Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1723: How come so much energy

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Wrong, we were wrong."

At this moment, Jiuyang Hongji, who is not in the right situation, quickly said, "My son, we were wrong. She said something wrong, don't mind her."

"It's not good to kill and kill, quickly put away the weapons, let's talk well."

Jiuyang Hongji also felt afraid at this time, and quickly became a peacemaker.

"What's wrong!"

"A warrior in the astral realm is nothing but a bluff, can he really kill me?"

Jiuyin Lanji didn't appreciate it at all, and bitterly screamed at Ning Tianlin.

She really doesn't believe there is such a thing in the world!

An astral realm who can kill the Lord of the universe!

She has lived for so many years and has never seen it, let alone heard of it!

The kid in front of him is absolutely bluffing.

"Ha ha."

"it is good!"

"Since you're looking for death, I will fulfill you!"


Ning Tianlin started, and the dazzling light emitted by the Fangtian Huaji in his hands, the endless universe of laws, and the rules of the heavens rushed out directly from the tip of Fangtian Huaji.

In an instant, the golden light was dazzling and fascinated by each other's eyes!


It's just that this golden light didn't cut to Jiuyou Lanji, but instead went straight to the sky and chopped down a golden bird that had been hovering above!

The huge body fell quickly, and the blood spilled from the air almost stained the whole world.


When Jiuyin Lanji just opened her eyes, she just saw this scene, and she was so scared.

Because she knew what level the bird was.

Lord of the universe!

He is only one grade behind today!

These days, constantly hovering here to see if I can find an opportunity to take away a source of magic crystals from them, and even have dealt with them twice. For a short time, no one can do anything.

But now, he is dead!

It was really killed by the young man in front!

It is the Lord of the universe!

how can that be!

A star-level warrior really killed the Lord of the universe! Even today they can't do it!

Still a trick!


Involuntarily, Jiuyou Lanji and Jiuyang Hongji both swallowed.

Unbelievably staring at the young man.

Especially Jiuyin Lanji, her branches were trembling, obviously frightened.


At the same time, the huge body of the big bird fell on the ground, and Ning Tianlin simply ignored the two plants in panic, and summoned the figure of Wanzuya directly, and clicked and clicked the body of this creature. Swallow it all.

However, Ning Tianlin was also aggressive at the moment.

Because the combat system just reminded him, he killed the big bird, and the energy points he got were even higher than half a million!

how can that be!

Almost dozens or even hundreds of times outside!

Even outside, he killed and killed the Lord of the Universe, the 9th chapter of the Wudu Temple, and the wooden cricket, but they only received thousands of energy points, but this time it was 500,000!

how can that be!

Isn't this big bird even more powerful than the Lord of the Unintentional Hall?


The strength of this big bird is just the Lord of the Universe, but the Lord of the Unintentional Palace is the Lord of the Universe.

"Did it?"

Soon, Ning Tianlin thought of one possibility, which was his shock.

Could this essence point be converted according to this nether space?

For example, the Lord of the Wandering Palace, he is the Lord of the Universe nine sections outside. Here, it is definitely beyond the Lord ’s three sections of the universe, or even lower. .

The nine masters of the universe should be obtained for him. . .



Ning Tianlin shook his head, some buns,

What's going on.

Even the Ninth Master of the Universe, it should not be the 500,000 points of his essence!

Already bursting into excess!

Even more than any Essence Points he has ever earned!

"Star Wars, wouldn't you be wrong?"

"How so high?"

Ning Tianlin hurriedly asked the combat effectiveness system, but the combat effectiveness system answered him with a sneer, "You are insulting my IQ. Do you think I can count wrongly? Just because the universe has collapsed, I cannot be wrong!"

Obviously, this is true.

The fact that Ning Tianlin is totally uncertain now.

"it is good."

"Since you're not wrong, I have nothing to care about."

Ning Tianlin said directly in his heart, "It's me who touches anyway, so why should I pursue it!"

I don't think about it.

Anyway, I can earn more energy points than I ever have.

Why bother!


Then he shook his body, got rid of this doubt, and set his eyes directly on the side of Jiuyin Lanji and Jiuyang Hongji. "How?"

"Can I kill you?"

Ning Tianlin finally closed his hand, instead of killing the Blue You Ji, but the big bird hovering in the air.

After all, this is a hen who lays eggs and can provide herself with some energy every day. Although I angered myself, it was not unforgivable to look at the face of great vigor. But now that she has killed the chicken and tamarin, if she dares to be extravagant, she will be the first to kill her a hundred years later!

He just used the second chance of super beheading just now!

But the effect is good, the harvest is almost incredible!



"We really know it was wrong."

Jiuyang Hongji was obviously a cartilage and quickly apologized. At this time, Jiuyin Lanji didn't dare to talk any more.

This young man is really too scary!

Can really kill the Lord of the universe!

No wonder he will bring them to this place, he must have something different from ordinary people.


Ning Tianlin snorted coldly through his nostrils, and it seemed that it was still useful to kill chickens and tamarins.

As long as you obediently contribute to your spirit later, this time will be fine.


At this time, Wan Zuyu swallowed the big bird and appeared next to Ning Tianlin. The space ring obtained from the opponent was delivered to Ning Tianlin and was taken over by Ning Tianlin.

But at this time, Ning Tianlin didn't notice the shocking colors of Jiu You Lan Ji and Jiu Yang Hong Ji looking at Wan Zuyu.

"It's it!"

"How could it be!"

"Isn't it dead?"

"How are you alive"!

The horror in the eyes of the two plants was even more frightening than seeing Ning Tianlin beheading the Lord of the universe.

Those who shouldn't exist in this world are actually alive again, how can they not be shocked!


It's just that Ning Tianlin and Ben didn't notice the eyes of the two plants, because at this moment, he was shocked by the essence of the space ring.

Eight hundred thousand by him!

He actually reached 800,000 by him!

More than 300,000 more than just killed the bird!

Far beyond the imagination of Ning Tianlin!

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