Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1698: Gangster reaction

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"Ning Tianlin is dead!"

Especially when the onlookers heard the news, most of them seemed quite happy. Their impression of Ning Tianlin was genius, but it always caused trouble and was a genius who did not accept human discipline.

It even killed many people of the same race.

Now, finally dead!

Or was killed by the master of Wudian Palace!

Now that the master of Wudian has acknowledged it himself, the news must be true!

Inevitably, this news began to spread on the Internet at a very fast speed. Especially in the hundreds of human races, there are human elites, but there are countless spies of various races. They also quickly transmitted the news In the clan.


"Ning Tianlin is dead!"

When a big man of the Mu clan heard the news, he couldn't believe his ears.

he died?

How did you die?

He has a golden bell jar!

Hard to break!

Is his identity clear? Was it the first person in the ancient world to inherit? Or his reincarnation?

Many doubts bothered them, and even the chiefs of the Mu clan could not believe that the message was true.

He played with Ning Tianlin, knowing how difficult the opponent is, not to say how high his fighting strength is, but because the opponent has an undead body and an invincible golden body, just like a turtle shell, it is not broken at all!

Even if he is tied, he can explode at any time and then hide, and then escape!

They don't even know how to live in Ning Tianlin.

But now, Ning Tianlin is so dead?

Some are too sudden!

It's just that the news came from the spies hiding in the hundred cities of the Terrans. It came from the mouth of the Lord of the Temple of Wandering, and it should not be wrong! Even the spy passed on the footage just recorded.

Inevitably, the masters of the Mu clan all look at me and I look at you. I don't know if I should believe the news.

at the same time.



"Ning Tianlin is dead!"

The Zerg originally had three masters of the universe, but now there are only two, one master of the universe nine segments, one master of the universe seven segments, and that one was brought by Ning Tianlin a few days ago The Lord of the universe killed!

And killed in their ambush!

If it wasn't for Ning Tianlin's appearance in the end, they would have only found that Lord of the Earth and universe, but no Ning Tianlin!

In other words, Ning Tianlin's stealth, even if they can't find it.

In particular, their space ring was snatched by the opponent in vertigo, and their respective arms were cut off!

Can they not hate Ning Tianlin!

It's just that he died?

Died in the hands of the Lord of the Wandering Hall?

They are really unbelievable. Because they had already learned Ning Tianlin's methods, it was too difficult to kill him, and at best he could only trap the other side. But looking at the pictures from their men, they had to believe.

Because this is what the Lord of the Wandering Palace himself said.

As the Lord of the universe, I can't tell lies, especially in front of so many people.


"It's a pity."

"I'm ready to break through, I'll ask you to understand!"

A master of the universe said, "It's just what happened to this fierce beast? How was it caught by the master of the vain temple? What he can see, he didn't kill it directly, it must not be anything!"

For a moment, the two Zerg owners were wondering what was happening to Wanzu.

Mechanical family.

The Demon Lord of the Mechanical Clan also received the news the first time.

If anyone in this world hates Ning Tianlin the most, it must be his demon master!

Because after all these years of changes, he found out that no new mechanical clan was born! Mechanical life has only death, no new life!

Because there is no new one to enrich their souls!

Without consciousness, machinery is always just machinery, just scrap iron!

It is very likely that Ning Tianlin destroyed the magic crystal tree of their mechanical clan in the abyss!

If not, how many years have passed, why is there no more magic crystal floating out of the abyss, giving birth to a new life?

If this continues, their mechanical clan will be over!

It is very likely that it will change from a cosmic race to a rare race and even eventually die!

Only death, no new additions, waiting for their mechanical clan, only death!

Over the years, he is also going crazy looking for Ning Tianlin, trying to hear the news about the magic crystal tree, but Ning Tianlin, like hiding intentionally, has no news.

Now it's dead!

Died in the hands of the Lord of the Wandering Hall!

But how can you die!

You are dead, what should we do?

Does it follow you?

Inevitably, the demon Lord's eyes were full of hatred when he looked into the video without the delusion in the video. How can you kill him, you fool?

How can you kill him!

You're helping him destroy our machine family!

If that's the case, we will be the end of the machine race, and the entire universe will be played with us. I don't mind launching a whole universe war!

Just because of you silly, killed Ning Tianlin!



at the same time.

Many parts of the universe knew about Ning Tianlin's death. Although it didn't take more than five minutes from beginning to end, there was no time limit for the spread of information.

In just five minutes, too much was passed.

All of them were shocked by Ning Tianlin's death, but they were a bit sad.

Many things, including the news of the first person in the universe, have disappeared into the long river of history.

Perhaps only the Lord of the Innocent Hall knew it.

For a while, they were thinking about asking the Lord of the Wandering Palace to ask about the first person in the ancient times. They didn't believe it. Since you killed Ning Tianlin, you didn't even find out.

Maybe you want to swallow that person ’s heritage and do n’t say it on purpose?

He had no delusion. The Lord himself did not know. At this time, many big men were eager to move and wanted to talk to him about something.

"From now on, you will follow me and take care of my tribe. I will definitely not hurt you, and even help you advance again."

Looking at the Wanzuan in his hand, the master of Wudu Temple was still thinking of persuasion.

He believes that he can't do what Ning Tianlin can conquer.

The other party is just a star element warrior, but he is the master of the universe!


It's just that Wanzu would ignore him, and even felt Ning Tianlin's body long ago, sprayed a poisonous gas at the main port of the Wandering Hall, and then "popped", disappeared from the opponent's hand, and merged into Ning Tian Lin's body.

Shit is dead!

You stupid!

My master is standing next to you, you don't really know!

Silly enough!


With the integration with Wanzuan, Ning Tianlin slowly revealed his figure, holding a Fangtian painting halberd in his hand, and stared coldly at the master of Wudu Temple.

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