghost.

Just like he conquered Luo Jin, the star virtual warrior!

He wants to use his body, so that the outside world can run rampant!

Ning Tianlin knows that although he is a **** in the space of the nine-round reincarnation tower, even the Lord of the Universe can compete, but when he is outside, he is just a star segment.

Occasionally an outbreak can kill all the starburst martial arts, but if he is more severe, he can only be blind.

Even using Luo Jin will not work.

After all, Luo Jin is just a star virtual warrior.

And last time in the mech family, he already had this kind of thought, and wanted to control the star star powerhouse, but unfortunately, after the other person's body was broken, the divine thoughts were all turned into a magic crystal source.

He couldn't control that thing either.

So I no longer think about it.

But now, so many Star Warriors have entered his territory, and no one is his opponent, and the situation of the mechanical family will no longer occur. So he decided to control this undead!

Let him hunt high-level warriors for himself in the future!

Or use his body to hunt.

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