Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1716: When will you return? (Fifth)

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"Find the third mark."

Tashan Wang smiled bitterly in the heart, this kind of thing, which is so easy to do.

For this existence, he did not know how many years he had not found a second clue. This time, he still made a mistake by hitting Ning Tianlin's body.

I don't know when it is time to get the next one.

at the same time.

In a huge tomb.

A white eight-tailed sky fox was shocked to see the news from his own hands, some were unbelievable.


"Ning Tianlin is dead?"

how can that be!

Ning Tianlin is undead! There is even an invincible golden body, no one can kill, how could they die like that!


Absolutely impossible!

Ning Tianlin, but the hope of the earth's future, how can this fall.

"Is the message accurate?"

"Who came from?"

This Eight-Tailed Sky Fox was exactly the same Su Fei who had an intersection with Ning Tianlin that day, but also a pair of Wu Dao Xuan who escaped from the yin and yang ponds. She is a star warrior. Tibet.

Because their race is also the sinful race of the starry sky.

However, because there has been no power and no threat, for real big brothers, they are just like mice, they are not scared at all, they only think of fighting occasionally.

This is the biggest reason why they can live to the present.

"The whole universe has spread!"

"Ning Tianlin is dead, it is the active hand of countless universes!"

In the eyes of the fox, the horror also appeared in shock. What kind of existence is this? Countless masters of the universe must come together and start to work. Kill two Lords of the Universe! "

"This annoyed the group of the Lord of the Universe, fearing to be threatened by him, they all gathered together and besieged him in the Temple of Wanderers, and then Ning Tianlin was killed and killed!"


Ning Tianlin killed two masters of the universe?

There is also a lord of the hall without paranoia.

Sophie could hardly believe her ears.

how can that be!

Twenty years ago, when she and Ning Tianlin met, he was just a warrior in the realm of stars. How can he pass this time now, and he can beheaded and killed the Lord of the Unintentional Palace?

What a joke.

No matter how fast we can make progress, it won't be so fast!

"The news is spread like this." Although the fox's eyes were unbelievable, he nodded. "And in order to check the accuracy of the news, I started two spies of our fox family in the human race."

"If they return, these news are true!"

"Even the Wandering Hall without the Wandering Hall Lord no longer exists, divided by the Lords of the universe of the human race."

This. . .

Hearing here, Sophie knew that it was likely to be true.

All use the spies hidden in the human race, then there should be nothing wrong.

In particular, there is no hall of no delusion, which is more likely to be true!

Who would dare to do such a thing if the Lord of the Hall was still alive!


In an instant, Sophie was in extreme depression and sadness.

Is it naive to die on earth?

Ning Tianlin is the most critical genius for the re-emergence of the earth. How could he be so dead!

Moreover, she has communicated with Ning Tianlin, has had intersections, is kind to herself, and has helped Wu Dao Xuan, how can she go so easily?

"Where is his flesh?"

"Which city gate was it hung from?"

Su Fe suddenly thought of a question, "Ning Tianlin has kindness to me and Dao Xuan. If he is still physically, we must find ways to **** it back!"

Moreover, based on her knowledge of the masters of the universe, especially the people who have died without the master of the temple, she will definitely give Ning Tianlin the hanging city wall to emulate. For hundreds of millions of years, they have no idea how many people have been hung there.


"Mr. Ning has no physical body."

The confession of Tianhu said, "It is said that he was driven into the void, then disappeared, and finally Tashan King swallowed the Temple of Wuli, including the space where Ning Gongzi disappeared. Therefore, there was no body of Ning Gongzi. "


Sophie blinked.

The absence of a corpse does not mean that Ning Tianlin has died!

What happened to King Tashan?

The first person in ancient times was not confirmed to have died by you. How can you still remember the fear of him?

"The son of Ning has a bell jar, he doesn't necessarily die like that!"

"Come down and let the clan and other forces check. Whenever there is news from Ning Tianlin, come and report immediately!"

Sophie knew that she thought and did this way, which was a little too optimistic, after all, it was confirmed by King Tashan.

But she didn't want to believe that fact.

Moreover, she believes that Ning Tianlin's means of escape and luck in these years, otherwise, he would not be able to do such a sensation in the universe at such a young age.

Without a corpse, he cannot be proven dead!

Maybe he is still alive!

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, you cannot give up.

"Yes, closely monitor King Tashan and his holy land!"

"He was the last one to devour the Temple of Wonderlessness. Ning Tianlin died or not. He should know best."

Sophie stopped the maid who was about to leave and ordered.


The maid nodded, and felt that she should focus on King Tashan.


Sophie thought for a moment, gritted her teeth, turned directly, left the huge tomb, and flew towards a forbidden space in the universe.

Ning Tianlin once told him that Wu Daoxuan went there in search of his master.

She's going there too!

If possible, she hopes that the masters of the Earth human race hidden in the dark can take a shot and teach these people a lesson!

In these years, they have been too aggrieved.

One lived like a mouse in the dark,

When will it be just like the Earthlings of that year, wherever they go, they will be respected and enjoy noble treatment.

"I hope this day will not be far away."

Sophie knew.

All the earth forces hidden in the dark, they are waiting.

Waiting for that man's return.

At that time, the opponent has a trick. Definitely heroes gather, shuffle the order of this universe!

Let the earth return to the top of the universe.

But where is he now?

I don't know how many people are waiting for his return.

She knew that Ning Tianlin was not that person, because Ning Tianlin had told him that he had nothing to do with the first person in ancient times!

But if Ning Tianlin is not, where is he anyway?

I just hope he can return as soon as possible, and then lead them to suppress all the thousands of races in the universe!


His body flickered and flew towards the starry sky, the desert sand of one of the three forbidden places!

Fifth more.

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