Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1675: Rescue Qin Shihuang

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"Brother Niu, this is three stars."

"Each one will allow you to spend ten years in nether space."

When he was about to enter the Yan Luodian, Ning Tianlin put three stars in his hands.

He knew what the place of this nether space was in this heaven and earth, and there were many geniuses in it, and I was afraid that there would be a lot of space in it, which would definitely be of great benefit to him. Otherwise, King Yan Luo would not want to walk inside.

"That being the case, I'm welcome."

The bull's head smiled.

He knew that Ning Tianlin had a lot of this kind of thing. It seemed that he could make it by himself. The reason why he was valued by King Yan Luo at that time had a lot to do with this.

"Brother Niu joked with me, and I still need to be polite."

Ning Tianlin also smiled, then turned around and entered the Yan Luo Hall.

There, King Yan Luo was already waiting for himself.

"Ning Xiaoyou, I haven't seen you for a few years. I never thought you would come to see me, haha."

King Yan Luo sat up from the hall and gave a big hug to Ning Tianlin.

"Yan Zun said and laughed." Ning Tianlin smiled after he separated. "You have a life-saving grace for me, how can I not come to see you."

When in outer space that year, King Yan Luo descended once.

Also saved his life once.

At that time, King Yan Luo had left his hair on his body, and when he was in danger, he came down in person. If it wasn't for King Yan Luo's shot at that time, I'm afraid he wouldn't be there now.

At that time, he had no invincible golden body, and it was not immortal.

"This is the hundred stars Dan I brought, please look at it."

Ning Tianlin laughed and put the thing on the table, explaining at the same time, "This is a little longer than the original Xing Yaodan. Xing Yaodan can only stay in the nether space for one year, and this thing is ten year."

Although these things are precious, they are nothing to the King Yan Luo who has the life-saving grace.

"Thank you little friends."

"Xiaoyou didn't ask me to exchange things this time. It seems that it has been very fruitful to be outside these years."

Although King Yan Luo did not say in his mouth, it was also shocking.

Xing Yuan strong!

In just a few decades, it has reached such an incredible level.

You know, when he first saw Ning Tianlin, he was still a fighting soul. But in just a few years, it has already reached the level of astral element. As long as we pass through another astral realm, we can become a star famine like him.

Maybe how many years have passed, he is not necessarily his opponent.

His master, deserves to have great eyesight. At first glance, you can see that Ning Tianlin is unusual, and even let himself do his best to help him.

"Ha ha."

"It's a bit of a gain."

Ning Tianlin nodded, and did not show affection. After all, he had grown to this level, and had no gain, telling no one to believe it.

"Actually, there are two things to do this time, to know Yan Zun."

The two talked for a while, and Ning Tianlin said something.

"Please speak." King Yan Luo reached out his hand.

"In the first place, I wanted to tell Yan Zun that I traveled in the stars and got a clue from your apprentice Qin Shihuang."

Ningtian Forest Road.

He still remembers what happened to the Zerg that day.

Even speaking, if it were not for Qin Shihuang's relationship, he would not have escaped so smoothly.


King Yan Luo was shocked, and obviously he was very concerned about the apprentice, "Please say."

Even the body that just leaned up sat up.

"It was accidental to meet him."

Ning Tianlin began to talk about how the Zerg was caught by the yin and yang ropes, and how, by accident, he got the breath of Qin Shihuang, and even learned that he was actually the ancestor of the dragon, the ancestor of all dragons .

Slowly, King Yan Luo's brows frowned. "You mean, he's trapped, and he's probably not dead?"

"Well." Ning Tianlin nodded solemnly. "A lot of Qin Shihuang's memory was devoured by that Pablo, but there is still a part that has not been known to him. Otherwise, he would not only know that I was Earth people, without knowing where the earth is. "

"After all, Qin Shihuang knew where the earth was!"

"Even he doesn't even know that you are the master of Qin Shihuang."

"In my guess, he is likely to hide the deepest secret in the deepest place and has not been found."

Speaking of which, Ning Tianlin also frowned. "But I think it may not take long for them to break through Qin Shihuang's memory. I guess they are worried that they are in a hurry and Qin Shihuang ignores everything. Fall down directly so that they have nothing to do without doing anything. "

"But give them some more time and they will know for sure."

This is also what Ning Tianlin is worried about.

"I'm sorry, Zun Yan. I really couldn't rescue the Emperor at that time. The Pablo was a star warrior. I'm not an opponent."

Ning Tianlin said at the time, but although he is only a star-virtual warrior, who can reach the star yuan with Wanzuo, if the Nine Runners are sacrificed to the tower and the star-barren slaves are released, the star-state realm is solved. Pablo, it's a piece of cake.

But the other side is deep in the Zerg.

As long as they do, it is likely to surprise the Lord of the Universe among the Zerg.

At that time, not to mention the rescue of Qin Shihuang, they themselves, I am afraid they all have to stay there.

Therefore, this time, he told King Yan Luo that the matter was originally intended to discuss with him and see how to rescue Qin Shi Huang.

On the one hand, he was an apprentice of King Yan Luo. On the other hand, this was the master who unified Huaxia. Without him, Huaxia's history had to be rewritten. It was also his Ning Tianlin who contributed to Huaxia.

"I don't blame you."

"It's great that you can escape by yourself."

King Yan Luo waved his hand and did not blame Ning Tianlin. This kind of thing can be escaped from a star-level warrior. It is already unimaginable.

In particular, he could grow up here in such a short time, but it was very good.

"Even if I do, I may not be able to bring him back."

King Yan Luo was a little lost.

He didn't tell a lie, and he didn't pretend to be vain. He could easily deal with the astral-level Pablo, but he would definitely surprise the Zerg universe master, and the universe master is not what he can handle now.

In addition to his master shot.

But Master that state. . . . . .

Think of King Yan Luo's mood.

Knowing the whereabouts of his apprentice, but can't rescue him, it is not depressing that it is false.

"Actually, you don't have to lose hope if you do."

Ning Tianlin said to King Yan Luo.


"How to say?"

King Yan Luo stunned, guessing that Ning Tianlin might have a way.

The expressions were all solemn.

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