Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1620: Is Star Wars the first person in ancient times?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"This ... is this the earth?"

When he saw the azure planet on the screen, there was a thick joy in the eyes of the eight-tailed fox, "It ... it really recovered!"

"Although it is still a fledgling, it has really recovered!"

The eight-tailed Sky Fox was a little excited, so he sent himself to the light curtain for a trip.

The earth, which was originally broken and turned into a nothingness, is reborn!

And there is not much difference from the original!

But this figure is much smaller than the original.

However, she also knows that this is normal, just like a baby, already has the same structure as an adult, but it is not the same size.

All we need on earth today is time.

"A prototype?"

When Ning Tianlin heard this, he was stunned.

What prototype?

For many years, the earth has been like this.

"It will grow bigger."

"Like a child, grow up on your own."

"It will slowly recover!"

The eight-tailed Tianhu grinned, and had an answer in his heart, and did not want to be entangled in this area. At the same time a long sigh of relief in my heart.

The earth has become like this, which means that he is still alive!

Just do not know if he is still putting his body on the earth, or has left, and went to the starry sky.

"Now, can you tell me, did you get his legacy, as rumors have said?"

The eight-tailed fox stared at Luo Chenmu's eyes.

If that's the case, this boy shouldn't be too much to call himself an uncle.

Although he was not his wife, he was held in his arms all day.


Ning Tianlin shook his head, and of course he knew what the eight-tailed fox was referring to.

The first person in ancient times, he had heard of this name in the Mech clan, the demon master of the Mech clan thought that he had obtained the inheritance of the first man in ancient times, and achieved the present achievement.

Even in this universe, countless strong people take it for granted that as long as they have truly inherited the first person in ancient times, Ning Tianlin can forgive and face up no matter how outrageous the force is.


The eight-tailed fox stunned, some could not believe it.

Who else in this universe can he cultivate such a genius?

You know, this Ning Tianlin's age is about thirty years old, but his combat effectiveness has reached the level of Star Saint!

She even felt higher!

In this Ning Tianlin's body, she always felt the breath of the Star Olympian!

It was only rumored outside that he was Star Saint, and she was not sure for a moment.

"To be precise, I don't know if it is."

Ning Tianlin thought about it and expressed his thoughts.

Because he didn't know, what the **** was this combat system.

He is a machine and he is not clear at all.

The system certainly did not fall from the sky, there must be such a thing! In particular, this combat system once said that when Ning Tianlin was the master of the true universe, he had to help him.

If the other person is not a creature, what can I do to help?

But if it is a soul, in what form does it exist?

At this time, he really had the urge to register the combat effectiveness system with the first strongest man in ancient times.

Because it is estimated that only this kind of existence can know everything about the universe, know everything, and let yourself grow quickly in this way.

But this is just a speculation, which has not been confirmed from the combat system at all.

Even if he asks, the combat system will not say!

"You don't know?"

The eight-tailed sky fox froze.

Immediately afterwards, there was a ray of hope.

He Ning Tianlin himself didn't know, which meant that such a possibility existed.

"Then tell me, who gave you the heritage and what does he look like?"

Eight-tailed Tianhu asked urgently.

If you know what the other person looks like, everything will be solved easily.

"What does it look like?"

Ning Tianlin smiled bitterly. This combat system is not human.

And it's constantly changing.

When the earth was in the middle of the earth, it turned into a pagoda, hitting its eyebrows, and entered its own mind, but over the years, it has sometimes turned into a big mallet, sometimes a purple cloud, and even Into various lightning bolts.

But never turned into a human figure!

No animals!

In this way, how do you let me describe what he looks like?

Could I tell you that he doesn't look like a creature at all?

"This ... it's hard to say ..."

Ning Tianlin shook his head and did not want to answer this question.

Moreover, he always felt that the combat system was probably not the first person in ancient times.

No reason.

It's a simple intuition.

"ok, I get it."

Seeing Ning Tianlin's refusal, the Eight-Tailed Sky Fox thought that the other side didn't say it on purpose, so he smiled and broke the topic, "Can you tell me, have you got these nine runners?

"What floor?"

The Eight-Tailed Sky Fox knows that this kind of thing is inseparable from ten. Otherwise, Ning Tianlin would not be able to directly kill the star warrior.

This is the strength that belongs to the Lord of the universe.

"Second floor."

"The heart of the tower on the second floor was fused by me."

Ningtian Forest Road.

This kind of thing, it doesn't matter anymore. Because no one else would take the Nine Runners back to the tower from their own bodies, unless they wished otherwise. After all, the duration of his invincible golden body now gives him nothing more than tens of thousands of years.


The eight foxes nodded.

There was a smile on his face again.

No matter in whose hands, as long as the Earth is in control.

Because this is the only thing in legend that, after being merged, can surpass the existence of the universe master.

"So much, don't know what your predecessor is?" Ning Tianlin broke the topic and was ready to ask something. He really wanted to know. What happened to the Earth War?

Why do so many strong people unite to siege the earth?

They have been ruled by the earth for so many years, why in the end, they will have the courage to attack!

Even some masters in the human race have shot!


"My name is Sophie."

The eight-tailed fox smiled.

For years, she has never said that name to anyone.

"Senior Su!"

Ning Tianlin nodded solemnly. "The junior wanted to ask Senior Su, what happened to the Earth when the World War I happened? Why do all the races of the universe come together to attack the Earth!"

"Even some strong people in the human race have shot!"

This is also a problem that has puzzled Ning Tianlin for a long time.

Knowing this, he now seems to be the Lord of the Universe, and he cannot even ask.

And the combat system is also evasive, saying that you do not have the strength of the Lord of the Universe, do not participate in this.

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