Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1664: Giant Turtle Obelisk

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Come on!"

"A fairy island has appeared!"

The man and woman who had just killed the tiger shark exclaimed, without panic on their faces, but with deep excitement.

Because they know what it means.


Great opportunity!

As long as they enter first, they may get rich treasures inside.

You know, a few days ago, a warrior who was not even a galaxy, entered a secret realm, and became a master of the astral domain directly! Status soared wildly, and even the League of Legends were kind to him.

And judging by the golden light, the level of this fairy island is likely to be not small!



The two did not hesitate and quickly came to the edge of this fairy island.

Before they get close, they can feel the immense coercion of the island! Even the two of them were out of breath.


"Absolutely a high-level mystery!"

They were extremely excited.

Because they were standing beside this island, the gods could not even penetrate the golden light, and needless to say they felt everything inside.

This fairy island is obviously a high-level secret.

Unable to, they began to explore how to enter Xiandao. After all, whoever enters first will likely get the biggest treasure.


But also at this time, a huge octopus octopus slowly rose from the sea and appeared around the golden island, with huge dark green eyes, staring closely at Xiandao, thoughtfully.

Just seeing a man and a woman on the edge, after probing into their realm, they couldn't help but hesitate.


Soon, a huge golden eagle crossed the sky, descended from the air, swooped down, and appeared in front of this fairy island.

In less than two minutes, there was a huge black orangutan stepping on the deep sea and stepping out. Every time I ran, the sea water brought up was a huge wave!



But the same, there are several warriors who step on the flying sword, coming from the air.

Everyone's body is a beautiful white suit.

Stepping on the splashes, all are chic.

"Shushan Pie is here too!"

The face of a man and a woman changed dramatically, and he scolded himself!

Shushan school.

In the past five years, a fast-growing martial art.

There are about three hundred people in the gate, all of whom can fly with the sword. Even if they have not reached the master of the galaxy, they can already fly in the starry sky.

Although it is far from being able to compete with the League of Legends, the Shushan faction master has gained a lot of Shushan heritage! Although the combat effectiveness is only a domain master now, but there is a heritage, it will not take long to break through!

He once vowed that if he absorbed all the inheritance and even learned from him, he would become a star warrior!

Today's earth warriors have a general understanding of the division of the realm. On the one hand, it is the effectiveness of the Internet in the past few years. On the other hand, it is an introduction to the courses learned. Even TV news broadcasts various combat realms every day. Roughly divided.

"I don't know what the League of Legends thinks, but even this Shushan faction is allowed to grow!"

A man and a woman were a bit defamatory.

Not only them, but the Shushan faction themselves, did not expect that the League of Legends would allow them to exist, and even give them some tilt on certain resources, seemingly really want to train them!

"And Ning, what are you thinking about?"

"I really strongly support those who have inherited the mystery! It is not jealous at all!"

One man and one woman are a little incredible.

This Ning family seems to want this earth to be filled with contentions and flowers!

For them, it is very likely that these emerging martial arts will be put in the cradle long ago.

This is why too many people admire the Ning family and the League of Legends.

Not for selfishness!

Really whoever inherits it, he is happy for him!

Even if there is something that is not understood, the Ning family will send experts to explain in detail.

"Happy is here!"

"The people from Xiaoya are here!"

Soon, the two found three more people, all in sackcloth, flirtatious, and stomping on the seawater. They all skyrocketed up to 90,000 miles, all of them are star warriors! Much higher than the two of them.

"It's over, it's not our share"!

The man secretly murmured.

Star Warriors have appeared, that is, entering the secret island of Xiandao, what do they grab each other?

"Who said no to us?"

"We have to fight!"

The woman on the side was not discouraged at all. "This mystery inheritance does not necessarily look at the combat effectiveness, but the fate!"

"Who gets the recognition of the mystery, who is its owner."

The woman looks very experienced and not disheartened.

This is the nature of man. With luck, he always thought he would be the luckiest man!

"Just where is the entrance to this mystery?"

There are already more than a dozen people and horses gathered here, not only human races, but also other animals, but all are standing here quietly, without manual feet.

But there is no one person and one thing, can find where this entrance is.

The golden light flickered, and everyone's eyes were pierced into the inside, even the consciousness was also blocked from the outside.

Three days later.

Numerous warriors have gathered here, even the Ning family and the League of Legends have come to the strong!

Because the noise in this secret island is really too big, almost occupying most of the East China Sea!

For one thing, the territory of the East China Sea today is not comparable at all. Secondly, all warriors know that this golden light is just the outer light, that is, the light that escapes from the secret realm!

And the escapes are so strong, I must know how terrible the real secrets are!


Just when everyone didn't know what to do, a tortoise with a huge body slowly crawled out of the golden light.

Swallow clouds and drive fog, like fairy animals.

"What's on his body?"

The eyes of everyone soon fell on its back.

Because of its huge turtle shell, there is actually a huge stone monument!

This stele is about a thousand feet high, a hundred feet wide, and is turquoise green, exuding endless coercion!

"What's on it?"

"There is text on this stele!"

When the giant tortoise crawled out of the golden light, everyone found that there were two golden characters on the stele!

It's not just carved, but a kind of carcass formed by the gathering of aura!

For a while, many people didn't recognize it.

Because the carcass is proficient, there are few people on the entire planet.

But the technology cannot be developed. When someone took these two words and took pictures on the Internet, an old man quickly gave the answer.


These two golden characters are Penglai!


In an instant, all warriors shook!

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