Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1633: Roundworm

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Isn't I ashamed of my heart that I was crazy for hundreds of millions of years?"

Ning Tianlin felt that he was a bit bad.

He just thought that because you did something wrong, you stayed here to be abused and tortured yourself.

But now it looks like this is not the case.

"We have a shame in our hearts, but the way of return, how can we be willing to fall!"

"We'll get crazy revenge!"

"One kills one, one kills one!"

The goat's purple eyes were blushing scarlet. They had become star warriors billions of years ago, and their hearts were extremely powerful. If they failed, they would rather revenge madly.

It's even possible to arrogantly thank the world.

But I will never hide here, linger, and live madly.

"That you......"

Eventually Ning Tianlin couldn't help asking.

"You haven't noticed that there were seven strange people in Meishan. There were originally seven people, but now there are only five people, don't you think it's strange?"

The goat did not answer directly, but asked dullly.


Ning Tianlin nodded.

He noticed just when he knew that the other party was Meishan Qiguai.

It has even been learned from the goat's mouth that the tadpole was caught by the Zerg universe master, and even forcibly seized the memory. It is estimated that it has long since died.

But what about the remaining white ape Yuan Hong?

Where is he going?

At first he thought the other party was dead, but now the goat asks this sentence, it seems likely that this is not the case.

"Where did they go?"

Could not help asking.

He didn't say that he was dead. After all, this is their brother, who is closer than his brother. Although hundreds of millions of years have passed, but at this time, I am afraid that the four quiet people will be violent Crazy.

"I'm dead!"

But he didn't say it, but the goat himself said, "But Brother Yuan wasn't dead. He left. He went to find his companion, and after a day's return, he brought us back to life!"

The goat's eyes gleam.

They are waiting!

They are dormant!

They are waiting for Yuan Hong to return and rise again!


"Aren't you just his companions?"

Ning Tianlin froze, what happened?


The goat grinned. "We can only be considered futile."

"At the last juncture of the First World War, our Meishan Great Fusion approach failed, and we were also back bitten and badly wounded. The injuries were not minor, and we became this ghost!"

The goat glanced at his mutilated body with purple eyes, and his eyes showed sorrow.

They originally had their own bodies.

But now, five people share one body!

And this body is not the physical body of the five of them, but the remains of the five of them and the millions of galaxy warriors after infinitely broken.

They just want to return to their original form, and it is impossible.

"Why not recover?"

Ning Tianlin asked.

Isn't this simple for the strength of your Lord of the Universe?

"no way."

"Can't recover."

The goat said, "It was because of the physical energy of millions of galaxy masters and seven of us that we merged into the master of the universe. Now if they are separated, these energies will dissipate and we will directly Star Warrior! "

"The combat effectiveness is likely to be weaker than it was then!"

"And these are not the main ones. After all, the fighting power can be increased again. The most important thing is that my four companions have lost their brains and were destroyed by the worms that year!"

"Now this body shares, under my control, it can also replenish them with energy. If they were separated, my four brothers would definitely die because there was no energy supply!"

"They have no brains, they are unconscious, they can't reunite at all!"

"So when they separated, it was when they died."

"This is something I never allow to see."

The goat has loneliness in his eyes. Looking at these eyes, it is even softer and sympathetic. How can a brother who has been for millions of years be scattered?

No matter how difficult it is, they must stick together.

"No brain?"

"Destroyed by the Zerg?"

"Is it a roundworm?"

In Ning Tianlin's mind, I immediately thought of a word and blurted out.

This kind of bug is specifically for food.

His horror lies not in eating the brain, but in endlessly eating the brain! I won't finish my brain at once! As long as it is stained by it, it will instantly merge into your mind!

Killing it is equivalent to killing this person!

Without killing it, it will devour the brain all the time.

Even if your brain is constantly growing under the supply of powerful energy, this maggot is still there!

Will follow you endlessly!

Tortured you to death!

"You know them?"

The goat was stunned, but Ning Tianlin didn't expect to know this kind of bug.

This species is also very rare in the Zerg.

"Know some."

"Having dealt with Zerg several times."

Ning Tianlin nodded slightly, "You mean, they still have this maggot in their four minds?"

This thing may be difficult for others, but for him Ning Tianlin, it is very simple!

Because Wanzuo is their nemesis!

They eat their brains, but Millipede eats them!

Killing them with divine thoughts, they will have residual bodies. These bodies will make the brain-eaters be exhausted with them, but if they are swallowed, their bodies will all enter the abdomen, and they will not give each other at all. Struggling opportunities.


The goat nodded. "My four brothers, although only the eyes are left, are only eaten because of their heads, but their brains are left with a trace every time, because the brains are eaten, and the tapeworms are also It will die! "

"So, every time these maggots leave a trace for my four brothers to gather their brains again."

"Because of this, sometimes our four brotherhoods are good for a while, and bad for a while! But most of them are crazy and don't know anything!"

Speaking of which, the goat explained why his four brothers were half crazy.

Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's like a lunatic.

"got it.\'

Ning Tianlin nodded, but did not speak directly. He already had a solution.

Because there was one more thing he didn't figure out, this is where the white ape Yuan Hong went!

After all, he is the boss of these seven!

According to the goat, this Yuan Hong seems to be looking for help.

Is it also the people at that time on earth?

It's just that these billions of years have passed, why hasn't he appeared yet?

"Where is Yuan Hong?"

"Where is he going?"

After thinking about it, Ning Tianlin still asked, because he felt that these people seemed to be planning something.

Immortal, then take revenge!

Revenge when the return is strong!

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