Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1713: Won the nine runners reincarnation tower (second more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"lay down!"

"Have it down!"

"We can't feel anything"!

The demon master of the mechanical clan wants to do something to stop the movement of King Tashan. He couldn't feel anything. At that time, what should Ning Tianlin's nine-round runner tower be obtained by the other party?

That is definitely something that adds to his power!

Anyone can get a certain floor of the nine-round reincarnation tower, that is, he can't! Because he has one.

"What to put!"

"How can I put it at this time!"

Seeing the demon's main hands, both the Zerg universe master and the Mu ethnic universe master blocked Ning before him, how could they stop at this time, even if Tashan King made trouble, this time they also I have to recognize them!

Everything is up to this, there is no retreat!

"We can't feel what's going on inside, how can we continue?"

"What if he is King Tashan and Ning Tianlin?"

"If Ruinian Tianlin is not dead, he has entered the holy land of the human race, who of you can take him out to kill him?"

The Demon Lord did not say the most specific reason, but only the conjecture.

Because until now, only he knew that Ning Tianlin was pregnant with a certain layer of the Nine Circulation Tower.

What's more, even if you say that, you hate to let Ning Tianlin die, and you want to make sure that Ning Tianlin is dead!

Nine runners reincarnation tower is powerful, but compared to Ning Tianlin's life and death, I am afraid it is nothing.

After all, Ning Tianlin is likely to be the first person to reincarnate in ancient times!

If you really wait for him for a hundred years, if he doesn't die, then something will happen again, all of them will die!

And what about the nine-round reincarnation tower, did you not see Tashan King capture it, or have you stayed in the holy place of human race? !!

"A group?"

"How could Tashan King be with Ning Tianlin!"

The two Zerg masters of the Zerg sneered, "In that year, I saw with my own eyes that King Tashan stabbed the man's knife at the end, and even snatched the nine-round reincarnation that had not been refined. tower!

This can't be fake!

If anyone is likely to be with Ning Tianlin, it is impossible for him to be King of Tashan alone!

"Don't say such nonsense!"

The other masters of the universe also said, "At this time, it is impossible to retreat, and we just wait for the news of his demon master."

"Within a quarter of an hour, we will know the results."

At this point, the Lord of the Spirits could not refute.

He is even less likely to act hard!

These people together can definitely defeat him and kill him!



At the beginning, King Tashan ignored the surroundings and forcibly swallowed all the remaining things in the Temple of Innocence into the Nine Runners Tower.

At this moment, the mark of the Nine Runners revolving tower is spinning deep in the void!

It takes less than a quarter of an hour to swallow everything.

Then slowly merge with the holy place of the human race.


"Near to Ning Tianlin!"

Because the engulfment was forcibly compressed from the outside to the inside to prevent Ning Tianlin from taking this opportunity to escape, his King of Tashan was also very serious. Within eleven or two minutes, he devoured all the vortices and was about to reach Ning Tianlin Just disappeared!

Dead or dead, you will know soon!



The storm swept through, and finally came.


The space was torn, directly revealing the location where Ning Tianlin was staying at that time, but what made him stunned for a while is that there was no Ning Tianlin here, but a plate-like golden mark appeared!

Others may not know what this is.

But how can he not know!

"The mark of the Nine Runners Tower!"

"This is the mark of the nine runners tower!"

King Tashan felt that his breathing was a little short, which is a big thing!

What makes him crazy!

He really didn't expect that Ning Tianlin's figure was not found here, but he saw another imprint of the Nine Runners Tower!

Since he had the first piece, he has never seen it again.

Unexpectedly, he even had such a piece of Ning Tianlin! Also has the mark of the nine runners tower!


The heart was beating, and he felt his breathing was a little short.

At the same time, my mind changes, thinking about all kinds of possibilities.

The mark of the Ninth Round of Reincarnation appears on this floor, and it must have been Ning Tianlin's fall. There are only two results. Or, he will die when Ning Tianlin's minced meat is brought in. He couldn't reorganize at all!

This possibility is extremely great!

He doesn't think that anyone who can't restructure can still live, even if he has an immortal body!

Second, the probability is not large, it is estimated to be only 10%, that is, he Ning Tianlin did not die, and went directly to the Nine Runners Tower to take refuge, leaving only this mark here. The Nine Runners Reincarnation Tower is a peerless relic.

The existence of the Lord of the Universe is not comparable, it will not be torn by space, and it will survive.

"I think the first one may be bigger. He is dead!"

King Tashan doesn't think Ning Tianlin will survive this situation.

Didn't see the mark of the Nine Runners Tower come out?

"Yes or no, just try it out!"


As soon as he reached out, he grabbed this golden mark in his hands, and then covered his mind. Immediately, he passed his mark through this mark, and another world appeared in front of his eyes.

Everything is so new.

There is Yincao Difu, but there is no main hall, no Naihe bridge, no three living stones, and everything in the holy place of the human race.

But he knew that Tashan King sent it himself!


This is the mark of a new nine-revolver tower!

Nothing at all!

It is very likely that Ning Tianlin is dead, and this mark reverts to chaos!



"Really developed!"

King Tashan wanted to laugh wildly, Ning Tianlin was dead!

Definitely dead!

Otherwise, the nine-round reincarnation tower that he imprinted on will not be able to revert to chaos. There is nothing, just like the one he snatched from that year!

Ning Tianlin died and gave himself a big gift!

A gift that I never thought of!

With this thing, he might break through the universe and become a higher-level being!

After all, in this world, no one has ever owned the mark of two nine-revolver towers at once!

"Ning Tianlin, Ning Tianlin, what you hide is deep enough. Even if you own this thing, no one knows it. Unfortunately, this time it's cheaper for me." Tashan Wang felt that he really did not take the risk Take it for nothing.

What aura Xinghai, what alchemy pond, etc. that the rest of the universe masters get are dregs!

Compared with these nine runners towers, all are waste!

Let you fight, I am the last one to fall to Big Fish.


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