Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1721: Coming to Nether Space (Tenth more!)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Where exactly does this nether space communicate?"

This is also a big question in Ning Tianlin's mind.

I asked King Luo Luo, but King Luo didn't say, I asked about the combat system, and the system did not answer.

As if there was a great secret hidden inside.

"It's like another world here."

Ning Tianlin looked at the huge creatures hovering in the void, and some of them were embarrassed. The opponent's fighting power was probably at the level of the universe master. Even if he recovered to the peak, he could not be his opponent.


When the other person's golden eyes shrouded him, just when he burst into violence, Ning Tianlin quickly retreated behind the ancient bronze gate and returned to Yincaodi Mansion.

He even felt that his nine-round reincarnation tower with three layers of golden marks in total was even more terrifying than King Luo.


"My Jiuyou Lanji and Jiuyang Hongji don't know what happened?"

Ning Tianlin suddenly thought of a problem.

Some buns.

When he was just in the nether space, he forgot this!

Jiuyou Lanji and Jiuyang Hongji are two plants that he obtained in the sky of the mech. When they devoured the sky, they also swallowed them all into their own nether space.

Jiuyou Lanji absorbs negative emotions such as mania and tyranny of the universe, while Jiuyang Hongji absorbs positive emotions such as happiness, joy, and joy.

Connecting the universe in all directions is the breath purifier in the universe.

And the two plants, the agglomerated magic crystals, are the root of the consciousness of the mech tribe.

Without them, the mechanical clan would be unconscious.

Ning Tianlin knows that in this world, the one who wants to find this thing most is their mechanical family!

Because without this, they will be destroyed!

These two plants are connected to all the space in the universe, even the endless void. Hundred years ago, he was trapped in the vortex of space, and he could leave at any time through these two plants loaded into his own ghost space.

They can absorb emotions everywhere.

He Ning Tianlin can also pass through them and enter his own nether space at any time.

Therefore, although he is now only a star warrior, he is absolutely fearless against any strongman. Even if it is really suppressed, he can choose to explode and resurrect him through the second **** on earth. .


Ning Tianlin thought about it, canceled the invincible golden light, sacrificed super stealth, and then entered the nether space again. After a while, he even swallowed a star dan, allowing him to maintain his full combat power for several months.


When he walked in again, he did not attract the attention of the giant creatures circling in the air.

"It seems to be the master of the universe!"

"Today's super stealth can also be concealed, the highest is the Lord of the universe!"

Ning Tianlin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and he was afraid that there would be a more terrifying existence in this place than the Lord of the Universe.


Constantly flying, according to the original position, pushing Jiuyou Lanji and Jiuyang Hongji.

It ’s just that the change is too big. After a thorough fusion, the nether space is wider and larger. He does n’t even know how long it will take to find the two plants. Not only does the space change, but also the location , Are moving significantly.


Just with the guidance of the combat system, everything is just a matter of time.

ten minutes later.

Flying fast, he appeared in front of two huge plants.


"Get taller, bigger!"

"The colors have become more vibrant!"

When Ning Tianlin appeared here, he was happy.

Because there are many magic crystal roots on these two plants, there are more than thousands of them, which means that he would be able to pick them down and increase his energy.

However, when he saw the flowers on the two plants, his face changed.

Nine flowers!

These two plants each have more than nine stunning flowers!

There were only eight in the secret world of the mechanical clan that day!

He clearly remembered that the combat system had told him that eight flowers bloomed, which meant that the two plants were asleep. If nine flowers were bloomed, it meant that the two plants were awake!

In other words, these two plants are now awake!

Their grades have reached the level of the Lord of the universe!

"The picking is a bit more troublesome."

Ning Tianlin originally wanted to pluck all mature magic crystals without disturbing them, but now it seems impossible. In other words, he must take what he wants under the gaze of the two masters of the universe!

"Well, you can only bite your head!"

Ning Tianlin used super stealth, and when he was close to a source of magic crystal, he immediately reached out and picked one.


But the next moment, his whole body shattered into a pile of flesh.

He didn't use the invincible golden body, because this thing didn't have much effect in front of these two creatures. Their branches were scattered and they could wrap their bodies at any time! Invincible golden light can resist damage, but it cannot stop this entangled attack.


But the next moment, Ning Tianlin reorganized, and picked another one directly.


But then, his body was smashed and killed again by Jiuyou Lanji.

But Ning Tianlin ignored it, and kept repeating the operation like this. The origin of these magic crystals was a big supplement for him, but reuniting the flesh was only a little consumption.

How many times did he die for the sake of energy.

He was even punched into the void several times, and he re-drilled out and continued to extract!

The two plants did not suppress his treasure, at most it was entangled, but after he broke up his body, he recovered.


In this way, when more than half a day passed, when Ning Tianlin picked the general source of magic crystals, he saw that both plants stopped at him and allowed him to pick them.

There are also moments of discomfort.

"what happened?"

"Why don't you kill?"

Ning Tianlin asked the two plants while harvesting.

"Are you sorry?"

Jiuyou Lanji's eyes showed anger, "We can kill you early!"

"Hurry up!"

"Fuck off!"

On the trunks of Jiuyou Lanji and Jiuyang Hongji, there are two faces of a man and a woman, all of which show helplessness and anger.

What can they do?

All the means have been used, why can't this person, what else can they do?

Moreover, these things of the source of the magic crystal are just ripe fruits for them, and they are not so important to them. After a few days no one picks them, they will fall off automatically and become the source of floating in the air.

Note: The tenth is over. Thank you for your support and thank you for your reward. I also request support for the new book, "Super Invincible Family Owner", now more than 300,000 words. . Thank you all for searching for new books, hehe.

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