Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1641: Advent wood

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Even a million feet have swallowed the flesh of so many star desolate warriors, and their combat effectiveness has reached the Xingxu section!"

This is also quite satisfactory to Ning Tianlin.

After all, when Wan Zuyu left the Mech Clan, it was just the Star Saint, but now, he has swallowed countless powerful creatures and successfully promoted Xing Xu to a section!

"That is to say, if I fit with Wanzu, the physical combat power alone can reach the five segments of Xingxu!"

Ning Tianlin was excited.

In this decade, although the combat effectiveness has improved slowly compared to the previous decade, he knows that this is only an appearance. If he tells others, it only took him ten years to upgrade from Xingxu to Xingxu. I'm afraid to scare them to death!

After all, the later you get, the harder it is to improve.

Even the vast majority of warriors have not improved to a rank in 10,000 years!

Those who can be promoted are all called geniuses.

"Xingxu five segments are already in the Xingxu realm, and they are invincible!"

"Even Xingyuan's first and second paragraphs can fight one another!"

Ning Tianlin estimates his strength.

It's pretty good.

Compared to the calculation on that day, it is much stronger.

"Now, it's time to go to the Mu clan and kill Muze."

This is also the last place Ning Tianlin is going to return to earth.

It was also the first time in his life that he went to the Mu clan.


Break the space.

Disappeared here.

at the same time.


No delusion in the hall.

A total of 362 people were gathered.

All of them are full of energy, and their blood is soaring. Although they didn't do much, the huge qi and blood rushed into Yunxia, ​​and all the creatures of thousands of miles fell to the ground, afraid to move.

Because these creatures are not other realms, they are the masters of the universe!

From the first paragraph to the ninth paragraph of the universe, everything!

The master of the universe has the most three or four paragraphs, followed by the one or two paragraphs, and the least nine paragraphs!

Of the 362 souls, there are only 36!

They are the patriarchs and predecessors of human race, zerg race, wood race, undead race, beast race, elven race, mechanical race, etc.!

Among the thirty-six living beings, four human races fought, two zerg races, one wood race, two undead races, two beast races, one elven race, one mechanical race, and the rest were almost one race!

Counting, there are the most people! Reached four!

And with the power and strength of the human race, if you go all out, it is not impossible to unify the universe. Although it will cause heavy casualties, it is possible! But Terran has never succeeded.

Nothing else, just because these four people have four hearts, none of them are together!

The three halls represented by the delusional hall are united!

The eight families represented by the Qin family are united!

The ten martial arts represented by Yinyangmen are united!

Tashan Wang, the holy place of the human race, has one heart!

Four people have four hearts, never admitting each other. If it weren't for the reign of the human race, which is now remembered once a year, I am afraid that the human race is still in internal fighting at this moment!

If you say which race in the universe has the most intense internal fighting, the race is ranked second, and no race dares to say first!

Everyone knows that the human race is a veritable infighting king!

And the most united is the Zerg, they can unite as one, treat death as home, fight without any regard for their lives. In particular, the Zerg breeding ability is very strong, in terms of number of lives, ranked first!

For example, who can unify the universe, the Zerg are definitely great competitors!



"I disagree!"


This is the third year that they have been together. The purpose is to discuss whether the combat power of the Lord of the Universe can be lifted, because this is a major event and a major event that can be affected!

As long as the ban is really lifted, the universe is likely to face chaos!

If the Lord of the Universe can attack ordinary creatures, then their one race will be destroyed by them!

Even after three years of consultation, some people still agree, and some people do not agree.

But today, it is the deadline.

They must make a decision today!

And among the more than three hundred universe masters, most of them do not agree to lift the ban, because by doing so, they may destroy the tribe at any time! A master of the universe, Jiu Duan, shot at them, and no one could stop them!

Before long, they either perish or become vassals of powerful races!

There is no longer an equal relationship in the past!

After the First World War, the pattern formed may be broken again!

This is also the hope of most races.

"I disagree!"

"Although Ning Tianlin may be the master of the universe, but he has no influence on the overall situation, why should he release the fighting power in our hands? At that time, the universe will definitely disrupt and start a new round of hegemony!"

An orc with twin horns.


"What do you know!"

"Ning Tianlin is just a vanguard. Behind him is the earth. Did all the people present forget how the earth perished in that year?"

"We can only survive if we work together to eliminate this hidden danger!"

"And the power of the earth's remnants in the universe has revealed some clues, and they are all the masters of the universe! We must shoot ourselves in order to kill them!"

"Moreover, I think it's time to divide the universe again! Just like then, we must choose a strong person to unify the universe with absolute strength! Otherwise, we can't even unite ourselves, how to compete with the rest of the earth. "

Talking is a strong one among the Zerg.

Master of the Universe Nine Levels!

"Huh, you all said that the earth is lingering, but it is lingering, and it takes such a fuss? So I don't agree! We remain the same, no one is needed to unite and direct!"

There is another unspoken ethnic universe.

He is the master of the universe.

"I agree!"

At this time, the owner of Wudian Temple, who had not spoken from the beginning, spoke freely.


He agreed to release the fighting power in his hand, and he can shoot at anyone at will!

At that time, he will control the universe and destroy Zerg and other hostile forces.

He wants to control the universe!

He has been silent for countless years, practicing for countless years, and has just completed an ancient secret method. He feels that he is absolutely the first person in the universe!

With him, the universe can definitely be unified!

Like the earth back then, it has absolute supremacy in the universe!

Although they defeated the first person in ancient times, who did not envy the power and status of the first person in ancient times?

Not at all comparable to them now!

"I agree!"

The Terran Master, the King of the Holy Land, nodded his head, only the King of Yin and Yang held a wait-and-see attitude.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

Soon, the Zerg, Mechanical, Undead, Mu, and Beast strong nodded.

There is an urge to try!

I haven't done it for many years, they really want to know, who can be the first person in this universe! Who can accomplish the feat of the earth that year!

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