Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1704: Tashan King's Fright

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"not good!"

"He's gone to the Temple of Wanderers!"

Many humans reacted with horror.

No delusional hall.

Where the Lord of the Temple is not.

Did he kill the Lord of the Wandering Palace, and he didn't want to let go of the place where he studied?

But now, no one dares to stop Ning Tianlin's actions. He even chopped the two masters of the universe, and killing them is like killing chickens and cattle?

Some Star Warrior warriors guarding here flee wildly, for fear that Ning Tianlin will kill them too.


Ning Tianlin started, and with a wave of his hand, the slaves of the three star-warrior warriors flew out of the space ring and went straight to a star-warrior warrior pointed by Ning Tianlin.

This time, when I was in the capital city, I was especially sorry for myself.

He even recommended it to the Mu people for their slaughter.


He even sacrificed a supersonic wave, making him dizzy for six seconds.

Six seconds.

Enough for three servants to bring his head.

He even looked down on the essence of the Star Warrior even killing the two universe masters. However, the figure of Manzulu still came out and swallowed it.



Seeing this scene, everyone was fleeing madly, for fear that Ning Tianlin would open the killing ring and kill everyone.

In the universe, this person's comment is a person who likes to kill!

He has killed human races, zerg races, wooden races, mechanical races, beast races, etc.!


"I don't think of this temple without any delusion. It is not a simple temple at all, but a starry sky, not smaller than the starry sky of the hundreds of human races!"

Ning Tianlin kept flying inside.

Seeing all kinds of things he didn't notice in the outside world.

Spirit grass garden, fairy beasts, trial land and so on.

It can be said that this is a place for countless people to live, and even the aura in the world here is far from a level far from the outside. If it is swallowed, the combat effectiveness will slowly increase.


Ning Tianlin appeared in the Lingcao Garden, and he waved his hand directly, and packed all the herbs in the garden into his space ring. There are thousands of years, millions of years, and even hundreds of millions of years. The main thing is that the master of the temple does not want to take a bite.

All of his brain entered Ning Tianlin's space ring.



Wherever Ning Tianlin went, as if he entered the large garden with Liu Ye, everything could attract him attention. After all, this is the place where the top human beings stay, and the materials used are all the best materials.

All of these Ning Tianlin were politely collected.

It is the cultivation of the genius for genius, a pool of emanating qi, he has put in his own space ring, and plans to take it back for use on earth later.

It was just that he was scrambling in the Hall of Wonderfulness, and when he was about to put everything into his space ring, the whole outside was already arguing loudly, all kinds of discussions were one after another, even many peerless practitioners who had been cultivating and only cared about their own combat effectiveness. Too many Lords of the universe have awakened.

In other words, it was awakened by someone.

Human holy land.

In an independent enclosed space.

A middle-aged man with a square hat, wearing a grey strong suit, and a golden cymbal on the top of his head, slowly opened his eyes, because outside, someone slammed the square space quickly.

"There must be something urgent!"

The middle-aged person raised a brow and waved his hands, and this space continued to spread towards the outside. Then a passage appeared in the space, and at the end of the passage was a door.

Eight years ago, when he started the retreat, he once told his servants that if there was no urgent matter, he should not disturb himself!

He has felt the changes in the universe. It seems that these years, something will happen!

In particular, the strong man represented by Ning Tianlin appeared. It will not take many years, and it will definitely be another **** storm.

He must break!

Only by breaking through the universe master and becoming the true master of the universe can he avoid this catastrophe and fight against that one! Standing and absolute invincible!

Moreover, he estimated that he made a breakthrough in his nine-round reincarnation tower, and perhaps he would not be surprised by the existence!

Otherwise, the person in charge of the heavens will obliterate the same as the ancient first person!

He didn't want his holy place of holy people, just like the earth in those days.



At this time, a star warrior came in at the entrance of the aisle. After the rapid landing, he bowed his head and worshiped, "See Tashan King!"

"Get up and talk!" Seeing the nervous look of the other side, King Tashan knew that something must have happened.

Otherwise his own staff would not be like this.

"The Lord of the Wandering Palace is dead!"

The star warrior's voice was trembling.

When he remembered the situation at the time, he felt completely incredible.

A star warrior killed the master of Wudu Temple in one move!

You know, the Lord of the Temple of Wandering does exist just like the King of the Tower of Shans. This Ning Tianlin can kill the Lord of the Wandering of Temples, which does not mean that he can also kill the King of Tower of Shan!

If he kills, they are not holy land of human race, I am afraid that none of them is his opponent.


"No delusion!"

"what happened!"

"Say it"!

"Don't miss a word!"

King Tashan breathed a little.

Although the Lord of the Wandering Palace did not deal with him very much, but after all, he was the patron saint of the human race. In the past hundred million years, the human race has been protected by him, and he is now dead!

Who can kill him?

Even if four or five masters of the universe are encircled, they will not necessarily be able to kill them.

Could it be that the chaos in the universe he was worried about has begun to erupt?

"It's Ning Tianlin!"

"It was Ning Tianlin who slashed the Lord of the Temple without a blunder, and Ning Tianlin was killed by the wooden clan master of the universe!

Said the star desolate warrior quickly.

At the same time, the recorded video will be played to Tashan King.

"Ning Tianlin!"

"It turned out to be Ning Tianlin!"

"He killed the Lord of the Wandering Palace and Muyu!"

Looking at the video, King Tashan couldn't calm down for a long time.

He couldn't believe it. A star warrior even shot his sword and killed two masters of the universe!

Even he couldn't do that.

"Absolutely him"!

"This Ning Tianlin is definitely his reincarnation!"

The horror appeared in King Tashan's eyes because he knew what it meant.


The other party will definitely get crazy revenge!

All those who offended him at that time must pay a serious price.

In addition to him, who else can kill the universe master!

Only then did he touch the edges of the rules of heaven, and even he had mastered some rules of heaven. Just now the sword light that Ning Tianlin Fangtian Huaji wields out contains the rules of heaven!

He must be resurrected!

Reincarnated with the help of the Nine Runners Reincarnation Tower!

"Must prepare early"!

"Otherwise, everyone must die!"

The King of Tashan was frightened, because he knew how he got the tower from these nine runners!

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