Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1751: Ao Ming's Fear

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Did you just cause the spatial change?"

Jiuyou Lanji asked Ning Tianlin.

They all felt that this space was spreading indefinitely, as if the earth was torn apart and the sky stretched endlessly.

"You guessed it."

With a smile, Ning Tianlin flickered and disappeared into this world.

He doesn't have much to say about these two plants, only he knows that these two plants are not suppressed.

It's the Lord of the Universe.

Asked about the combat system and didn't tell him why.

However, it is clear that the progress of these two plants is greater than that in the outer space. They seem to be able to absorb the emotions of the creatures here!

And devour their emotions, progress faster!

"I don't know much about it here."

Ning Tianlin didn't hide this time, but suspended in the void, and set his eyes on the deeper part of this nether space.

There didn't seem to be any birds or beasts in that area, and it seemed a bit silent.

However, Ning Tianlin, who knows the strangeness of this place, is sure that there are more horrible creatures in that space, and they do not know whether their fighting power has broken through the existence of the universe master.

He also clearly remembers that at the last moment of King Yan Luo's ghostly space, there was a huge claw that made King Yan Luo extremely frightened.

You know, at that time, King Yan Luo had just been promoted to the master of the universe.

That thing is at least the nine masters of the universe, and even higher!

It was only that Ning Tianlin did not continue to run wildly, but he knew several losses. Those guys here have not been suppressed because of their fighting power, and with their current fighting power, unless the other party takes the initiative to appear, otherwise they are extremely difficult to detect.

Maybe he has now been found by those more powerful birds and monsters, and is staring at himself in the dark.

He is now able to slay the Lord of the Universe five segments, but there are too many six or seven segments of the Lord of the Universe here. When he was in stealth, he had seen several, and he still had no strength to kill them.

But it was fine to escape.

at the same time.

Although the six-toed mixed dragon Ao Ming stayed in the soul-gathering bottle at this moment, he was always concerned about the outside state. After all, he and the young man were already tied together, especially in this nether space. .

He also rarely enters this nether space, at most it just goes out around this periphery, after all, the combat power is too strong to suppress,

Moreover, he is only a state of soul. If he really dies, he will die completely, and there is no chance of resurrection.

But he did not expect that the young man's fighting power was not suppressed at all, as if he swallowed something and blocked the suppression of the rules of the world!

You know, when he got these nine reincarnation towers, he was suppressed in the nether space, and there was no exception!

"Although your combat effectiveness has not been suppressed, you better not go away and leave here early to avoid causing unnecessary trouble."

Six-toed mixed dragons reminded him that now he needs to rely on Ning Tianlin to help him repair his soul, naturally he won't watch him torn to pieces here.

In this area, there are huge numbers of various creatures. It can't be fatal with one hit, and in the end, there will only be more and more souls coming to this place, and even the real strong in the nether space will be attracted. By then ... I'm afraid it will be trouble.

Ning Tianlin nodded slightly, the other party did not understand his life-saving means, no matter to him or himself, reminding is also kind.

"All the creatures in this ghostly space leave the ghostly space as if the fish left the water and die automatically. This is the law of these creatures in this ghostly space. Although they are not suppressed by the fighting force, they are absolutely strong, but It's also limited to the nether space. "

The six-toed mixed dragon's faint saying, this is the law of heaven and earth. No one can change it. At least he doesn't know anyone, even his master has tried it, but none succeeded.

Hearing the words, Ning Tianlin said: "I don't know how this nether space appeared, and the rules of this heaven are indeed strange. Here is just the outermost part of the nether space. If it is the deepest, I don't know there will be ...?"

Ning Tianlin's voice just said here, that is, he turned his eyes to the six-toed hybrid dragon. He noticed that the six-toed hybrid dragon on the side, when he heard the deepest part of the nether space, there was a touch of concealment on his face. Prudent color.

With his mouth slightly open, he looked at the prudent color on the face of the six-toed mixed dragon. This moment, Ning Tianlin suddenly felt some surprise. As the strongest master of the universe, he remembered something, but he just remembered it. There will be such solemn prudence.

"damn it......"

What terrible existence is in the deepest part of the nether space? How could it make such a look of a strong man who was once the Lord of the Universe?

The weird and weird atmosphere lingered around him. After a long while, he broke away in the sighing sound of the six-toed mixed dragon, and it seemed to ease from that memory.

"Young man, for your help, the old man advises you not to look curiously into the deep space."

"The old man knows that you must have many means, but I still want to persuade you that in the face of the real strong, there is no absolute strength. Any means is useless and useless."

The six-toed mixed dragon took a deep breath and waved his hand slowly.

"Although I don't know what's in there, I can sense it very vaguely. There is a terrible existence ..."

Seeing the dignified complexion of the six-toed dragon, Ning Tianlin swallowed a spit, which made a master of the universe nine sections so cautious. In the end, there was any terrible creature in the dark space.

"The unknown is the scariest."

"I can feel the horror deep in the nether space a little bit, but also because when I had the fourth floor of the Nine Runners Tower, I was full of curiosity in the nether space like you."

"And when I really felt terrible, it was in the master of many universes that the fourth layer collapsed with the secret method, and then I was faintly aware, otherwise it was absolutely difficult to detect."

"It's just the one that's about to collapse on the fourth floor. One of the contact between the old man and the nether space is the trembling from the soul from the soles of the feet to the heavenly cover.

Looking back at the past, Ao Ming was also numb to his soul.

On that day, only a pair of eyes appeared, and he gave him a slight glance, as if his body was numb, and it was difficult to move.

And those eyes, he has not forgotten so far.

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